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Went to unemployment office today.

Agree with some of the stuff on here but certainly not all.
First - to the person wanting to know about the 50k settlement, NY and Ca are in the original
classes and will get a lot more than the other states. 50 k is a possibility if the person had been there since the beginning.
As far as getting jobs in Pharma again, there are jobs out there, you may not make as much did but if you can afford to, why not. Don't forget not every rep was making 100k with Novartis.
Benefits and car is worth something as well. A lot of it is who you know and networking

Agree with some of the stuff on here but certainly not all.
First - to the person wanting to know about the 50k settlement, NY and Ca are in the original
classes and will get a lot more than the other states. 50 k is a possibility if the person had been there since the beginning.
As far as getting jobs in Pharma again, there are jobs out there, you may not make as much did but if you can afford to, why not. Don't forget not every rep was making 100k with Novartis.
Benefits and car is worth something as well. A lot of it is who you know and networking

Pharma was the worst career mistake I every made. Thankfully I got out years ago before my entire division evaporated overnight. Take my advice and get into Device by any means possible. You will develop a set of skills that are highly valuable that nobody can take away from you. In device for 6 years now and making far more than I every made in Pharma. Good luck to all you guys. I know some of the people that just got the ax. It sucks but you had to see it comming.

So you think there are many opportunities for drug reps, that will pay more than 30-40% of what you make now? The shock that you receive wjen you are fired will be huge. Everybody talks the brave " plenty of opportunity" talk, until they are faced with reality. Again, money isnt everything, so if you dont mind starting your career over again at a fraction of your pay, i agree youll be ok. But if you actually need your pay to survive, or anything close, you are doomed. Thats just real! If you thinkdelivering pizzas and saying " hi doc can i get a signature" has prepared you for anything, you are kidding yourself. Do you know that many drugs reps make more money that doctors? Most make more than average lawyers, engineers, arcjtects, cpa, professors, pharmacists, in many areas it could be twice as much as some of these professions. Again, THINK! DONT BE SO EMOTTIONAL OR DEFENSIVE.

What's it to you ? What are you like a misery vampire thriving off peoples misfortune ?
Go back to jerking off , no one gives a flying fuck what a 2 bit asswipe like you thinks .
We will milk this to the bitter end , much to your chagrin. Worry about your own pathetic useless life. Hopefully you didn't breed. The earth doesn't need more tards on this planet. Have a swell day ! :)

What's it to you ? What are you like a misery vampire thriving off peoples misfortune ?
Go back to jerking off , no one gives a flying fuck what a 2 bit asswipe like you thinks .
We will milk this to the bitter end , much to your chagrin. Worry about your own pathetic useless life. Hopefully you didn't breed. The earth doesn't need more tards on this planet. Have a swell day ! :)

Let's hope YOU didn't breed! We don't need anymore lemmings!

Clever comeback , matches your online degree credentials .
Typical nvs failure. Next NVS mole douchebag please this one
is a droning tiresome dolt.

You ooze with intelligence and class. (insert sarcasm)
Probably why you're overwhelmed with debt (thinking entitlement and the gravy train would never end) and still at Novartis without a plan for your future.
Good luck!

So you think there are many opportunities for drug reps, that will pay more than 30-40% of what you make now? The shock that you receive wjen you are fired will be huge. Everybody talks the brave " plenty of opportunity" talk, until they are faced with reality. Again, money isnt everything, so if you dont mind starting your career over again at a fraction of your pay, i agree youll be ok. But if you actually need your pay to survive, or anything close, you are doomed. Thats just real! If you thinkdelivering pizzas and saying " hi doc can i get a signature" has prepared you for anything, you are kidding yourself. Do you know that many drugs reps make more money that doctors? Most make more than average lawyers, engineers, arcjtects, cpa, professors, pharmacists, in many areas it could be twice as much as some of these professions. Again, THINK! DONT BE SO EMOTTIONAL OR DEFENSIVE.

Dont argue with them any more. Just let them keep thinking " _____ is hiring, they're looking for someone JUST like me, because I ________"

Problem is, most people can't fill in those two blanks.

First blank: Outside of contract companies, very few pharmas are hiring TODAY. (Everyone seems to forget that hiring newbies can precede a downsizing in 18 months. But I digress). Some of the smaller companies may be looking, but I hear that there are a lot of award-winning reps willing to move, take pay cuts, do anything to get a gig. This makes me nervous.

Second blank: since federal groups like the Dept of OIG have hammered pharma, and most company legal departments run their sales/marketing departments (at least it seems that way), all we've been able to do for the past several years is spit out an approved messages verbatim while waiting for a signature in a hallway or sample closet, or over a "lunch" meeting. I may be bitter, but I have had many people throw this in my face. I often wondered why the heck they even bothered speaking with me in the 1st place!
My point is this---if most of us really aren't allowed to sell any more, how are we supposed to prove that we are any better than the other 50 experienced reps and former managers applying for that job?

I got downsized from pharma a few years ago. I am now self-employed.

I wake up at 8:00 am CST, then head to my office with my mug of coffee and open my laptop. I don't wear the monkey suit anymore, and usually work in my jeans or shorts. I may or may not leave the house until 3:00 pm CST. Just depends on the day.

So, what is my "job"? I am my own self-directed hedge fund manager. Yes, I am a short-term trader on Wallstreet via the Internet. My hours are usually the market hours, with the last hour typically being the most important. I now make more than I ever made in Pharma. I answer to nobody except God alone.

I play the market as it develops using both directional and advanced option trades. I make money no matter what the market decides to do. I make money whether the market is either bullish or bearish or just going sideways. Some days I lose money, but my "wins" are now far exceeding my losses.

The good new is this: Trading for a living from home is the dream of many and anyone can learn to become a professional trader.

That being said, it is not easy. You must go through your learning curve. Overall, it takes DISCIPLINE, patience, risk management, and you must control your emotions. On some days, I don't make any trades. Many days I make $100--$500 a day. Other days, while in any one particular trade I can make thousands in just a few hours, overnight, or in a few days. Some trades might take a few months to make a nice profit.

I love trading for a living. To be sure, you are at WAR everyday with the market makers. Over time, you will hone you trading style and skills. I have a written set of trading rules which I never break---EVER. Psychology is the MOST important part of becoming a successful trader. Yes, Fundamental and Technical analysis are important, but your own psychological makeup is what will determine whether you are either a successful or unsuccessful trader. Your too greatest battles that are fought are between greed and fear.

I will be the first to say it is not for everybody. Most of your friends and family will tell you that you are crazy, as the market is just too risky. But, it can be done. And it is truly what I love doing. I am so happy now that my pharma days are behind me!
How many people that you met during your time here do you know that have the stones to do this for a living? I appreciate the feedback, and congratulate your apparent success.

It's all part of the "be glad you have a job" (albeit a temp job at best)
propaganda campaign so you wake up & look at those blue skies & sing
your best impression of 'whistle while you work' foistering un-needed
overpriced branded garbage meds on an unsuspecting public that
have better & safer generic alternatives but as usual the subterfuge by novartis
paid lackeys is embarrassingly transparent.

Spot on

I started with Sandoz in 1981. I knew I would never get rich working as a Sales Rep, but the job would put a roof over our heads, food on the table and keep my kids in school. I did well and had regular promotions up and until 1992. Sales Rep. Hospital Rep. Technical Rep. and finally MSL.

You know what happened in 1992?

"Hillary Care" Pharma companies every where were downsizing.

During the Ciba/Sandoz merger I was demoted and relocated. My new position as Sales Rep. was 6 hours away from my home. In 1993 I started a company that I worked at night and on weekends. It is an internet based website/multimedia consultation company. I worked my NVS job during the day. For 3 years I saw my wife and boys only on the weekends and during holidays, until a position opened up in my home town.

I wanted to retire from NVS at 55. The economic crash of 08 gave us reason to delay that plan - but we were fine and my other business was growing. My wife took over day to day management in 1999. Now we have 13 full time employees - 6 of which earn more than 75K a year.

I retired from both jobs at 58.

The lesson here is you can't depend on NVS for getting rich. Getting laid off at any time is a very real threat. The future doesn't follow the plan, you must be flexible. There is no success without risk of failure. Don't be afraid to try something different. And lastly and most importantly: there is no chance of success with out hard work and sacrifice.

I started with Sandoz in 1981. I knew I would never get rich working as a Sales Rep, but the job would put a roof over our heads, food on the table and keep my kids in school. I did well and had regular promotions up and until 1992. Sales Rep. Hospital Rep. Technical Rep. and finally MSL.

You know what happened in 1992?

"Hillary Care" Pharma companies every where were downsizing.

During the Ciba/Sandoz merger I was demoted and relocated. My new position as Sales Rep. was 6 hours away from my home. In 1993 I started a company that I worked at night and on weekends. It is an internet based website/multimedia consultation company. I worked my NVS job during the day. For 3 years I saw my wife and boys only on the weekends and during holidays, until a position opened up in my home town.

I wanted to retire from NVS at 55. The economic crash of 08 gave us reason to delay that plan - but we were fine and my other business was growing. My wife took over day to day management in 1999. Now we have 13 full time employees - 6 of which earn more than 75K a year.

I retired from both jobs at 58.

The lesson here is you can't depend on NVS for getting rich. Getting laid off at any time is a very real threat. The future doesn't follow the plan, you must be flexible. There is no success without risk of failure. Don't be afraid to try something different. And lastly and most importantly: there is no chance of success with out hard work and sacrifice.

GREAT POST! Problem is, many of us here (or should I say, those that USED to work there) expect to be upper-level managers by age 30, or they will quit. When I was in training department 9 years ago, everyone told me that their goal was to be the youngest VP Novartis ever had. No one ever sounded like the people that wee in my class a few years prior. We all wanted to beat everyone else's ASS (especially Pfizer and Merck). The hard work that you described is beyond the scope of reality of most that I have met here, especially in training. Everyone here seemed to have a sense of entitlement, and didn't seem to be accustomed to putting in the sacrifices you describe.
Proof: After 2-3 years of sample dropping and lunch giving, many newbies in my district were ticked if they weren't on a list to be fast-tracked to management.


This is the most accurate post on the subject I have seen in awhile. THINK, people: every single major pharma company has laid off thousands in the past 2 years. THOUSANDS! From Sanofi to Pfizer, to BMS, to Wyeth, GSK, Schering and Merck. I call BS on those that call BS on this story.

Please tell me who is going to go looking for 35-52 year old reps who have 10-20 years of experience giving six 60 second details a day and collecting signatures at dinner programs? C'mon, name me the industry that is looking for people like us. And for all of those pollyanna ("don't worry you'll find something") posters I say: please tell us where YOU work, so that we have an "in". I know a shitload of managers and reps that've been out there looking for more than 18 months. Those with jobs have taken a big pay cut to work as contract reps. Some fortunate ones have landed at the 3 or 4 companies that haven't cut.

This is the reality. Go to the other boards if you don't believe me. Go ahead. Everyone is facing that patent cliff. Everyone. In addition, those stupid-ass consultants recommended that we copy Pfizer and Merck and add new divisions to "support" the primary sales teams calling on docs. The result: we, like Pfizer and Merck, hired too many people 10-12 years ago.

And now here, we are, competing against ex-pharma folks for jobs at teeny tiny pharma, device, and equipment companies.

Somebody please tell me where I am wrong, and defend your position. I will call BS on those "look around, there are plenty of places that need people like us" posts. Give us names of companies that are hiring ex-Pharma, or don't respond. This is serious stuff here!

As the song goes, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind...this person tells it like it is...the sad fact is that Pharma was a parallel universe that has very little if any relevant or transferable skills...

I am in my 50s, career pharma, and have been looking for a year and a half...the money is running out, and I will have to sell my house...

The pharma ship is going down, and no amount of positive thinking is going to change the fact that ex pharma either has to retrain, getting a teaching credential or real estate license, or buy an inexpensive franchise of some sort...

those are basically the options...


Not being cruel my friend-after endless interviews(3x presidents club, awards, promotions blah blah blah) and being told by 2 recruiters they just arent hiring over 35; I finally quit hitting my head on a wall and moved out of the industry just as my unemployment ran out. The TRUTH is that for every open pharma job there are 60 people every bit as qualified, or younger, or have one more award, or are able to move, etc. as you. I'm not saying don't try pharma, just use this time and your packaged to look outside the box/get training. Your money will run out faster than you think......
As the song goes, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind...this person tells it like it is...the sad fact is that Pharma was a parallel universe that has very little if any relevant or transferable skills...

I am in my 50s, career pharma, and have been looking for a year and a half...the money is running out, and I will have to sell my house...

The pharma ship is going down, and no amount of positive thinking is going to change the fact that ex pharma either has to retrain, getting a teaching credential or real estate license, or buy an inexpensive franchise of some sort...

those are basically the options...


As the song goes, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind...this person tells it like it is...the sad fact is that Pharma was a parallel universe that has very little if any relevant or transferable skills...

I am in my 50s, career pharma, and have been looking for a year and a half...the money is running out, and I will have to sell my house...

The pharma ship is going down, and no amount of positive thinking is going to change the fact that ex pharma either has to retrain, getting a teaching credential or real estate license, or buy an inexpensive franchise of some sort...

those are basically the options...


Pharma Lifer hunh? In the late 70s Sandoz and Dorsey merged and there were some lay offs. In the 80s Sandoz had a lay off. In the 90s Ciba/Sandoz merger there was a massive reorg and lay offs. With the historical nature of Pharma to lay off people - you - you never thought you'd be affected?

You never took steps to prepare...grasshopper? It is the nature of this beast to eat it's own and somehow as a lifer you ignored it. Whose fault is that? Who the F are you that makes you think somehow you're more special than everyone else that went before you?

I retired because it was possible - but before that I did as much as I could possibly to take care of my family. We lived modestly. We didn't live in the mansion, we didn't take expensive vacations every year - my kids didn't drive cars more expensive than what I had as a company car. My wife was a stay at home Mom. Both boys have graduated college and are tax paying citizens. My house is paid off. At 59 I'm retired - not laid off.

I admit I was lucky and escaped earlier lay offs - but I never ever thought it couldn't happen to me. Why do you think it couldn't happen to you?

Do you think it's impossible you'll never get cancer - so you smoke? You think it's impossible you'll never get high blood pressure so you're fat, lazy and eat and drink like you'll never die? If you're not a smoker, don't live a fat lazy life style - then why? Because you wanted to do something for your family or were you just selfish and did it for yourself?

FU just because Pharma didn't carry your ass to retirement. FU for not preparing. FU for living a life style you can't support. AND FU for taking my tax dollars in unemployment.

Pharma Lifer hunh? In the late 70s Sandoz and Dorsey merged and there were some lay offs. In the 80s Sandoz had a lay off. In the 90s Ciba/Sandoz merger there was a massive reorg and lay offs. With the historical nature of Pharma to lay off people - you - you never thought you'd be affected?

You never took steps to prepare...grasshopper? It is the nature of this beast to eat it's own and somehow as a lifer you ignored it. Whose fault is that? Who the F are you that makes you think somehow you're more special than everyone else that went before you?

I retired because it was possible - but before that I did as much as I could possibly to take care of my family. We lived modestly. We didn't live in the mansion, we didn't take expensive vacations every year - my kids didn't drive cars more expensive than what I had as a company car. My wife was a stay at home Mom. Both boys have graduated college and are tax paying citizens. My house is paid off. At 59 I'm retired - not laid off.

I admit I was lucky and escaped earlier lay offs - but I never ever thought it couldn't happen to me. Why do you think it couldn't happen to you?

Do you think it's impossible you'll never get cancer - so you smoke? You think it's impossible you'll never get high blood pressure so you're fat, lazy and eat and drink like you'll never die? If you're not a smoker, don't live a fat lazy life style - then why? Because you wanted to do something for your family or were you just selfish and did it for yourself?

FU just because Pharma didn't carry your ass to retirement. FU for not preparing. FU for living a life style you can't support. AND FU for taking my tax dollars in unemployment.

You sound like a bloated old curmudgeon with no life that lives to spew irrelevent garbage
& pontificate on how wonderful you are which means in reality you are a deluded miserable
POS & should seek medical attention. In conclusion , fuck off & go back to your shuffleboard game & early bird specials , no one gives a rats ass what you think ;)

You sound like a bloated old curmudgeon with no life that lives to spew irrelevent garbage
& pontificate on how wonderful you are which means in reality you are a deluded miserable
POS & should seek medical attention. In conclusion , fuck off & go back to your shuffleboard game & early bird specials , no one gives a rats ass what you think ;)

You think the poster above cares what you think? Hahaha...I doubt it. Sounds like he did it straight and even if he didn't - it's a lesson to heed. Anyway, WTF, tough shit for the OP on this thread, he should have known Pharma eats it's own. wah wah wah.

You sound like a bloated old curmudgeon with no life that lives to spew irrelevent garbage
& pontificate on how wonderful you are which means in reality you are a deluded miserable
POS & should seek medical attention. In conclusion , fuck off & go back to your shuffleboard game & early bird specials , no one gives a rats ass what you think ;)

So typical of the arrogance of this company. That's OK, because "curmudgeon" was able to do something that most of us will not: have enough $$$ to pay off a house, college tuitions, and to live comfortably.
Many jobs have left this industry----no, this ECONOMY, and will never return.
All of these 28-33 year olds that think that they survived the big cut will find out in another 4 years that this industry, as we know it, is over.

Those that were severed in the past few years will have figured out another (albeit MUCH lower paying) career. Ex-pharma folks in 2015 will be outright screwed. Aint nobody out there looking for >35 year old sample dropping pizza-givers (what my friend at a U Mich Fellowship programs was told to call us). Nobody. The few device and equipment companies looking to hire are looking for "elite" reps, those that sold in a hospital environment back when reps could get IN a hospital.

So typical of the arrogance of this company. That's OK, because "curmudgeon" was able to do something that most of us will not: have enough $$$ to pay off a house, college tuitions, and to live comfortably.
Many jobs have left this industry----no, this ECONOMY, and will never return.
All of these 28-33 year olds that think that they survived the big cut will find out in another 4 years that this industry, as we know it, is over.

Those that were severed in the past few years will have figured out another (albeit MUCH lower paying) career. Ex-pharma folks in 2015 will be outright screwed. Aint nobody out there looking for >35 year old sample dropping pizza-givers (what my friend at a U Mich Fellowship programs was told to call us). Nobody. The few device and equipment companies looking to hire are looking for "elite" reps, those that sold in a hospital environment back when reps could get IN a hospital.

STFU, go drink your metamucil & go back to sleep you senile old bat .
No one cares about the nonsensical ramblings of an old coot