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Went to unemployment office today.


Today was a wake up for me. I was with Novartis for 16 years and with Knoll for 5 years. This is the first time I have been unemployed. My case worker also told me to start the application process for food stamps since I have a family of 6 kids under 18. She told me that she has worked with 7 previous pharma people and they have not been able to recover. All had 10 plus years with the companies. She said that most of the industry is looking for fewer than 5 years experience.


That sucks, but keep your head up. Dont listen to people who will bring you down, You can do it. You will work again. This is going to be a mental battle. You have 16 years with a Fortune 50 company. You will find a place.

Hmmm, I wonder if I know you, I'm a former Knoll/ Novartis rep. Yes, keep hope, you will be fine. It does get better...you'll see. It may take a while, but stay focused, it will work out.

Today was a wake up for me. I was with Novartis for 16 years and with Knoll for 5 years. This is the first time I have been unemployed. My case worker also told me to start the application process for food stamps since I have a family of 6 kids under 18. She told me that she has worked with 7 previous pharma people and they have not been able to recover. All had 10 plus years with the companies. She said that most of the industry is looking for fewer than 5 years experience.

Your state unemployment case worker is correct. Pharma is closing down. Not sure why some of you still employed Pharma reps do not see that the writing is on the wall. It is a matter of time. And age discrimination is live and well in all cities too. So if you are a 33 year old Pharma rep, you will be undercut by someone who is younger than you! Don't want to look at it that way, then that's your fault.

why would you go to the unemployment office now ? your release date is next week but your not allowed unemployment until June 8th.....a little early isnt it ?

I totally agree with this. This story is BS. You cannot collect till you are no longer an employee which is on June 8th. If he works for 16 years he will get at least 32 weeks severance. Also food stamps are not given lightly.
Why the hell tell us a story like this. Go lick you wounds somewhere else

..... Also food stamps are not given lightly....

They're given out with pancakes at IHOP with heaping spoonfuls of butter..

Anyway who F'n cares if the story is true, not true here on CP? This board isn't meant to be for serious posts. It's used as a case study for CZ and associates. Poster's job is to piss people off - to see what buttons can be pushed...and then push 'em til there is a reaction.

Was told by former displaced people to start early with this process. If you have not dealt with State type system it is far more behind what we have today. It can take up to 8 weeks for your case to be reviewed. I for one am glad I did. At least I can collect what little is offered in a timely manner. I suggest everyone to do the same. It is a totally different world in these departments, and plan to be there at least 3 hours.

Today was a wake up for me. I was with Novartis for 16 years and with Knoll for 5 years. This is the first time I have been unemployed. My case worker also told me to start the application process for food stamps since I have a family of 6 kids under 18. She told me that she has worked with 7 previous pharma people and they have not been able to recover. All had 10 plus years with the companies. She said that most of the industry is looking for fewer than 5 years experience.

This is the most accurate post on the subject I have seen in awhile. THINK, people: every single major pharma company has laid off thousands in the past 2 years. THOUSANDS! From Sanofi to Pfizer, to BMS, to Wyeth, GSK, Schering and Merck. I call BS on those that call BS on this story.

Please tell me who is going to go looking for 35-52 year old reps who have 10-20 years of experience giving six 60 second details a day and collecting signatures at dinner programs? C'mon, name me the industry that is looking for people like us. And for all of those pollyanna ("don't worry you'll find something") posters I say: please tell us where YOU work, so that we have an "in". I know a shitload of managers and reps that've been out there looking for more than 18 months. Those with jobs have taken a big pay cut to work as contract reps. Some fortunate ones have landed at the 3 or 4 companies that haven't cut.

This is the reality. Go to the other boards if you don't believe me. Go ahead. Everyone is facing that patent cliff. Everyone. In addition, those stupid-ass consultants recommended that we copy Pfizer and Merck and add new divisions to "support" the primary sales teams calling on docs. The result: we, like Pfizer and Merck, hired too many people 10-12 years ago.

And now here, we are, competing against ex-pharma folks for jobs at teeny tiny pharma, device, and equipment companies.

Somebody please tell me where I am wrong, and defend your position. I will call BS on those "look around, there are plenty of places that need people like us" posts. Give us names of companies that are hiring ex-Pharma, or don't respond. This is serious stuff here!


Please tell me who is going to go looking for 35-52 year old reps who have 10-20 years of experience giving six 60 second details a day and collecting signatures at dinner programs?

Six , SIX ?! looks like someone was pushing OT which reminds me , make with the OT check already sparky
Putting a deposit on a new 2013 viper & I ain't got all day
>: -o

This is the most accurate post on the subject I have seen in awhile. THINK, people: every single major pharma company has laid off thousands in the past 2 years. THOUSANDS! From Sanofi to Pfizer, to BMS, to Wyeth, GSK, Schering and Merck. I call BS on those that call BS on this story.

gulp. Is this true? I know a few that have gotten hired by contract companies, but I didn't know that it was that bad out there. I have a friend married to a headhunter. He can't look me in the eye when I ask about my chances of finding something in the industry. I noticed that he quickly looks away before telling me that I'll be fine. Does 'fine' mean a $35,000 pay cut?

This is the most accurate post on the subject I have seen in awhile. THINK, people: every single major pharma company has laid off thousands in the past 2 years. THOUSANDS! From Sanofi to Pfizer, to BMS, to Wyeth, GSK, Schering and Merck. I call BS on those that call BS on this story.

gulp. Is this true? I know a few that have gotten hired by contract companies, but I didn't know that it was that bad out there. I have a friend married to a headhunter. He can't look me in the eye when I ask about my chances of finding something in the industry. I noticed that he quickly looks away before telling me that I'll be fine. Does 'fine' mean a $35,000 pay cut?

Try more than half!
You'll be lucky if you make 50K.
That is after months of searching thinking you're better than that.
Best bet, take a real sales job, prove yourself, then you can move into device/diagnostics/equipment making real money, again.

Why don't you own your own business? Any idiot with a little initiative would have made this step when the writing was on the wall 4 years ago. If you are too lazy or stupid to have taken this step you deserve what you get

I'm on my third year post pharma. I did two 100 percent commission jobs (since I had a hefty package), they were a bust (literally the companies folded). I did merchandising contracts and then finally I landed a job with Waste Management selling commercial waste disposal. I work very hard for my 50 thousand a year, down more then 50% from the 120 thousand I earned with my 20 Plus year career with Pharma.

I will go on the record to say I'm very thankful to have this job, period.