What is with this place?

Obviously the one who is posting that they tape their managers is unaware of the legal ramifications. You can play the tape to management, put it on youtube or sell it to TMZ, but try and play it in a courtroom and see what that gets you. In most states it is inadmissable. Ask any attorney

Astellas would never allow any case with hard evidence, like a recording to ever go to a trial! No organization would.

The ENTIRE Astellas culture can and is a bully-system. Don't bother going to HR either, they brought in the bullies and they will protect them no matter how bad they behave or perform.

HR = Hate and Retaliation.

I agree but at least if your going to sue you can show that you tried to going through the right channels to get help. Fear and intimidation rule!

You losers should go to work for Pfizer, where every year 2 weeks before Christmas there is a lay-off. You guys have no clue what an incompetent or passive-aggressive company is, because this is your first job and you are young and LAZY!!!

You losers should go to work for Pfizer, where every year 2 weeks before Christmas there is a lay-off. You guys have no clue what an incompetent or passive-aggressive company is, because this is your first job and you are young and LAZY!!!

1) That is what you get into working for Pfizer. It's a choice.

2) What district do you manage?

3) Do you say these things to them to make them feel like they are so fortunate to work for mid
size organization that has no clue on how to set up a comp/award plan that works for EVERY
area within the country?

4) While we are wasting time out of the field doing the EMC courses are you taking the how to
be a passive aggressive course?

Astellas continues to keep its racist culture. Just look at the leadership of Astellas, You have to be either Japanese which would make sense since this is a Japanese company or you have to be a white male or female. Being part of what is called Northshore culture, if you are in HQ in Illinois, is really a plus.

Otherwise, you will be pushed out for various reasons, they call it a cultural difference, by the HR that once again is a 90% white. I am completing my PhD thesis in business culture and psychology and have look at and interviewed many former and current employees from 3 different Pharma culture; American, European and Japanese. I sampled 2 to 4 companies from each region; Pfizer, JJ, BMS, Giliad, Sanofi, Astellas, TAKEDA, GSK etc. Unfortunately worst companies were Astellas, followed by TAKEDA. I also realized that among Pharma companies that had their HQ or major office in USA, Midwest had a worst repetition and again, Astellas was in top of the list followed by TAKEDA, Abbott/Abbvie etc. After that with the help from colleagues, I ran a search about some folks who are working in such companies and interestingly found out that in Astellas also contains folks who have had right wing exteremist attitude and or have even been sympathizer of well known right wing radicals. One specific case is a female employee of Astellas HR who had lived in California and during such time, actively had participated in radical right wing groups.
There were similar cases in Abbvie.
Thus far my research had shown that Midwest companies in general and Japanese companies specifically have the worst work environment, unfortunately Astellas is in the top.

I agree the bad culture at Astellas is perpetuated by HR. The problem is pervasive in all departments because HR put in leadership that rules by intimidation.

However, I think to your argument that Astellas' problems come from having mostly white, mid-western leaders would be hard to substantiate because many leaders are originally from states on East and West coast. Many leaders are rejects from other Pharma companies that need this job and will do unethical things to survive.

Also having more minorities may or may not improve the culture here. The minorities we do have in HR participate in the dishonesty and one is the lead hatchet lady that inspires fear when she walks around Northbrook. And look at the minorities in IT, just yes-men that are afraid to say anything unless it is positive - complete lemmings. My point is the diversity we do have seems to toe the Astellas line too so why would more diversity help our culture.

I think being a Japanese company hurts Astellas because the Japanese lack understanding or oversight of what is going on in the US. Do they know high turn-over rates in ALL departments is a sign of a sick culture? Do they know how much Astellas looses in brain drain when you loose good employees? Do they know how much money is lost in employee settlements? Or do they believe the non-sense that upper management feeds them as Astellas wins in 2013 "Company of the Year award" and "Top 100 Best Places to Work in IT by Computerworld"?

How in the heck does this company win any awards except through manipulating data and out-right lying?

While we sit here complaining of the abusive culture here at Astellas our all-white male management team is on vacation getting drunk at the Summit Club. Only at Astellas would such egregious and irresponsible behavior be allowed under the sham of a salesforce award trip. I continue to be disappointed in upper management here and pray every day that significant changes will be made at the top to get this company back on track.

Unfortunately, leader of groups destroying Astellas are in the Legal, HR and Compliance. All of them attorneys. Nothing good comes out when they are attorneys in charge of organization. Just look at our Congress.

Head of HR is an attorney along with head of Legal, they increase their salaries and bonuses in the expense of our daily work. At the end they have not accomplished anything.

Just come to the parking lot and see the cars they are driving. Amazing! HR is a bully and will get rid of anyone who challenges them. Legal team supports them since they do not want anyone to question their work.

I have been working here many years but since I am not Jewish Female, I am not going anywhere. Talk about reverse racism.

If you just did your job right no one would have to have to check up on you. Clearly, where their smoke there's fire.

What a stupid and trite idiom. There have been too many good leaders that have been forced out of Astellas by the mediocre bullies and their obedient sheep.

I have first hand knowledge of several people that were rated as high performers one year and then put on performance plans the next year.

"If you just did your job right no one would have to have to check up on you. Clearly, where their smoke there's fire."

Reply With Quote:

This is what stupidity and being a bully sounds like. Is this North Korea or China? We can't have independent thinking? How stupid and desparate Our HR and legal department are that monitor these sites. Drop outs who are running HR in Astellas. Let see we have neo-nazi who has fled California, kicked out of her former job and since she is a blonde woman works here. We have her boss who is a drop out and no one else can hire him and we have plenty of their friends who like to bend over and kiss up to their masters in Japan. What a lovely culture we have.

If you just did your job right no one would have to have to check up on you. Clearly, where their smoke there's fire.

So are you an RSM, HR, Legal? The only way you a fellow rep
Is if you are in Florida or Texas where all of your scripts are possible because your positive formulary wins are bought with the no contract 100% reimbursed scripts in the Midwest . Or maybe all of the paid speakers you have in your regions! Next up, HR scrambles to cover up amount of paid speakers in these areas!

So are you an RSM, HR, Legal? The only way you a fellow rep
Is if you are in Florida or Texas where all of your scripts are possible because your positive formulary wins are bought with the no contract 100% reimbursed scripts in the Midwest . Or maybe all of the paid speakers you have in your regions! Next up, HR scrambles to cover up amount of paid speakers in these areas!

Number of speakers in TX alone is astounding. Sounds like the program is ending soon.

This thread was started on July 24th and has over 12k views in 2 months. Do we need any further evidence that this place sucks!!! NO need for an HR led Engagement Survey that allows senior management an opportunity to SPIN their nonsense. Message to senior management and HR... stop spending time and $ on internal "spin" and bogus self-promoting and focus more effort on fixing the culture! Now!!!

This thread was started on July 24th and has over 12k views in 2 months. Do we need any further evidence that this place sucks!!! NO need for an HR led Engagement Survey that allows senior management an opportunity to SPIN their nonsense. Message to senior management and HR... stop spending time and $ on internal "spin" and bogus self-promoting and focus more effort on fixing the culture! Now!!!

Well said, Bravo! Just right the ship already and start appreciating the people handing them record sales each year! $1 more? How about that translating into more feasible goals, after all, it's only $1 more

Well said, Bravo! Just right the ship already and start appreciating the people handing them record sales each year! $1 more? How about that translating into more feasible goals, after all, it's only $1 more

Now there's a quandary. How exactly did $1 more translate into >40% growth projection? I'm no math genius but...

$1 more, how f'n crazy is that. And for gods sake, stop with all the training bullshit!!! If I have to attend another Webex or read another kindergarten level module on how to sell in this market I'm gonna puke!

Astellas continues to keep its racist culture. Just look at the leadership of Astellas, You have to be either Japanese which would make sense since this is a Japanese company or you have to be a white male or female. Being part of what is called Northshore culture, if you are in HQ in Illinois, is really a plus.

Otherwise, you will be pushed out for various reasons, they call it a cultural difference, by the HR that once again is a 90% white. I am completing my PhD thesis in business culture and psychology and have look at and interviewed many former and current employees from 3 different Pharma culture; American, European and Japanese. I sampled 2 to 4 companies from each region; Pfizer, JJ, BMS, Giliad, Sanofi, Astellas, TAKEDA, GSK etc. Unfortunately worst companies were Astellas, followed by TAKEDA. I also realized that among Pharma companies that had their HQ or major office in USA, Midwest had a worst repetition and again, Astellas was in top of the list followed by TAKEDA, Abbott/Abbvie etc. After that with the help from colleagues, I ran a search about some folks who are working in such companies and interestingly found out that in Astellas also contains folks who have had right wing exteremist attitude and or have even been sympathizer of well known right wing radicals. One specific case is a female employee of Astellas HR who had lived in California and during such time, actively had participated in radical right wing groups.
There were similar cases in Abbvie.
Thus far my research had shown that Midwest companies in general and Japanese companies specifically have the worst work environment, unfortunately Astellas is in the top.

I hope somebody proofreads your Ph.D. thesis because you cannot write a literate sentence. Perhaps your inability to write standard English is holding you back.

I also think you are full of it! I've seen your sob story in your previous poorly written posts. Please keep us entertained with the results of your next "Research" .

I hope somebody proofreads your Ph.D. thesis because you cannot write a literate sentence. Perhaps your inability to write standard English is holding you back.

I also think you are full of it! I've seen your sob story in your previous poorly written posts. Please keep us entertained with the results of your next "Research" .

Oh hello HR, legal or RSM. Never takes long for your negative comment.......I'd rather sell $1 more than hear your 2 cents!