Heiden is a good guy. He had lousy people surrounding him. Intrarosa could have done well. They should have sold it for a cash price of $25 for the first two years and then worked into insurance once practitioners had a chance to hear from many patients. It is far better than anything else out there and I use it. Pharma companies are all about money and really do not care about the patients. Until they start focusing on patients, these little companies will fail. There are tons of women not getting relief out there. Laugh all you want, you girls selling in maternal health. Wait till you are 50 and your spouse wants sex! Laugh then. It hurts beyond belief. The pain lasts for hours. Then there are UTI's following. Women over 50 were not designed for sex. Intrarosa helps so much. With all the plugs for women's rights and equality, it is just a facade. No one cares about women's comfort. Menopause is a really tough time.