What is with this place?

Hey, you are so tough! Listen, each and everyone of you that work at Astellas have signed the "at will" clause. You can be fired because they don't like the color of your shoes. Simple as that. Unless you have proof, documented proof, that you have been discriminated against, harassed, bullied, then you have no friggin chance for any lawsuit. Any employment atty. will tell you that. HR is wise in not letting any paper trails exist. If it has been decided by ASD and above that your asss is gone, then see ya on the next cartoon!

What do you think all the mgr meetings discuss, it sure isn't products. It is 'managing for top performance'. In other words, how to keep the turnover fresh and intimidate through actions towards others. You will not find another pharma job worth a crap, so get over your self indulgence and sense of importance. The people in charge laugh at comments like yours and play you like a toy! You are in a sad and depressing industry. Kind of like an old Mad Max movie. I have been to the top of the mountain and seen the burning bush. Everything is worse than you know.

It's called record your conversations over phone or during ride alongs! I know I do! That's your proof.

That'll work. APUS just settled a few months ago with another former DL employee. I believe it 1/2 a million. "At will" only goes so far. EEOC involvement usually means a cash payout.

They probably paid 1/2 a million for the person to NOT go to the EEOC. They need to wise up. I agree that "at will" only goes do far.

I have a teammate that has wisely recorded conversations that are not pretty.

Took advice in this post and recorded my RSM field-ride today and "coaching" after the call. Complete BS...Looks like this is the best way to protect myself from this idiot. Thanks for the tip!

Starts at the top and rolls downhill. A few years ago, culture shifted to all reps being viewed as pawns and replaceable. Now it's make your unreasonable quota every period or start looking for a new job. Only way to avoid the bullying is to join the Guiding Coalition aka Glee Club!

Took advice in this post and recorded my RSM field-ride today and "coaching" after the call. Complete BS...Looks like this is the best way to protect myself from this idiot. Thanks for the tip!

Good for you! Don't let yourself get victimized. It's one thing if someone never works or is just a complete disaster. The problem is there are too many reps that have issues out if their control and they are treated terribly. This at will thing has merit but remember it's cases like this that change laws to protect people!!

Two things. Start looking for another job now. If they want you gone you will be eventually. Second, you'll know it's coming when they quit talking to you. There's always a period of no communication right before you get whacked. Watched it happen several times. Sorry but if your RSM is that bad you'll be better off somewhere else anyway.

This is a deeply ingrained cultural issue and it's cultivated at the top. What other company do you know of that invests money in training employees on trust?? That's a pretty clear message that NO ONE trusts management here. Very sad and hard to fix since it's driven by actions and behaviors at the top level.

If I knew then what I know now, I never would have come to Astellas. The passive aggressive culture, good people being run off, intimidation tactics used by managers. It's all too messed up! How do you build a company when everyone is a just replaceable warm body?

If I knew then what I know now, I never would have come to Astellas. The passive aggressive culture, good people being run off, intimidation tactics used by managers. It's all too messed up! How do you build a company when everyone is a just replaceable warm body?

The managers don't even care about turnover and what it does to a territory. It's awful. They also think nothing they do is wrong. The garbage that comes from my RSM's mouth is just sickening.

Obviously the one who is posting that they tape their managers is unaware of the legal ramifications. You can play the tape to management, put it on youtube or sell it to TMZ, but try and play it in a courtroom and see what that gets you. In most states it is inadmissable. Ask any attorney

The ENTIRE Astellas culture can and is a bully-system. Don't bother going to HR either, they brought in the bullies and they will protect them no matter how bad they behave or perform.

HR = Hate and Retaliation.

Obviously the one who is posting that they tape their managers is unaware of the legal ramifications. You can play the tape to management, put it on youtube or sell it to TMZ, but try and play it in a courtroom and see what that gets you. In most states it is inadmissable. Ask any attorney

Not true. Many states allow a conversation to be recorded w/o consent. Furthermore, Mr or Mrs Scared RSM, in a public setting the idea of a "private conversation" is now gone and so it is allowed and permissible.