WH division

I was just contacted by a recruiter about an open position but many of the comments on here mention a recent layoff and more to come. I have specialty pharmacy with biologic experience, am stable where I am and have a good manager. What’s the true deal? Why hire if they just laid off 110? Sounds like I should stay away?
I was just contacted by a recruiter about an open position but many of the comments on here mention a recent layoff and more to come. I have specialty pharmacy with biologic experience, am stable where I am and have a good manager. What’s the true deal? Why hire if they just laid off 110? Sounds like I should stay away?
What division? I believe there are some legitimate positions on the hem/onc side that are open and displaced reps were told about these positions and could interview.

I don’t know if the talk about a sale is true but the company did just fail at launching a new product and sliced off an entire division.
I was just contacted by a recruiter about an open position but many of the comments on here mention a recent layoff and more to come. I have specialty pharmacy with biologic experience, am stable where I am and have a good manager. What’s the true deal? Why hire if they just laid off 110? Sounds like I should stay away?
Stay where you are!
it’s Not even about the stock price or the products that we have ( or don’t have). Contradiction, evasion and blatant lies have become standard protocol . All of us suffer for the obvious lack of character displayed by our “leaders”.
Totally dreading the meeting and all the BS we will be fed. I am a high performer and face challenges head on. The problem with having a bunch of liars at the helm of this company is that it is difficult to know exactly what the challenges really are until the next lay off calls are made. I thought “transparency “ was a Core Value? Really?
Yeah, it’s a real shame. There were people there higher up than me that really cared and worked their asses off with the insufficient and pathetic launch due to the company’s inept ability to launch Intra. They should should be embarrassed what they did
yep, next week will be nauseating listening to the top dog liars talk about “ we are the right size now”, “ blue skies ahead”, “no more lay offs”.... blah, blah, blah. Nothing but a bunch of damn liars.
If you are even THINKING about applying to AMAG, do yourself a favor and don’t. You may really like your RSD but anything above them is a lying bunch of low life, self serving, pile of shit. This company is driven toward one thing- a sale. Do yourself a favor and stay away. Find a more stable company that has some moral fortitude if that is even possible.
yep, next week will be nauseating listening to the top dog liars talk about “ we are the right size now”, “ blue skies ahead”, “no more lay offs”.... blah, blah, blah. Nothing but a bunch of damn liars.

It will be painful to listen to, but on the bright side we may get rid of these awful Rogues. I've heard we are getting a different SUV. Has anyone else heard the same?
Heard we are going back to our own cars and away from Fleet. Yet another step toward the company selling and another lay off. The cars are a big problem for corporate when people are let go.
I am sure everything will be fine. At least, they will tell us this at the NSM this week. “Back to where we need to be!” “Expanded to fast!” “Fine-tuning resources for ultimate success!”