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Went to unemployment office today.

Why don't you own your own business? Any idiot with a little initiative would have made this step when the writing was on the wall 4 years ago. If you are too lazy or stupid to have taken this step you deserve what you get
What business did you start? Please help those of us that didn't see the writing on the wall, or were too afraid to take the leap, or needed the steady income and insurance to support our families. Did you start a LLC or an S-Corp 4 years ago? Does anyone still here know anyone that used to carry a Novartis bag that has started a successful business? I don't know any.

This is the most accurate post on the subject I have seen in awhile. THINK, people: every single major pharma company has laid off thousands in the past 2 years. THOUSANDS! From Sanofi to Pfizer, to BMS, to Wyeth, GSK, Schering and Merck. I call BS on those that call BS on this story.

Please tell me who is going to go looking for 35-52 year old reps who have 10-20 years of experience giving six 60 second details a day and collecting signatures at dinner programs? C'mon, name me the industry that is looking for people like us. And for all of those pollyanna ("don't worry you'll find something") posters I say: please tell us where YOU work, so that we have an "in". I know a shitload of managers and reps that've been out there looking for more than 18 months. Those with jobs have taken a big pay cut to work as contract reps. Some fortunate ones have landed at the 3 or 4 companies that haven't cut.

This is the reality. Go to the other boards if you don't believe me. Go ahead. Everyone is facing that patent cliff. Everyone. In addition, those stupid-ass consultants recommended that we copy Pfizer and Merck and add new divisions to "support" the primary sales teams calling on docs. The result: we, like Pfizer and Merck, hired too many people 10-12 years ago.

And now here, we are, competing against ex-pharma folks for jobs at teeny tiny pharma, device, and equipment companies.

Somebody please tell me where I am wrong, and defend your position. I will call BS on those "look around, there are plenty of places that need people like us" posts. Give us names of companies that are hiring ex-Pharma, or don't respond. This is serious stuff here!

Finally a rational and logical response. You are soooo spot on. Its amazing that these people will lie to themselves.

She told me that she has worked with 7 previous pharma people and they have not been able to recover. All had 10 plus years with the companies. She said that most of the industry is looking for fewer than 5 years experience.

So here you have the classic novartis corporate mole posting this BS bogus garbage
in some feeble attempt to 'scare' you into bowing down & kissing the ass of your
corporate masters with love & adulation of the crappy rep job they will allow you to keep
for one final year.

Every rep from every company in our district found gainful employment after layoffs
with other pharma co's , contract companies , disposables , device & non related industries

Don't let these jack wipes con you into thinking otherwise.

This is the most accurate post on the subject I have seen in awhile. THINK, people: every single major pharma company has laid off thousands in the past 2 years. THOUSANDS! From Sanofi to Pfizer, to BMS, to Wyeth, GSK, Schering and Merck. I call BS on those that call BS on this story.

gulp. Is this true? I know a few that have gotten hired by contract companies, but I didn't know that it was that bad out there. I have a friend married to a headhunter. He can't look me in the eye when I ask about my chances of finding something in the industry. I noticed that he quickly looks away before telling me that I'll be fine. Does 'fine' mean a $35,000 pay cut?

106,000 rep jobs in 2005, 76,000 rep jobs in 2012 so far. That mean 36,000 permanently displaced drug reps that you are competing with. As another poster said "THINK" people. Just do the math. Also, as another poster said' just visit other boards and read their posts over the last 3-5 years. If you need to make even half of you are making, things WILL NOT BE FINE in the near term at least.

Think about what you do everyday and be honest, who would require such experience at more than 40k. Those of you living in the south or Midwest, how many jobs of any kind pay more than 50-60k. Right now a drug rep in alabama, Mississippi, or Texas makes the same money as one in new York city; those days are over!

Two ? What happened ? Didn't get it right the 1st time ?
Sounds like 22 years of quota filling & no one gives a shit
about MBA's except for the schools that sucker you for 50K

Yes, in pharma sales nobody cares. I mean really, its a low skill high pay job. For other more professional and challenging positions, people DO care; just read all of the posting saying "MBA preferred". As far as quotas go, I thing my education and experience speaks for themselves. If a company needs to use a auto to overcome racial bias in their hiring and promotions, then that's on them! There is no shame or worry in my game, sorry.

106,000 rep jobs in 2005, 76,000 rep jobs in 2012 so far. That mean 36,000 permanently displaced drug reps that you are competing with. As another poster said "THINK" people. Just do the math. Also, as another poster said' just visit other boards and read their posts over the last 3-5 years. If you need to make even half of you are making, things WILL NOT BE FINE in the near term at least.

Think about what you do everyday and be honest, who would require such experience at more than 40k. Those of you living in the south or Midwest, how many jobs of any kind pay more than 50-60k. Right now a drug rep in alabama, Mississippi, or Texas makes the same money as one in new York city; those days are over!

What's your point ? Keep paying me my salary & STFU

106,000 rep jobs in 2005, 76,000 rep jobs in 2012 so far. That mean 36,000 permanently displaced drug reps that you are competing with. As another poster said "THINK" people. Just do the math. Also, as another poster said' just visit other boards and read their posts over the last 3-5 years. If you need to make even half of you are making, things WILL NOT BE FINE in the near term at least.

Think about what you do everyday and be honest, who would require such experience at more than 40k. Those of you living in the south or Midwest, how many jobs of any kind pay more than 50-60k. Right now a drug rep in alabama, Mississippi, or Texas makes the same money as one in new York city; those days are over!

AMEN! I'm so tired of the entitlement some of these reps believe they deserve!
You were a cheerleader with a communications degree working for a Pharma co.
The ball is over Scarlett....Tara will never be the same!
Shame on you for not being better prepared!!!

Don't know about the above poster, but I also started my own business. I manage a team of professionals who are experts in negotiating insurance claims, medical coverage for those not covered and providing patients with a liason to helping medical facilities in applications for claim coverage. I have 14 employees including a medical director, PharmD and 2 attorneys. This is not unique but had not been done in my area and has been hugely successful. I have been working on this concept for 12 years but did not commit full time until I was downsized. Our next step will be cafeteria style coverage for customers who prefer this type of medical care. I have an MBA and just completed my PhD in Health Care Management. It can be done.

So here you have the classic novartis corporate mole posting this BS bogus garbage
in some feeble attempt to 'scare' you into bowing down & kissing the ass of your
corporate masters with love & adulation of the crappy rep job they will allow you to keep
for one final year.

Every rep from every company in our district found gainful employment after layoffs
with other pharma co's , contract companies , disposables , device & non related industries

Don't let these jack wipes con you into thinking otherwise.

So true , everyone I know landed on their feet. Enough with scare tactics management .
Cush job , easy money for 2 hours a day. When this gravy train ends it's on to another .

AMEN! I'm so tired of the entitlement some of these reps believe they deserve!
You were a cheerleader with a communications degree working for a Pharma co.
The ball is over Scarlett....Tara will never be the same!
Shame on you for not being better prepared!!!

Why do you care ? No one sure as shit cares about you .
Just a bitter old curmudgeon. Now slink off & croak.

Why do you care ? No one sure as shit cares about you .
Just a bitter old curmudgeon. Now slink off & croak.

A) I don't really care, just pointing out the obvious
B) I'm not old or a curmudgeon
C) I was separated from Novartis in one of the last "downsizings"
D) I saw the writing on the wall years ago, so I prepared by:
1) not living beyond my means
2) having them pay for my additional education

If you didn't see this coming, you're either ignorant, a drunk frat boy or a ditzy cheerleader-if the shoe fits ;)

So true , everyone I know landed on their feet. Enough with scare tactics management .
Cush job , easy money for 2 hours a day. When this gravy train ends it's on to another .

It's all part of the "be glad you have a job" (albeit a temp job at best)
propaganda campaign so you wake up & look at those blue skies & sing
your best impression of 'whistle while you' work foistering un-needed
overpriced branded garbage meds on an unsuspecting public that
have better & safer generic alternatives but as usual the subterfuge by novartis
paid lackeys is embarrassingly transparent.

A) I don't really care, just pointing out the obvious
B) I'm not old or a curmudgeon
C) I was separated from Novartis in one of the last "downsizings"
D) I saw the writing on the wall years ago, so I prepared by:
1) not living beyond my means
2) having them pay for my additional education

If you didn't see this coming, you're either ignorant, a drunk frat boy or a ditzy cheerleader-if the shoe fits ;)

Perhaps this can be crystal clear. Fuck off , Go fuck yourself . No one gives a shit what you think. You are an irrelevent asshole. Got it ? Good ! Now go away captain obvious.

Perhaps this can be crystal clear. Fuck off , Go fuck yourself . No one gives a shit what you think. You are an irrelevent asshole. Got it ? Good ! Now go away captain obvious.

Hit a nerve?
Not prepared and now you're going to lose that house you should have never bought?
You need some anger management.
Way to keep it classy, frat boy/cheerleader. Go do another shot!

I got downsized from pharma a few years ago. I am now self-employed.

I wake up at 8:00 am CST, then head to my office with my mug of coffee and open my laptop. I don't wear the monkey suit anymore, and usually work in my jeans or shorts. I may or may not leave the house until 3:00 pm CST. Just depends on the day.

So, what is my "job"? I am my own self-directed hedge fund manager. Yes, I am a short-term trader on Wallstreet via the Internet. My hours are usually the market hours, with the last hour typically being the most important. I now make more than I ever made in Pharma. I answer to nobody except God alone.

I play the market as it develops using both directional and advanced option trades. I make money no matter what the market decides to do. I make money whether the market is either bullish or bearish or just going sideways. Some days I lose money, but my "wins" are now far exceeding my losses.

The good new is this: Trading for a living from home is the dream of many and anyone can learn to become a professional trader.

That being said, it is not easy. You must go through your learning curve. Overall, it takes DISCIPLINE, patience, risk management, and you must control your emotions. On some days, I don't make any trades. Many days I make $100--$500 a day. Other days, while in any one particular trade I can make thousands in just a few hours, overnight, or in a few days. Some trades might take a few months to make a nice profit.

I love trading for a living. To be sure, you are at WAR everyday with the market makers. Over time, you will hone you trading style and skills. I have a written set of trading rules which I never break---EVER. Psychology is the MOST important part of becoming a successful trader. Yes, Fundamental and Technical analysis are important, but your own psychological makeup is what will determine whether you are either a successful or unsuccessful trader. Your too greatest battles that are fought are between greed and fear.

I will be the first to say it is not for everybody. Most of your friends and family will tell you that you are crazy, as the market is just too risky. But, it can be done. And it is truly what I love doing. I am so happy now that my pharma days are behind me!

So true , everyone I know landed on their feet. Enough with scare tactics management .
Cush job , easy money for 2 hours a day. When this gravy train ends it's on to another .

So you think there are many opportunities for drug reps, that will pay more than 30-40% of what you make now? The shock that you receive wjen you are fired will be huge. Everybody talks the brave " plenty of opportunity" talk, until they are faced with reality. Again, money isnt everything, so if you dont mind starting your career over again at a fraction of your pay, i agree youll be ok. But if you actually need your pay to survive, or anything close, you are doomed. Thats just real! If you thinkdelivering pizzas and saying " hi doc can i get a signature" has prepared you for anything, you are kidding yourself. Do you know that many drugs reps make more money that doctors? Most make more than average lawyers, engineers, arcjtects, cpa, professors, pharmacists, in many areas it could be twice as much as some of these professions. Again, THINK! DONT BE SO EMOTTIONAL OR DEFENSIVE.