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MS Division - Where we went so terribly wrong

Anybody have an update on those who left? Managers are doing their very best to keep all departures super secret. We had a team member gone for weeks before the team knew.

I would seriously look at your numbers and see what the realistic possibility of your territory reaching 100% is. We have been tricked before and I really feel like they are playing games and are hoping to not have to payout and still get signatures. If my kool aid drinking manager asks me one more one time what I plan on doing with the money, Im gonna throw up. Im not even close to 100%.

I would seriously look at your numbers and see what the realistic possibility of your territory reaching 100% is. We have been tricked before and I really feel like they are playing games and are hoping to not have to payout and still get signatures. If my kool aid drinking manager asks me one more one time what I plan on doing with the money, Im gonna throw up. Im not even close to 100%.

Deception is underway. When you are constantly being sold on an idea by management you need to back up and realize why they are hard selling us. Don't be fooled again.

I had a chance to meet some of these Theracom people and I can tell u it's not all on them. Mainly, it's the ones in NJ who have really messed this up. Theracom is bound to much of the red tape that we are. Also, u get what you pay for. Novartis has shafted the contract with them leaving us with reps that get crappy pay. No wounder they have lots of turnaround.

I had a chance to meet some of these Theracom people and I can tell u it's not all on them. Mainly, it's the ones in NJ who have really messed this up. Theracom is bound to much of the red tape that we are. Also, u get what you pay for. Novartis has shafted the contract with them leaving us with reps that get crappy pay. No wounder they have lots of turnaround.

There have been many bad decisions in the MS division. I hope you are not planning on the stock grant money in 2013 because no one in MS will be eligible.

Problem in my Territory is low managed care coverage. Blame USMM in NJ as I can't sell thru Double Step P.A. restriction. Now I heard competition will be getting on Formulary while I am still 3rd Tier. Crazy

I would seriously look at your numbers and see what the realistic possibility of your territory reaching 100% is. We have been tricked before and I really feel like they are playing games and are hoping to not have to payout and still get signatures. If my kool aid drinking manager asks me one more one time what I plan on doing with the money, Im gonna throw up. Im not even close to 100%.

2013 will get worse. Less bonus, more games with quotas, and the unrealistic promise that the stock grant is achievable. Read the grant wording again. Most likely no one will be eligible. There is still talk of head count reductions. The recruiters will begin calling in early 2013. Time to listen.

2013 will get worse. Less bonus, more games with quotas, and the unrealistic promise that the stock grant is achievable. Read the grant wording again. Most likely no one will be eligible. There is still talk of head count reductions. The recruiters will begin calling in early 2013. Time to listen.

Is this why so many are interviewing?I heard Questcor will be taking a few people in January.

It will be a tough 2013 with layoffs at the end of the year or early 2014. Bonus payouts will be low. There are many Neurology opportunities coming outside Novartis. Make sure the recruiters have an updated resume

Novartis, Novartis, Novartis....once again, you take a prime opportunity to capture a eager market with an innovative product, and you fuck it up. Royally. First, you allow unqualified managers to hire unequally unqualified reps, neither with any knowledge of the MS market, KOI's or the importance of patient support groups.
Instead of listening to the few experts you hired and your Customers, you try and reinvent the wheel with disastrous results.
My advice to those who still work here. Save whatever little credibility you have left and abandon this ship before Novartis blames its failures on you.

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