WH division

This is what’s bothering me. I see reps on my team now getting new and what seems to be better cars and yet I know a few laid off reps that still can’t fond a decent new job to provide for their family.

Why are you reps always bitching about small sh*t like car allowance? Are you well paid for the little work you actually do? Do you get stock options priced in the single digits? Are your bonus plans achievable? Are the products competitive and saleable? If yes to any of these, STFU and go do your jobs so that we can sell this company and make some real coin. Then maybe you can actually buy a nice car instead of leasing one. F’ing whiners!
Why are you reps always bitching about small sh*t like car allowance? Are you well paid for the little work you actually do? Do you get stock options priced in the single digits? Are your bonus plans achievable? Are the products competitive and saleable? If yes to any of these, STFU and go do your jobs so that we can sell this company and make some real coin. Then maybe you can actually buy a nice car instead of leasing one. F’ing whiners!

You clearly cant read
Why are you reps always bitching about small sh*t like car allowance? Are you well paid for the little work you actually do? Do you get stock options priced in the single digits? Are your bonus plans achievable? Are the products competitive and saleable? If yes to any of these, STFU and go do your jobs so that we can sell this company and make some real coin. Then maybe you can actually buy a nice car instead of leasing one. F’ing whiners!

Meant to reply here:
You STFU, no one is making their goals with Intrarosa.
Sounds like a nice set up for corporate to justify another big lay off when the launch does not go well in September. There is not enough time for the launch to impact the company not meeting goal for 2019. When will AMAG get rid of Heiden?