WH division

Heiden is a good guy. He had lousy people surrounding him. Intrarosa could have done well. They should have sold it for a cash price of $25 for the first two years and then worked into insurance once practitioners had a chance to hear from many patients. It is far better than anything else out there and I use it. Pharma companies are all about money and really do not care about the patients. Until they start focusing on patients, these little companies will fail. There are tons of women not getting relief out there. Laugh all you want, you girls selling in maternal health. Wait till you are 50 and your spouse wants sex! Laugh then. It hurts beyond belief. The pain lasts for hours. Then there are UTI's following. Women over 50 were not designed for sex. Intrarosa helps so much. With all the plugs for women's rights and equality, it is just a facade. No one cares about women's comfort. Menopause is a really tough time.
Heiden is a good guy. He had lousy people surrounding him. Intrarosa could have done well. They should have sold it for a cash price of $25 for the first two years and then worked into insurance once practitioners had a chance to hear from many patients. It is far better than anything else out there and I use it. Pharma companies are all about money and really do not care about the patients. Until they start focusing on patients, these little companies will fail. There are tons of women not getting relief out there. Laugh all you want, you girls selling in maternal health. Wait till you are 50 and your spouse wants sex! Laugh then. It hurts beyond belief. The pain lasts for hours. Then there are UTI's following. Women over 50 were not designed for sex. Intrarosa helps so much. With all the plugs for women's rights and equality, it is just a facade. No one cares about women's comfort. Menopause is a really tough time.

Are you insane? Of course Dyspareunia due to Atrophy is awful. Bill Heiden failed this launch and this company. He made choices with whom to surround himself with.

Reps worked their asses off and most got blindsighted and screwed.
Bill Heiden here. I think we need to pivot from Women's Health to antifungal foot care. I am looking at a deal out of Kentucky that will be perfect. Just wanted everyone to know that I have a solution to the problem. There is nothing else to fear here.
Clue number 1#: Have you seen any change in the job posting list? Answer is no, there is still a hiring freeze.

Clue #2: Did you have a stroke when corporate announced the goals for the WH care team? If not, you should have had flash backs to last year at this same time. The goals were put in place to not be reached.

Clue #3: Has your territory been greatly changed since the "merger" of the 2 teams? If so, were you on the losing end of that deal as you handed over all of your top accounts to some idiot that was just hired within the last 12 months. They will give you time to transition those accounts on over to your local idiot team member and then you will be out.

Clue #4: Do you have AMAG tenure, Senior SAR, or higher paying RSD status? If so, you will feel really targeted when the numbers do not come in because of your salary. You are already on the list. Yes, there is a list just like there was a list last Fall. If you are on it, there is no getting off.

Clue #5: Have you asked Keisel, Ball or any of the Area Directors if there is another round of lay offs? If they look you straight in the eye and say "no" then you know the time is near because they are nothing but a bunch of damn liars. We can't ask Grund this question because Heiden already got rid of him to save his own ass. Hey Bill, are you watching Tony C's every move? You have surrounded yourself with a bunch of real gems.

Be interviewing and looking around ALL of the time. We still have a job with a paycheck so take advantage of this time and do yourself a favor. This place really sucks.
Heiden is a good guy. He had lousy people surrounding him. Intrarosa could have done well. They should have sold it for a cash price of $25 for the first two years and then worked into insurance once practitioners had a chance to hear from many patients. It is far better than anything else out there and I use it. Pharma companies are all about money and really do not care about the patients. Until they start focusing on patients, these little companies will fail. There are tons of women not getting relief out there. Laugh all you want, you girls selling in maternal health. Wait till you are 50 and your spouse wants sex! Laugh then. It hurts beyond belief. The pain lasts for hours. Then there are UTI's following. Women over 50 were not designed for sex. Intrarosa helps so much. With all the plugs for women's rights and equality, it is just a facade. No one cares about women's comfort. Menopause is a really tough time.

Are you for real??? Crawl out of your dumb ass hole and wake up!!!
Palatin would have been paid a pretty penny for drug and a bunch up front so what do they care how it's launched?!! This site is all conjecture and bullshit rumors. Go crawl under a rock
Nice observation from one of our esteemed corporate leaders. Typical response from someone who cares little about how the job is actually done, the people involved doing it or the lives they wreck when things go south and you are saving your own Butt.
Run on back to your golf course now, you are holding up the foursome.
no, but I would definitely follow Paul Williams. Hey Paul, be sure and update your LinkedIn, we need to know where to apply. You would have an instant top performing sales force at your fingertips. AMAG sure as hell does not appreciate their people.
Are you insane? Of course Dyspareunia due to Atrophy is awful. Bill Heiden failed this launch and this company. He made choices with whom to surround himself with.

Reps worked their asses off and most got blindsighted and screwed.

This is what’s bothering me. I see reps on my team now getting new and what seems to be better cars and yet I know a few laid off reps that still can’t fond a decent new job to provide for their family.