What the Hell has happened to I&I

What happened????
It is called the Lotz Effect
Regardless of talent, a division is only good as its leader...... in this case manager instead of leader.
Richard- 18 jobs in 25yrs
Beatrice- 10 jobs in 15yrs
Jeff- never been Rep, DM, RM, NSD, nothing in sales
Summary: watered down leadership waters down the division & when attrition takes place then hiring watered down talent

The Richard & Jeff Power Hour Show

Difference between Leadership & Management. Definitely no Leadership & Management is poor at best.

Perfect case study of how Great can go to Bad very quickly in a matter of a year.
I am sure one day in a Harvard Business Review there will be a case study called "Xeljanz Empire's Fall From Glory- what NOT to do"


Difference between Leadership & Management. Definitely no Leadership & Management is poor at best.

Perfect case study of how Great can go to Bad very quickly in a matter of a year.
I am sure one day in a Harvard Business Review there will be a case study called "Xeljanz Empire's Fall From Glory- what NOT to do"
Dont have to be Einstein to figure out issues.


Difference between Leadership & Management. Definitely no Leadership & Management is poor at best.

Perfect case study of how Great can go to Bad very quickly in a matter of a year.
I am sure one day in a Harvard Business Review there will be a case study called "Xeljanz Empire's Fall From Glory- what NOT to do"
Perfectly said.
Need to just collapse Biosimilar & Xeljanz since they have no pipeline in a few yrs LOE.
Lay off 70% to 75 reps.
Let them sell Inflectra & Biosimilar Humira.

Derm just needs to be sold off for cash. It is loosing money after 300 reps overhead & the 50-60 rebates they have to give to get Eucrisa covered & then only 100mil in sales.
Historically Pfizer dumped drugs that did not generate 500mil. So holding onto a loss looser for 4yrs now is shocking.
Derm has a pipeline but all products in diseases that have awesome low side effect agents and our pipeline drugs have highest side effects .

I&I is just a mess from Global Pres down.
It is as simple as that & the Downfall ALL started with previous Global Pres Angela Wong decision to buy Anachor 19 Billion for a dog of a drug - Eucrisa..... they moved her out for that bone head moron decision but given being a minority female over 40 she actually got a pay grade promotion --- go figure that.
Exec hiring has been morbid

Perfectly said.
Need to just collapse Biosimilar & Xeljanz since they have no pipeline in a few yrs LOE.
Lay off 70% to 75 reps.
Let them sell Inflectra & Biosimilar Humira.

Derm just needs to be sold off for cash. It is loosing money after 300 reps overhead & the 50-60 rebates they have to give to get Eucrisa covered & then only 100mil in sales.
Historically Pfizer dumped drugs that did not generate 500mil. So holding onto a loss looser for 4yrs now is shocking.
Derm has a pipeline but all products in diseases that have awesome low side effect agents and our pipeline drugs have highest side effects .

I&I is just a mess from Global Pres down.
It is as simple as that & the Downfall ALL started with previous Global Pres Angela Wong decision to buy Anachor 19 Billion for a dog of a drug - Eucrisa..... they moved her out for that bone head moron decision but given being a minority female over 40 she actually got a pay grade promotion --- go figure that.
Exec hiring has been morbid
Perfect Solution to generate much needed Cash & reduce much needed expenses.
- eliminate Biosimilars
- Cut Xeljanz from 267 to 100 reps
- sell entire Derm portfolio & Biosimilars like Cellgene did w Otesla & Merck is doing w their Remicade version.
Buy a company with a Pipeline & keep the dam scientist who develop the great pipelines of companies Pfizer always buys & let the scientists go who are the brains of the compounds.

Too much mimi me Trump decisions w Xeljanz but crashed harder & faster than Trump is currently doing.
Summary I&I Culture, Business Model, Hiring, Decisions are Internal Medicine/Primary Care.

The expansion of the Xeljanz team took place before Lotz came on board. You want to blame someone for the demise of the division - look to Vic Clavelli. He is the one who put the 2 new RBDs in place. They are the ones with the primary care mindset. As for the 3 in a car stuff, Ed and Chris were pushing for that long ago. All of the RBDs are useless in my opinion. Rather than micro managing the reps with all of the metric management BS, maybe they should be Regional BUSINESS Directors and find ways to help us find business and remove roadblocks. Maybe they should try to meet with regional health plans in their regions that are not covered by managed care and try to improve formulary status for Xeljanz. Instead, they want to micro manage the reps and grind us into the ground with their demoralizing BS. If they didn't have a hostage audience at our meetings, we would walk out of their sessions after the first 2 minutes.

The expansion of the Xeljanz team took place before Lotz came on board. You want to blame someone for the demise of the division - look to Vic Clavelli. He is the one who put the 2 new RBDs in place. They are the ones with the primary care mindset. As for the 3 in a car stuff, Ed and Chris were pushing for that long ago. All of the RBDs are useless in my opinion. Rather than micro managing the reps with all of the metric management BS, maybe they should be Regional BUSINESS Directors and find ways to help us find business and remove roadblocks. Maybe they should try to meet with regional health plans in their regions that are not covered by managed care and try to improve formulary status for Xeljanz. Instead, they want to micro manage the reps and grind us into the ground with their demoralizing BS. If they didn't have a hostage audience at our meetings, we would walk out of their sessions after the first 2 minutes.
You are partial correct with the RD hires. But the expansion was championed by marketing research on Reach Freq SOV & lead by Lotz.
I was on the rep ad board expansion team of 12. We ALL recommended no expanpsion & separate sales forces with maybe a 50 rep GI sales force that would overlap 2-3 RHU territories. Vic & John were both on board but Lotz kept pushing back w marketing analysis BS. So while Vic & John responsible for 2 PC RD hires, Lotz is responsible for doubling the sales force and a combo sales force for both RHU & GI.
Also Lotz is one who has watered down mgt by hiring 4 straight Xeljanz reps to be DMs with no experience, development or traning--- basically reps who will be YES people from HQ direction & not push back.
So lets give responsibility were it is do (unless you are one of his meeting groupies)

Truths to most of these comments.
Bottom line-- Lotz is way out of position for his skill sets & it is showing by how Rinvoq is becoming the fasting growing product in pharma history making Lotz their whipping boy.
End result the best yrs of the Xeljanz division is behind it as well as peak sales.
Be proactive smart with 48m to LOE & take care of yourself & your family (per directly from Lotz himself)

Not all districts doubled the number of reps. There was opportunity for DBMs to push back. Also, changes to Xeljanz label didn't help. Sounds like some of you don't like Lotz and that's fine but it some of it sounds personal - just saying.

Lotz isn't the problem. The RDs are the problem.
You are partially right w RDs but Lotz is the main problem. Our RDs are YES men & never push back doing everything Lotz says. Virtual role plays, 3 on a VCC, monitoring metrics SOV, number of Veeva pages presented, seconds on each Veeva page--- all these metrics management has is from VP. It is not Pres as she could not even find her way thru the PI let alone US business model.
It was Lotz's marketing influence & championing activity & calls as GM of Marketing with Miles & Vic. It is Lotz doing it now.