What happened to this once great company!!


What are you talking about “what happened to a great company?” This company is keeping us employed. Go work for hotels or restaurants and you’ll beg to come back. SMH!!!

What are you talking about “what happened to a great company?” This company is keeping us employed. Go work for hotels or restaurants and you’ll beg to come back. SMH!!!
Totally agree! I joined Pfizer from another company and am very impressed with how PFE's handling this crisis. My former company is making a mess of it. Know your topic before you pontificate.

Keeping us employed, but for how long? When all said and done there WILL be layoffs. If you don't believe that you are completely naive.

Figuring out a way to make Pfizer paying us through all of this to be negative. They are showing great leadership through this. Sounds like quarantine is hitting you hard. Hopefully it gets easier for you.

The best way to insure you have a job is to go out and be a leader in your territory. Having a job like this requires you to figure out how to increase salesI. Don't depend on anyone but yourself to get the job done. The salary you are receiving is paid to you to become the manager of your territory. It gets so tiring to hear all the whining that is going on. Leaders produce and don't whine. Put on your big boy pants and figure things out.

  • Woody   Mar 25, 2020 at 04:18: PM
They bought other SUCCESSFUL pharma co's….like Parke-Davis (WL), Upjohn, Searle, Wyeth, and drove them away and not they ain't got nothin....what a lousy company model. I worked for Parke-Davis and it was a great company. Did not need them to get Lipitor to sell.

The best way to insure you have a job is to go out and be a leader in your territory. Having a job like this requires you to figure out how to increase salesI. Don't depend on anyone but yourself to get the job done. The salary you are receiving is paid to you to become the manager of your territory. It gets so tiring to hear all the whining that is going on. Leaders produce and don't whine. Put on your big boy pants and figure things out.

  • Woody   Mar 25, 2020 at 07:29: PM
Hey I retired in 2010.....Pfizer Pfun a joke...but I agree with YOU....do the best you can at your job and yes it paid well. In 2000 AZ hired to me to sell Crestor and yes I did great as the Pfizer Pfun reps were lazy.....so sorry, but you my friend sound like a great rep...congrats to you!

The best way to insure you have a job is to go out and be a leader in your territory. Having a job like this requires you to figure out how to increase salesI. Don't depend on anyone but yourself to get the job done. The salary you are receiving is paid to you to become the manager of your territory. It gets so tiring to hear all the whining that is going on. Leaders produce and don't whine. Put on your big boy pants and figure things out.

Yyyyaaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnn. OK, Skippy. pass me a glass of Kool Aid.

Where is the leadership?

Keeping us employed you idiot. If you don’t like it then leave, I can tell you I am very loyal to Pfizer especially after the professionalism and amazing courtesy they have extended throughout this mess. Good luck on your job search, it’s unbelievable during this time how ungrateful and entitled some of you are.

You obviously dont know enough blue collar people. Pfe has been really good to all of us during this time. I know 50 to 100 people who got laid off from a global company last week. Ass canned with nothing!!! All of them went straight to file unemployment. Family's that rely on that job for everything!!!! No insurance, benefits, pto, 401k NOTHING! They got a promise to get a 1k bonus if they come back after this is over......put yourself in thei shoes and COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS ITS NOT US!!!

  • Woody   Mar 26, 2020 at 12:23: PM
You obviously dont know enough blue collar people. Pfe has been really good to all of us during this time. I know 50 to 100 people who got laid off from a global company last week. Ass canned with nothing!!! All of them went straight to file unemployment. Family's that rely on that job for everything!!!! No insurance, benefits, pto, 401k NOTHING! They got a promise to get a 1k bonus if they come back after this is over......put yourself in thei shoes and COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS ITS NOT US!!!
You are right. But many people make BAD choices in life. Many did NOT pay attention in school. Many thought more about "looking" cool, then studying the fields that pay well, or have room to grow. They go thru life, like "why does this always happen to me" attitude.
Well many times..(not always) it's the choices you made. FYI: my parents grew up on farms they did not own. My dad finally said...that's it and got a job at Farm Bureau Ins. He did the best he could and took many night course's and by the time he was 37 he VP of Florida Farm Bureau in Gainesville. Yep....

they have handled this perfectly. they might have taken us out of the field a couple days late, but everything else has been perfect

if you could name something they could have done differently, I challenge you to do it.

there is nothing more i could ask for

You are right. But many people make BAD choices in life. Many did NOT pay attention in school. Many thought more about "looking" cool, then studying the fields that pay well, or have room to grow. They go thru life, like "why does this always happen to me" attitude.
Well many times..(not always) it's the choices you made. FYI: my parents grew up on farms they did not own. My dad finally said...that's it and got a job at Farm Bureau Ins. He did the best he could and took many night course's and by the time he was 37 he VP of Florida Farm Bureau in Gainesville. Yep....

The American Dream...it’s about choices! Did he face segregation and Jim Crow laws? Was he able to vote before 1964?

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