What the Hell has happened to I&I

Not all districts doubled the number of reps. There was opportunity for DBMs to push back. Also, changes to Xeljanz label didn't help. Sounds like some of you don't like Lotz and that's fine but it some of it sounds personal - just saying.
What rock did you climb out of and were asleep for the past 5 yrs?
The division went from 110 reps to 263.
DMs went from 10 to 26.
YES every geography doubled reps because each geography was cut in half. Geeze you are either clueless or came over as a PC/IM rep in the expansion so you never had a clue.

Nope not asleep and I don't have a direct mirror so the number of people did not double. Marketing does steer the ship but it's because we have weak sales leadership that won't push back. We have RBDs who are nothing more than "yes" men who don't think for themselves and agree to whatever the person higher on the food chain says. The lack of leadership is not at the top - the lack of leadership is in the middle. The DBMs won't stand up to fight the stupid ideas that come from the RBDs. The RBDs babble on about stupid nonsense that is completely ridiculous and the DBMs chime in with "that's a great idea". Just look at the chat comments on any of the WebEx calls, people falling all over themselves to echo whatever the leaders say. Except for the last call. We must have more racists at Pfizer than previously thought. When Lotz asked others to help lead the conversation on fighting racism, only one person chatted she would help lead. It was telling. In contrast, when it was announced that one of the reps was returning to active duty, the chat exploded with "thanks for your service", "congratulations", etc. People at Pfizer lack courage. And maybe it's due to the top down, authoritarian leadership style that has been a part of Pfizer's culture for decades.