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Went to unemployment office today.

I'm 38. Just finished my 3rd 5K in the past two months. Doubtful you can say the same. I guess I AM old, compared to most!

38 & yet paid off your kids college tuition LOL !!!
Dude you are a demented idiot or you need
the "exelon patch" senility & dementia setting in (not that it works)
PS- who cares about your 5K ? are you that desperate for attention ?
go back to bed grandpa

38 & yet paid off your kids college tuition LOL !!!
Dude you are a demented idiot or you need
the "exelon patch" senility & dementia setting in (not that it works)
PS- who cares about your 5K ? are you that desperate for attention ?
go back to bed grandpa
Poster #61 here. Never said I paid off the kids tuition. I said that the "old curmudgeon" did, and that most of your type will never be able to say that.
I foresee a great future for you in contract sales. Every two years, your will be shilling a new BS product. And when get to a certain age, your sample dropping days will end. That is when the fun starts.....

Poster #61 here. Never said I paid off the kids tuition. I said that the "old curmudgeon" did, and that most of your type will never be able to say that.
I foresee a great future for you in contract sales. Every two years, your will be shilling a new BS product. And when get to a certain age, your sample dropping days will end. That is when the fun starts.....

Are you still droning on & on with your multiple personality disorder ?
Good grief give it rest . Take some Risperdal & STFU !
You're like John Kerry , I was 59 before I was 38

Are you still droning on & on with your multiple personality disorder ?
Good grief give it rest . Take some Risperdal & STFU !
You're like John Kerry , I was 59 before I was 38

I'm not the 38 or 59 year old, but it is quite evident that YOU are the one who is in need of Risperdal-or better yet, someone needs to get you committed!

38 & yet paid off your kids college tuition LOL !!!
Dude you are a demented idiot or you need
the "exelon patch" senility & dementia setting in (not that it works)
PS- who cares about your 5K ? are you that desperate for attention ?
go back to bed grandpa

Uhh. I'm the old fart you were trying to reply to. The other poster is somebody else - pretty hard to tell who is who. I understand. I promise you this. If I'm to run a 5K, it'll be walked.

You might have found my posting a bit much and unsympathetic - but it's factual. I was a Sandoz lifer and I know something of the history of this company and seen a number of lay offs. NVS will lay still like a cold snake and it'll turn on you in an instant things get hot for it. The moment you think you're safe or untouchable...you're dead.

Take what the company gives you and run with it as long as you can, but you damn well better start making a back up plan. The party will end and if you don't have a back up plan you'll be crying "I'm old, nobody will hire me *snif*"

After Katrina wiped out a number of businesses there were plenty of people that didn't have a house to sale or a company to go work in. Some lapped up all the federal dollars they could get and are still pulling on the tit. Some folks left - moved, took whatever job they could outside their home area. It ain't what it used to be for them. Can't sit here and bleat like the sheep the OP does.

I'm not apologetic about somebody using up - what 96 weeks of unemployment now? In fact I don't care about them at all. They're already washed up and useless. As soon as the OP straightens up, washes his/her face and go out and do something beneath their station in life I'll have some respect.

Until then, what a tool. The company would have done him/her a favor by booting his ass years ago.

Uhh. I'm the old fart you were trying to reply to. The other poster is somebody else - pretty hard to tell who is who. I understand. I promise you this. If I'm to run a 5K, it'll be walked.

You might have found my posting a bit much and unsympathetic - but it's factual. I was a Sandoz lifer and I know something of the history of this company and seen a number of lay offs. NVS will lay still like a cold snake and it'll turn on you in an instant things get hot for it. The moment you think you're safe or untouchable...you're dead.

Take what the company gives you and run with it as long as you can, but you damn well better start making a back up plan. The party will end and if you don't have a back up plan you'll be crying "I'm old, nobody will hire me *snif*"

After Katrina wiped out a number of businesses there were plenty of people that didn't have a house to sale or a company to go work in. Some lapped up all the federal dollars they could get and are still pulling on the tit. Some folks left - moved, took whatever job they could outside their home area. It ain't what it used to be for them. Can't sit here and bleat like the sheep the OP does.

I'm not apologetic about somebody using up - what 96 weeks of unemployment now? In fact I don't care about them at all. They're already washed up and useless. As soon as the OP straightens up, washes his/her face and go out and do something beneath their station in life I'll have some respect.

Until then, what a tool. The company would have done him/her a favor by booting his ass years ago.

Right on Pops!

Uhh. I'm the old fart you were trying to reply to. The other poster is somebody else - pretty hard to tell who is who. I understand. I promise you this. If I'm to run a 5K, it'll be walked.

You might have found my posting a bit much and unsympathetic - but it's factual. I was a Sandoz lifer and I know something of the history of this company and seen a number of lay offs. NVS will lay still like a cold snake and it'll turn on you in an instant things get hot for it. The moment you think you're safe or untouchable...you're dead.

Take what the company gives you and run with it as long as you can, but you damn well better start making a back up plan. The party will end and if you don't have a back up plan you'll be crying "I'm old, nobody will hire me *snif*"

After Katrina wiped out a number of businesses there were plenty of people that didn't have a house to sale or a company to go work in. Some lapped up all the federal dollars they could get and are still pulling on the tit. Some folks left - moved, took whatever job they could outside their home area. It ain't what it used to be for them. Can't sit here and bleat like the sheep the OP does.

I'm not apologetic about somebody using up - what 96 weeks of unemployment now? In fact I don't care about them at all. They're already washed up and useless. As soon as the OP straightens up, washes his/her face and go out and do something beneath their station in life I'll have some respect.

Until then, what a tool. The company would have done him/her a favor by booting his ass years ago.
You are wasting your time on idiots like the one trying to debate you. They don't listen to reason, and they think that they will never face what so many tens of thousands face today: the demise of the pharma detail rep as an employee. So let them prattle on disrespectfully about those of you who lived the glory days, and watched incompetent self entitled sample droppers ruin the respect that you worked so hard for! Like another poster said, YOU were able to pay off your mortgage, sock away enough for retirement, and pay for college tuitions. Think any present-day 20 or 30 something detail reps will be able to say that? NOPE! Not unless they go to another industry....trouble is, many of my colleagues that have landed jobs after leaving here have taken big pay (and freedom) cuts.

You are wasting your time on idiots like the one trying to debate you. They don't listen to reason, and they think that they will never face what so many tens of thousands face today: the demise of the pharma detail rep as an employee. So let them prattle on disrespectfully about those of you who lived the glory days, and watched incompetent self entitled sample droppers ruin the respect that you worked so hard for! Like another poster said, YOU were able to pay off your mortgage, sock away enough for retirement, and pay for college tuitions. Think any present-day 20 or 30 something detail reps will be able to say that? NOPE! Not unless they go to another industry....trouble is, many of my colleagues that have landed jobs after leaving here have taken big pay (and freedom) cuts.

For a person wants to stay in this industry after being laid off - it's their business. I can't say it's smarter - I know it takes longer at times to land another Pharma job - but the end result for this industry is the same no matter what company you join up with. Lay-offs are inevitable.

The salary is good, benefits are good - but thats what they lure you into for a business environment that will off you at moments notice.

Personally since I've been laid off, I'm trying to get into something else non-Pharma. Frankly the money ain't so great on a comparison for some of the jobs I've been looking at. I've had my rep job for 9 years before being laid off, I want something more long term. I sympathize with the OP - it ain't easy.

I think I'm landing (I hope I'm getting) a job as a event manager at a large hotel. Money aint anywhere near what I was making. But IT'S A JOB, making 1/2 what I got. My wife has to look for a job too - if we're to get back to what I was making before.

She's thinking of starting a wedding planner business - but we need the bucks now, so that might be a weekend thing for her. I don't want to work Wally World. Not sure what life is like behind a desk, but it's either this or another Pharma job in a crowded market place full of "President Club" winners....

For a person wants to stay in this industry after being laid off - it's their business. I can't say it's smarter - I know it takes longer at times to land another Pharma job - but the end result for this industry is the same no matter what company you join up with. Lay-offs are inevitable.

The salary is good, benefits are good - but thats what they lure you into for a business environment that will off you at moments notice.

Personally since I've been laid off, I'm trying to get into something else non-Pharma. Frankly the money ain't so great on a comparison for some of the jobs I've been looking at. I've had my rep job for 9 years before being laid off, I want something more long term. I sympathize with the OP - it ain't easy.

I think I'm landing (I hope I'm getting) a job as a event manager at a large hotel. Money aint anywhere near what I was making. But IT'S A JOB, making 1/2 what I got. My wife has to look for a job too - if we're to get back to what I was making before.

She's thinking of starting a wedding planner business - but we need the bucks now, so that might be a weekend thing for her. I don't want to work Wally World. Not sure what life is like behind a desk, but it's either this or another Pharma job in a crowded market place full of "President Club" winners....
Another voice of reality. I am SO sick of those BS "grass is greener" and "it was so easy for me to land a job that pays more" posts. Outliers (or outright liars) all.

Your story is much more like those of my friends laid off from here and at other Big 5 Pharma companies: post-pharma jobs pay 50-75% of what we made here, don't have the freedom, and have (comparatively) bad benefits. BUT THATS THE WAY MOST AMERICANS THAT MAKE MORE THAN 75K A YEAR ROLL!

....Not sure what life is like behind a desk, but it's either this or another Pharma job in a crowded market place full of "President Club" winners....

Yeah, A shit load of President's Club, Corner Stone, under 35 types out there. I used to be an Ambulance Driver before I took this job, guess I can go back and do something similar. Rather be working than not.

I can't stand being on unemployment. I'm ready to work where ever. Home Depot? You betcha. I'd like to get another Pharma job, but right now it isn't looking good for me personally. I'm not a President's Club winner or anything like that. I'll take a job selling washing machines at Sear's it doesn't matter as long as a steady paycheck is coming in and it's because I'm working - not because I have unemployment.

I can't stand being on unemployment. I'm ready to work where ever. Home Depot? You betcha. I'd like to get another Pharma job, but right now it isn't looking good for me personally. I'm not a President's Club winner or anything like that. I'll take a job selling washing machines at Sear's it doesn't matter as long as a steady paycheck is coming in and it's because I'm working - not because I have unemployment.

Yeah that makes sense , Novartis & you paid for unemployment insurance ,
smart move to take a job making less than unemployment for 99weeks
Bet you graduated head of the class !