WH division

It looks like Maternal Health will have jobs if they are the only rep in the area. If there is no maternal health rep, it will be white space. All Women’s Health will be gone unless there is a maternal health position. Something big happened yesterday that caused mass panic. It all came to a massive head last night. It has been in the works for months though. People fired were never replaced.

Something Big?
Very simple
Earnings report:
Makena 47 million
Fe 35 million
Intrarosa 5.9 million- you can't even make payroll with these numbers.
Intrarosa’s numbers are not a result of the sales field. The numbers are directly a result of the company’s incorrect pre-launch market readings, error in the launch on a safety platform and an overall mis-read of how to actually launch a retail pharmaceutical product.

The bigger question- why is Dan Z still there? Isn’t he the dude who launched Intra on the “no black boxed warning” safety campaign? A campaign that failed. And then- let’s tell the sales team that “you must go back and explain the science. Lets sell on DHEA”. And nope. That failed.

The product is good, solid. Those HCPs that are on board see that and are only on board due to the team that was half let go today. This team left other jobs to come here based on the amazing future of AMAG. So what happened? Just let us know
Intrarosa’s numbers are not a result of the sales field. The numbers are directly a result of the company’s incorrect pre-launch market readings, error in the launch on a safety platform and an overall mis-read of how to actually launch a retail pharmaceutical product.

The bigger question- why is Dan Z still there? Isn’t he the dude who launched Intra on the “no black boxed warning” safety campaign? A campaign that failed. And then- let’s tell the sales team that “you must go back and explain the science. Lets sell on DHEA”. And nope. That failed.

The product is good, solid. Those HCPs that are on board see that and are only on board due to the team that was half let go today. This team left other jobs to come here based on the amazing future of AMAG. So what happened? Just let us know

It is awful now. Is anyone going to fess up what went wrong?
It looks like Maternal Health will have jobs if they are the only rep in the area. If there is no maternal health rep, it will be white space. All Women’s Health will be gone unless there is a maternal health position. Something big happened yesterday that caused mass panic. It all came to a massive head last night. It has been in the works for months though. People fired were never replaced.
This one was spot on. So what happened. Something happened fast
has anyone considered that our loss is directly caused by the SUPPLY GAP in Q3 and Q4 for our biggest franchise- Makena? This coupled with the miserable performance of Intrarosa since the launch was the recipe for disaster. The whole time corporate stood in front of the divisions and said over and over that we are fine financially and there are no lay offs planned, they already had an outside firm rearranging the territory lines.
The investors were lied to at the end of Q2 and Q3. Then suddenly the company announces a 27 mm loss for Q4 and within 6 hours 110 top performers, and older employees with higher salary base get canned on the first go round.
Medicaid fraud through MCC for uninsured patients should be investigated by the Justice Dept and could very well lead to a class action law suit.
There is another layoff planned and then the sale of the company. Collect your paychecks, do the least you can do to stay employed and start looking for a better job with more stability.
One correction to your above post. You refer to it as a Supply Gap. It was a Supply Shortage from the the start. Again, an investigation should be done because the sales force was specifically instructed to not refer to it as a shortage because that word has more severe implications to the FDA. Another fraud case perhaps?
you can answer your own question on that one.
Think about it. Will Vyleesi which is already pushed back to June (or longer) have any time to help keep the lights on? Especially with our brilliant new strategy of pushing all efforts toward Intrarosa?
After the not so wonderful performance of our managed care department, how secure are you that the coverage will be there for vyleesi when it is essentially considered a recreational drug?
Try selling that drug quickly on a cash pay basis. Do you not smell the next lay off yet?
There are still overlaps of too many SAR’s in most states, geography lines that were drawn with only the first lay-off in mind, stock that has sunk since the investors pulled out and inexperienced RSD’s trying to control the craziness. Add to it a VP of sales and his band of monkey Area Directors that walk around bragging about giving “high five’s”” in the hallways of corporate as Rome burns around them.
Study material starts today for Intrarosa and Makena. I suggest you all get your resumes up to date on your time off. This company is positioning to sell.
If any of you think you’re safe, you’re wrong. I would be looking while you still have a job. There are already people leaving (who didn’t get let go last week). The writing is on the wall...it’s not good!
I can only speak to my experience here. I was recruited and left a job that though was not great; was stable. I was sold during the interview process about AMAG and the family feeling. The CEO stood right in front of me during training and talked about his wife and the personal feeling this launch had to him...and I bought it and was motivated & worked my ass off. My territory grew and offices became advocates.

But it all does not matter because I kinda feel like I was lied to- by everyone.

Telling a few of my offices that are on board with Intra it is crazy- was embarrassing. So thanks a lot CEO who told my class that this is a solid race and not a sprint.
Yeah- who f’d up?
everyone in corporate. The sales force as right on target. Too bad it always rolls Down hill. The
CEO, vP’s, managed Care, AD’s, MCC, MSL’s and the band of idiots in marketing should all be fired. The Makena Speccialty sales force and the ahem /Onc are the only employees worth retaining. As usual you guys ducked up again and let the wrong 110 people go.
Very simple
Earnings report:
Makena 47 million
Fe 35 million
Intrarosa 5.9 million- you can't even make payroll with these numbers.

Interesting numbers. Be sure and congratulate the Intrarosa President’s club winners for being the “best of the Worst”.
Also , Gary Keisel, Gary Ball and Ty Evans deserve a big congratulations for winnng a PAC trip on the backs of 110 people that are not still here. Wonder how it feels to go on those trips after a 27mm loss and the first of many lay offs to come?
Should be a really interesting NSM meeting this year, can’t wait to cut the tension in the air with a knife. Fun times.
oh yeah, remember last year when Grund got up on stage all large and in charge and told us point blank that CBR was not for sale?
Keisel got up on stage and told all of us that Makena AI top performers would make enough money to put swimming pools in our back yards?
Casciano got up and talked about how promising the AMAG future is and there is nothing but growth ahead?
Since then EVERY level of upper management from AD’s and above lied to us over and over and over again that there are no layoffs in sight and even convinced employees that had one foot out the door to stay. And then they were axed.
Sleep well tonight you SOB’s, Karma is a bitch.
Personally, every minute of the NSM will be painful. I will be away from my family with a group of lying corporate devils and a marketing team of idiots trying to convince all of us to “work harder” on our messaging. My new manager knows nothing about specialty pharmacy drugs and I know no one in my “new region”. I miss my old manager, my old team members and I am trying desperately to get out of here before that meeting in March. This place is just weird, definitely time to move on.