WH division

yep. Should be amusing to watch this circus this week. Wonder what kind of marketing BS will be dished out by G. Ball and his idiot team?
If Vyleese is delayed again there will be another massive lay off.
even if it does launch it will be a flop. This company launched a complete flop on the WH team and had a tremendous success on the Maternal Health Team. The problem with the successful launch is the stupid idiots in corporate that had all of our products coming out of a shit hole distribution plant. The plant got shut down due to sterility problems and we were in s product shortage almost as soon as we launched. Investors were lied to, the sales team was kept in the dark, customers were furious and the marketing team kept instructing everyone NOT to use the words “product shortage” because those words held a stronger implication to the FDA. Gary Ball and Jamie J. Knowingly and willingly directed the sales team to deceive customers. There should be a class action law suit brought against AMAG for these actions. Q4 numbers got released along with the Prolong study results and within 12 hours we had a well planned “right sizing” of 110 people.
Drink up at the free bar tonight, soak up all the false praise and bull shit compliments. Time is short for this company and I for one cannot get out fast enough. Final interview for me next week on another job and my biggest regret is that I had to attend this bogus meeting. But hey, the theatrics of corporate tap dancing is always amusing to watch.
Sad. It was a very good company to work for. But the company is failing. Time to leave unfortunately. They never replaced people let go last fall. Those territories remained empty. That was a sign.
you can answer your own question on that one.
Think about it. Will Vyleesi which is already pushed back to June (or longer) have any time to help keep the lights on? Especially with our brilliant new strategy of pushing all efforts toward Intrarosa?
After the not so wonderful performance of our managed care department, how secure are you that the coverage will be there for vyleesi when it is essentially considered a recreational drug?
Try selling that drug quickly on a cash pay basis. Do you not smell the next lay off yet?
There are still overlaps of too many SAR’s in most states, geography lines that were drawn with only the first lay-off in mind, stock that has sunk since the investors pulled out and inexperienced RSD’s trying to control the craziness. Add to it a VP of sales and his band of monkey Area Directors that walk around bragging about giving “high five’s”” in the hallways of corporate as Rome burns around them.
Study material starts today for Intrarosa and Makena. I suggest you all get your resumes up to date on your time off. This company is positioning to sell.
Yep, first step is Billy boy's gotta go. How can there be so many "experienced" Pharma leaders in one place, but they can't seem to figure anything out? If they can't pull off Intrarosa launch, Vylessi Ain't gonna be much better.
It will not launch as planned. Why would AMAG wait until April to even start looking for the Vyleese marketing manager if the launch is supposedly in June?
Prepare for another lay off soon.
With Intrarosa needing so much work to get off the ground and finding patients that will pay these high copays, and Makena is very time consuming for follow-through in some markets, how are the reps going to manage a 3rd product? This part is what doesn't make sense to a lot of people. I say they are not prepared for a Sept launch by any means
When has not being “prepared” ever made a difference to AMAG? It will be the usual cluster .... same thing different day. Of course corporate will make outrageous goals for the sales team, we will launch with no coverage and marketing will be as lame as ever.
there won’t be a company to come back to. Now that Heiden gave Grund the boot he is positioning to sell the company. Hopefully the leaks of the company selling will drive the stock price up. What a mess Heiden has made of all of this by trusting the idiots he put in charge.