What happened to this once great company!!

Glad Pfizer is acting like a responsible adult in this Covid fight! Thanks, leadership, for all you're doing. Forget the troll naysayers, they're naive idiots. Those of us who've been around awhile, (and from other companies), appreciate your efforts. Keep up the good work. It's the real deal these days; window-dressing doesn't work in this environment. Proud of this company and glad we've left behind the reputation of being the scourge of the industry. We've matured, thankfully!
Good post.

Glad Pfizer is acting like a responsible adult in this Covid fight! Thanks, leadership, for all you're doing. Forget the troll naysayers, they're naive idiots. Those of us who've been around awhile, (and from other companies), appreciate your efforts. Keep up the good work. It's the real deal these days; window-dressing doesn't work in this environment. Proud of this company and glad we've left behind the reputation of being the scourge of the industry. We've matured, thankfully!
So you are thanking Pfizer for doing the right keeping you employed staying home while you work on home improvements & drink daily?
Yes its nice & great not to be laid off (for now) but what has Pfizer done that ALL other Pharma companies have not done?????
Nothing. While its good, it is the same thing other pharma companies are doing so it doesnt make Pfizer a great PHARMA CO.
Be greatful to be with a pharma co during this time & let's see which pharma companies lay off by Jan before you become a spokesperson Blue cool aid .
Grateful but Cautious

no she said cluster 2, thats the LEAST likely team to have any layoffs.
Cluster 2 will be effected because in IM they will pool all IM clusters together in same geography to force rank & place. While 1&3 headcount will be gutted & maybe eliminated, cluster 2 might keep same headcount but reps get displaced by a great 1 or 2 rep in same geography.

Glad Pfizer is acting like a responsible adult in this Covid fight! Thanks, leadership, for all you're doing. Forget the troll naysayers, they're naive idiots. Those of us who've been around awhile, (and from other companies), appreciate your efforts. Keep up the good work. It's the real deal these days; window-dressing doesn't work in this environment. Proud of this company and glad we've left behind the reputation of being the scourge of the industry. We've matured, thankfully!


Yea, u sound real cool. You're the Peter Pan. That smartass rep who thinks they know everything and is yet on here complaining all the time. If you don't like working for this company, then get the hell out.

Yea, u sound real cool. You're the Peter Pan. That smartass rep who thinks they know everything and is yet on here complaining all the time. If you don't like working for this company, then get the hell out.
We have fool. You are the one on here looking to see if any layoffs or downsinzin info as you are scared to death not to be able to land a job w your sillset & lack of work ethic.
Dont worry as your free ride is coming to an end very soon

"what happened to this great company"? You got old, bitter, entitled, spoiled, and lazy. Nothing happened with this great company...it's you. This company is still great and you should feel privileged to work here...especially in these days.

"what happened to this great company"? You got old, bitter, entitled, spoiled, and lazy. Nothing happened with this great company...it's you. This company is still great and you should feel privileged to work here...especially in these days.
Dude, you really need to calm down and find some friends and get a life. Step back and look at yourself. We know we our history and there’s no need to reinforce what we are all well aware of. You live on here posting on 20 boards with the same...

Dude, you really need to calm down and find some friends and get a life. Step back and look at yourself. We know we our history and there’s no need to reinforce what we are all well aware of. You live on here posting on 20 boards with the same...

ha! I love the "you post on 20 boards with the same" shit on here. That's when you've won. Is that all you got? Dude just owned you and that's your response?

ha! I love the "you post on 20 boards with the same" shit on here. That's when you've won. Is that all you got? Dude just owned you and that's your response?

posting unsubstantiated numbers and accolades on an anonymous website and thinking they influence or impact people in any fucking way, that’s a winner!

What had happen to the co?????
Simple, Poor Leadership hiring period. From CEO to reps, the last 10yrs Pfizer has left it's foundation of success & core leadership values. Actually last 15yrs is when is started w poor CEOs who hire poor Pres w poor VP then poor RDs then DMs & reps.
15yrs of trickle effect & hiring Yes people who take marching orders and do not have to think. Only Oncology has made M&A successful. All other divisions M&A & licensing deals not good. Even BMS partnership they drive the ship & take most $$$$. So that is even avg deal at best. BioSimilars & Derm just a total Cluster F with no revenue or sales & high overhead. XELJANZ is getting like that also.
Vaccines bleeding $$$$. Rare diseases not lot overhead but no growth.
IM is on its last life line w BMS deal.
Only Oncology is worth anything w decent leaders but Albert will mess that up soon like he has w the co stock.

What had happen to the co?????
Simple, Poor Leadership hiring period. From CEO to reps, the last 10yrs Pfizer has left it's foundation of success & core leadership values. Actually last 15yrs is when is started w poor CEOs who hire poor Pres w poor VP then poor RDs then DMs & reps.
15yrs of trickle effect & hiring Yes people who take marching orders and do not have to think. Only Oncology has made M&A successful. All other divisions M&A & licensing deals not good. Even BMS partnership they drive the ship & take most $$$$. So that is even avg deal at best. BioSimilars & Derm just a total Cluster F with no revenue or sales & high overhead. XELJANZ is getting like that also.
Vaccines bleeding $$$$. Rare diseases not lot overhead but no growth.
IM is on its last life line w BMS deal.
Only Oncology is worth anything w decent leaders but Albert will mess that up soon like he has w the co stock.
Ian inherited a hell of a mess; co is much better now vs 7-8 years ago. Not sure about Albert but I do think his intentions are good. I’m cautiously optimistic re company split; hopefully the Mylan piece will be steady dividend payer and remaining Pfizer is growth with appropriate P/E ratio. We will see.

Pfizer went downhill when R&D crapped out. Billions spent discovering nothing. Without great new drugs, we were left with purchasing drug portfolios. Shitty management was just the icing on the cake

Pfizer went downhill when R&D crapped out. Billions spent discovering nothing. Without great new drugs, we were left with purchasing drug portfolios. Shitty management was just the icing on the cake
Reason why Pfizer doesnt have a good pipeline is they buy these companies w good products (Lipitor, Celebrex, Prevnar, Enbrel, etc ) but Pfe brass lays off ALL the scientists that developed these good drugs. They get laid off so no more pipeline IQ & Pfe own scientist take over & pipeline dies.

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