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MS Division - Where we went so terribly wrong

Novartis, Novartis, Novartis....once again, you take a prime opportunity to capture a eager market with an innovative product, and you fuck it up. Royally. First, you allow unqualified managers to hire unequally unqualified reps, neither with any knowledge of the MS market, KOI's or the importance of patient support groups.
Instead of listening to the few experts you hired and your Customers, you try and reinvent the wheel with disastrous results.
My advice to those who still work here. Save whatever little credibility you have left and abandon this ship before Novartis blames its failures on you.

You are correct. The outside opportunities are not in MS or the companies won't touch Novartis employees. The blame is already passed down to the rep and NE level.When they tried to use the Primary Care model in the MS market they failed.The unfortunate part about it is management doesn't realize they failed and only the new competition will allow them to see their mistakes.Tough 2013 ahead.

You are correct. The outside opportunities are not in MS or the companies won't touch Novartis employees. The blame is already passed down to the rep and NE level.When they tried to use the Primary Care model in the MS market they failed.The unfortunate part about it is management doesn't realize they failed and only the new competition will allow them to see their mistakes.Tough 2013 ahead.

Dear management.
What is more important:
Understanding the difficult and highly competitive MS market space?
Breakaway training?
Good luck

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