Well, how much do you have in your 401K and how old are you?

Why don't you put up your address and social security number up there too?

It proves that your IRA and 401K gobblers are really that stupid.

Keep tying up that money. Maybe you can take it with you when you die too. Take a trip to the moon or something with that idiot Elon Musk.

This person with the banging retirement (and non-retirement) portfolio is already 59 1/2 so jokes on you, they aren't tying anything up, and are most likely starting to enjoy their "retirement". Plus, not all was in retirement funds, so they can obviously tap that bucket later, if they want. Smart investor with balanced and abundant accounts.You're an idiot.

This person with the banging retirement (and non-retirement) portfolio is already 59 1/2 so jokes on you, they aren't tying anything up, and are most likely starting to enjoy their "retirement". Plus, not all was in retirement funds, so they can obviously tap that bucket later, if they want. Smart investor with balanced and abundant accounts.You're an idiot.

Most intelligent people here know who the real idiot is.

Keep defending your paper money, and tie it all up in knots, like the sucker that you are.

You have no clue what inflation is and who is behind, moron. You have a lot to learn about life. Clueless.

To all the dopes that rail about the 401k scam, I invested in straight S&P fund for 30 years with an expense ratio of .01% in Vanguard.

I have over $4.6 million in 30 years with max contributed each year plus catch up.

My quarterly fees are less than a tank of gas in my truck.

I own two properties and they are money pits. Nuff said.

Most intelligent people here know who the real idiot is.

Keep defending your paper money, and tie it all up in knots, like the sucker that you are.

You have no clue what inflation is and who is behind, moron. You have a lot to learn about life. Clueless.

You don't know me. I have more money than the person I was defending, and I am much younger. You also have no idea how I am invested and how I live now and plan to live. Inflation isn't the enemy, lifestyle creep is. And, speaking of creep, go back to calling on primary care doctors and pick on someone your own infantile size.

To all the dopes that rail about the 401k scam, I invested in straight S&P fund for 30 years with an expense ratio of .01% in Vanguard.

I have over $4.6 million in 30 years with max contributed each year plus catch up.

My quarterly fees are less than a tank of gas in my truck.

I own two properties and they are money pits. Nuff said.

Have fun wiping your butt with your $4.6 million. You just don't get it. Chasing a worthless dollar, like a fool most of your life. Good for you.

You don't know me. I have more money than the person I was defending, and I am much younger. You also have no idea how I am invested and how I live now and plan to live. Inflation isn't the enemy, lifestyle creep is. And, speaking of creep, go back to calling on primary care doctors and pick on someone your own infantile size.

I worked at Pfizer for about 6 months, in my early 20s, and quit because of the stupid pods. Nobody calling on primary care here.

Keep living in your Fantasy Land. Good for you, Carlito. Good for you.

I worked at Pfizer for about 6 months, in my early 20s, and quit because of the stupid pods. Nobody calling on primary care here.

Keep living in your Fantasy Land. Good for you, Carlito. Good for you.

6 months!!!!! Now that's an expert in the industry if I've ever heard of one!!!! Dumbass, pods don't really exist anymore unless you are doing primary care, so not only are you dating yourself but your information is stale. And, for those of us who have really been part of this industry, we have all worked at Pfizer or a Pfizer-like big pharma company, so let the big kids talk now, son, and scurry back to your hole in the ground.

Another reason the 401k sucks is all the manipulation surrounding the stock market and financial markets, in general.

If you study the history of the stock market, you will find so many instances of market manipulation. The Rothchilds come to mind the most, buying up stock PENNIES on the dollar during the Great Depression.

History repeats itself, and the American sheep get taken for a ride all the time.

Best investments are housing first, and then I would go with physical gold coins or silver coins. Although, you might not get great return on these coins, they will hold their value during the economic instability.

People that think their 401k or cash is worth something today, are just not very smart. The government is printing money are record rates, and history show that all fiat currency will falter. It might not happen in our lifetime, but it will happen.

Money changers are running the planet for the most part, and chasing after worthless dollars is not very smart, unless you can convert them into a more meaningful wealth asset, like land, housing, or coins, as I mentioned. The 401k is just another instrument used to gain control of YOUR wealth, nothing more or less. Most of you here fell for it, because you are the sheep.

Another reason the 401k sucks is all the manipulation surrounding the stock market and financial markets, in general.

If you study the history of the stock market, you will find so many instances of market manipulation. The Rothchilds come to mind the most, buying up stock PENNIES on the dollar during the Great Depression.

History repeats itself, and the American sheep get taken for a ride all the time.

Best investments are housing first, and then I would go with physical gold coins or silver coins. Although, you might not get great return on these coins, they will hold their value during the economic instability.

People that think their 401k or cash is worth something today, are just not very smart. The government is printing money are record rates, and history show that all fiat currency will falter. It might not happen in our lifetime, but it will happen.

Money changers are running the planet for the most part, and chasing after worthless dollars is not very smart, unless you can convert them into a more meaningful wealth asset, like land, housing, or coins, as I mentioned. The 401k is just another instrument used to gain control of YOUR wealth, nothing more or less. Most of you here fell for it, because you are the sheep.

Anyone that takes your stupid advice deserves to be broke, just like you.

Simple facts show that the majority of money in 401ks and IRAs are held by the top 10% because the wealthy will use every single tax advantage/break they can get. Further, you are not actually investing in a 401k or IRA. Instead, you hold investments within the 401k or IRA. The fact that you don’t understand that shows how little you know.

Another reason the 401k sucks is all the manipulation surrounding the stock market and financial markets, in general.

If you study the history of the stock market, you will find so many instances of market manipulation. The Rothchilds come to mind the most, buying up stock PENNIES on the dollar during the Great Depression.

History repeats itself, and the American sheep get taken for a ride all the time.

Best investments are housing first, and then I would go with physical gold coins or silver coins. Although, you might not get great return on these coins, they will hold their value during the economic instability.

People that think their 401k or cash is worth something today, are just not very smart. The government is printing money are record rates, and history show that all fiat currency will falter. It might not happen in our lifetime, but it will happen.

Money changers are running the planet for the most part, and chasing after worthless dollars is not very smart, unless you can convert them into a more meaningful wealth asset, like land, housing, or coins, as I mentioned. The 401k is just another instrument used to gain control of YOUR wealth, nothing more or less. Most of you here fell for it, because you are the sheep.

Wrong again, Sluggo. The S&P500 has far outpaced both gold and silver. Further, S&P500 holding in retirement accounts (401ks and IRAs) have also benefit by the tax breaks that they offer versus investments in taxable accounts.

Inflation impacts goods that you buy, not the specific investment vehicles.

When looking at long term results, here are actual facts on annual returns, going from 1971 to the end of March 2024:

U.S. stocks - 10.7% (S&P has considerably higher returns, but using the overall market to be conservative)
Commodities - 8.01%
Gold - 7.98% (gold has outperformed silver, but some choose silver given the lower entry price)
Emerging Markets - 6.39%
U.S. Bonds - 5.9%

Lesson learned is that you don’t listen to idiots posting on chat boards making stupid claims without actually checking the facts first.

Most of you just don't know your history.

I can't expect that of you, since your career has been about respecting any and all authority, and reading off of a core visual aid.

It is very sad.

I write this not to make fun of you, but to wake up your pea sized mind, that likely watches a lot of Netflix, thinks Jim Cramer is honest, and eats mostly Oreo cookies because you can't read the labels on food products. You are just worn down. Chasing fantasies all of your life, with no influence on others (your dumb posts continually prove that) or your community. A speck in the dust for the most part. Still thinking paper money is real :))). How slow are your minds? Answer: very slow.

Most of you just don't know your history.

I can't expect that of you, since your career has been about respecting any and all authority, and reading off of a core visual aid.

It is very sad.

I write this not to make fun of you, but to wake up your pea sized mind, that likely watches a lot of Netflix, thinks Jim Cramer is honest, and eats mostly Oreo cookies because you can't read the labels on food products. You are just worn down. Chasing fantasies all of your life, with no influence on others (your dumb posts continually prove that) or your community. A speck in the dust for the most part. Still thinking paper money is real :))). How slow are your minds? Answer: very slow.

Perhaps you should spend more time looking up the facts (such as historical return rates) before making stupid post like this one and the previous posts. You decide to post a bunch of insults to cover up your stupidity. It is no wonder why you couldn’t cut it in pharma. Spend more time reading and less time at the keyboard.

Perhaps you should spend more time looking up the facts (such as historical return rates) before making stupid post like this one and the previous posts. You decide to post a bunch of insults to cover up your stupidity. It is no wonder why you couldn’t cut it in pharma. Spend more time reading and less time at the keyboard.
Look up the Great Depression.

You can start your history lesson there. It wasn't that long ago.

History repeats itself.

I try to warn you fools.

Look up the Great Depression.

You can start your history lesson there. It wasn't that long ago.

History repeats itself.

I try to warn you fools.
Not that long ago? Really? Most of us were not alive at that time. The vast majority of the financial system has changed since that time. Further, if there was a financial collapse of that scale today, all assets including gold, silver and real estate would be hit. So if that is what you are worried about, then go ahead and move out of your mom’s basement and go out to the wilderness. Be prepared to grow your own food, make your own clothes, etc. Bascially, become a prepper. Good luck with that, Skippy!

Look up the Great Depression.

You can start your history lesson there. It wasn't that long ago.

History repeats itself.

I try to warn you fools.
Did you know that a 70/30 portfolio with a 4% SWR has survived every 30 year period, including the timeframe that includes the Great Depression? You probably don’t since it was clear in previous posts that you don’t really research investments and historical return rates. It seems you keep digging yourself a deeper hole when you don’t follow previous advice to actually read up on history and look for real facts.

Are these numbers combined if poster is married and spouse works? So in the above example the $900K is you and your spouse (if married) together or is it just your own 401K?

Just curious. If it is only yours and doesn't include any other IRAs and so forth I am starting to feel inadequate. I am 43 and I have $470K in my 401K. My wife works full time is 40 years old and has $364K in hers.

If the $900k is yours and your spouse also works and has a separate 401K you must be in pretty good shape. Nice job!
I am 62 and have $950k in IRA’s. I still owe $170k on mortgage balance. House value is $1.1M so equity of about $1M. That IRA total is all rollover 401k’s from previous jobs. Wife has no 401k. I would like to retire and need to find a good fiduciary or CFP. I love the honesty on this topic from everyone. We can all get there. I think with the stock market and a trusted planner that doesn’t hose you, it’s achievable. This BS of living at 75% of your working income, is financial planning thieves trying to create hyperbole and panic. I agree with previous poster, you live on a reasonable lower income budget and it will work out. Good luck to all of you, DONT PANIC!

Another reason the 401k sucks is all the manipulation surrounding the stock market and financial markets, in general.

If you study the history of the stock market, you will find so many instances of market manipulation. The Rothchilds come to mind the most, buying up stock PENNIES on the dollar during the Great Depression.

History repeats itself, and the American sheep get taken for a ride all the time.

Best investments are housing first, and then I would go with physical gold coins or silver coins. Although, you might not get great return on these coins, they will hold their value during the economic instability.

People that think their 401k or cash is worth something today, are just not very smart. The government is printing money are record rates, and history show that all fiat currency will falter. It might not happen in our lifetime, but it will happen.

Money changers are running the planet for the most part, and chasing after worthless dollars is not very smart, unless you can convert them into a more meaningful wealth asset, like land, housing, or coins, as I mentioned. The 401k is just another instrument used to gain control of YOUR wealth, nothing more or less. Most of you here fell for it, because you are the sheep.
Thanks Comrade. How’s Putty doing?

It really is shocking to see so many stupid people on here, defending the handing over of their labor/money to the stock market, to hold for decades, when the investing world has continually duped the middle class (yes, you are all middle class, at best, sorry to pop your bubble of fantasy world) to line their own pockets with YOUR hard earned money. So silly. You just will never get it, you Netflix watching, Diet Coke, injection loving, mask wearing imbeciles.

I am 62 and have $950k in IRA’s. I still owe $170k on mortgage balance. House value is $1.1M so equity of about $1M. That IRA total is all rollover 401k’s from previous jobs. Wife has no 401k. I would like to retire and need to find a good fiduciary or CFP. I love the honesty on this topic from everyone. We can all get there. I think with the stock market and a trusted planner that doesn’t hose you, it’s achievable. This BS of living at 75% of your working income, is financial planning thieves trying to create hyperbole and panic. I agree with previous poster, you live on a reasonable lower income budget and it will work out. Good luck to all of you, DONT PANIC!
Don’t pay anyone to manage your money. A good resource is the Bogleheads forum. Start with the suggested reading list.