Wearing scubs on sales calls

Totally stupid and I can't believe you took the time to fucking right that, what a loser. I really don't even get it, I guess blood on the cuff is acting like he was performing a surgery even though he is just a rep? I will have to say that is a pretty lame joke.

lets learn the correct spelling of write... "right" dumb ass. Jokes on you!

Hey its 2008, Chris Fagan hasnt been with Genzyme in 3 yrs.

Scott Pfafman's results speaks for itself so he doesnt need to be defended on this board but I would hardly call the #1 rep in the country for the past 10 years running an idiot

Scott trained me.

Do the opposite of what he says.

Sure, he was the #1 rep. That did not mean he knew what he was doing.

Left after 1 year for Medtronic.

There is so much more money and happiness out there.

So glad I left.

Middle ground here, everyone. You don't have to be a suit fag or a scrub dork.

What sets me apart in device sales is to approach the office in nice Dockers or golf pants and a matching polo. I'm telling you in my area nobody else does this. The reception and RN staff don't know how to take it, so they figure I must not be the typical pharma rep or scrub dork. I've been able to make more appointments and get closer to the docs this way than ever before.

Dockers are gay!

Maybe I have grown, or I'm getting older, but... Why do reps wear scrubs outside of the OR? Are these kids THAT insecure? Is showing off to anonymous people really that important?

Don't know what else to say....

Maybe I have grown, or I'm getting older, but... Why do reps wear scrubs outside of the OR? Are these kids THAT insecure? Is showing off to anonymous people really that important?

Don't know what else to say....

It is alot more comfortable. It is not a money thing. I am not going to say I am making 300K like some shitheads. Have fun with your Men's Warehouse suit- you'll look good, I guarantee it.

Maybe I have grown, or I'm getting older, but... Why do reps wear scrubs outside of the OR? Are these kids THAT insecure? Is showing off to anonymous people really that important?

Don't know what else to say....

I think you are getting older, and obviously your tenure in this industry hasn't gotten you to the OR yet... When you have a suit, be it $200 from Mens Warehouse or $1000 from Hugo Boss, and it ends up on the dirty disgusting floor of the locker room at the hospital, it makes you second guess ever wearing a suit again. I am not going to have some asshole throw my expensive shit out of a locker, so I wear company scrubs or even some random pair of scrubs.

I think scrubs are a good idea. If you have ever worked in med devices you would know that. If you wear scrubs from one hospital to the next you just have to change before surgery. Some hospital allow you to wear your company scrubs into the OR since you are always outside the sterile field. I change because it just seems to be the right thing to do. Working in scrubs in the office puts you more in a mirror position. They also do not always like pharma reps. For me they are also more comfortable. I guess your problem is that you have to look like you make the cash. I don't have to look that way. ... I do make the cash.

Scrubs on sales reps is NOT a "god idea". I have polled many a surgeon and MA and they do not think highly of reps who wear scrubs into their clinics and find it very unprofessional.
It's kind of like a Mom or Dad coming to their kids baseball game dressed in a Base Ball Uniform.

You are screaming nonverbally to the surgical team, "Hey look at me, I'm cool dressed like I'm part of your team" You are not part of the clinical team so dress like a sales person and quit pretending you are something you are not.

No hospital allows you to wear "company scrubs".

Sales reps wearing scrubs in clinics is a JOKE!

Scrubs on sales reps is NOT a "god idea". I have polled many a surgeon and MA and they do not think highly of reps who wear scrubs into their clinics and find it very unprofessional.
It's kind of like a Mom or Dad coming to their kids baseball game dressed in a Base Ball Uniform.

You are screaming nonverbally to the surgical team, "Hey look at me, I'm cool dressed like I'm part of your team" You are not part of the clinical team so dress like a sales person and quit pretending you are something you are not.

No hospital allows you to wear "company scrubs".

Sales reps wearing scrubs in clinics is a JOKE!

OK, so this is the dumbest post I have seen on here yet. Like parents wearing a baseball uniform??? The parents don't run on the field during the game idiot! We are actually in the OR and are required to wear scrubs. And YES we are allowed to wear company scrubs in some ORs. Some make us change, others don't. Get your shit straight before you come on here and call people unprofessional.

Your ignorance shows so very clearly when you say "dress like a sales person". Different industries require different attire. It doesn't matter what you are wearing, as long as you can sell! Suits, scrubs, clown outfits, whatever. WHO CARES!?

And one more thing... You actually "polled" your docs and asked this question? Really?? You have nothing better to talk about? Maybe try to sell something jackass!

I wear scrubs all day, mostly because I'm lazy;) Suits are gay.

Surgical Reps are gay. I used to be one then saw the light. I would much rather wear a suit and tie in a sales meeting with the CEO and executive board of a hospital or IDN selling seven figure capital solutions than trying to BS some hot sh it doc. No to mention all the infection control guidelines and standards you idiots are violating. Starting next year, just pray that you don't wear scrubs into a facility where Joint Commission is doing a compliance survey.

Once "srubs" leave the sub-sterile core they are considered soiled you r*****s. You morons are actually going to tell me you get more respect from the docs because you are either violating infection control standards or like putting patients at risk? Typical surgical rep thinking they are at the top of the heap. Top of the heap are the guys designing and selling the OR's themselves, capital sales.

Once "srubs" leave the sub-sterile core they are considered soiled you r*****s. You morons are actually going to tell me you get more respect from the docs because you are either violating infection control standards or like putting patients at risk? Typical surgical rep thinking they are at the top of the heap. Top of the heap are the guys designing and selling the OR's themselves, capital sales.

Hey loser, we don't wear the same scrubs that we just walked out of the OR with! We leave that to the doctors. Let's talk about spreading infection. They go from the hospital to their offices and back in the same scrubs. And don't give me that I'm a capital or dme sales rep garbage. Who gives a shit what you sell. You are no better if you are wearing scrubs or a suit.

come on let's get this one back up and running. This is my favorite post on Cafepharma. It gives me such a laugh.

Ahhh I love to see the Surg Device reps wearing scrubs around the hospital or around town! Getting in and out of their cars with their bags of "surgery devices", wearing their PJ's, and sneakers oh sorry running shoes or crocs cause "they're comfortable and they'll be on their feet all day"!, and the girls have their designer caps! Holy _hit do I luv this site!

You aholes make me laugh so hard I could pee my pants! You make like what $10/hr and put so much effort into trying to seperate yourself from a Pharma Rep. And the pharma rep doesn't even give a crap about you!

And yes you are compromising the sterile field if you bring that crap in the OR. You look like a total TOTAL jackass! Especially the aholes with the sneakers and designer caps. And you are not repeat are not even close to being more of a sales person than pharma.

And I love the story's of wearing your scrubs into the clinic! Oh my head! I was trained by a guy who did this in the field. Was so wonderful. He went into a doctors office across the street from the hospital were we just observed a case and "tried" to make a sales call on the doc. In his scrubs! Oh the looks we got from the front desk office staff and surgeon in the office was great, classic! He was like "yeah I try and not waer my suit as much as possible cause I don't want the offices to think I'm a pharma rep so they let me see the doc" Ohhhhh so wonderful. How about a business card and telling them you are in the OR with them jackass. Does the surgeon go back to his office in scrubs! NEVER! I have yet to see a curgeon seeing patients in their office in scrubs. Suit & tie moron!

I could go on all day.....

I say scrub it up when you can.

I have some sweet light blue kind and found a great light blue v neck shirt at Banana Republic that looks great with it. I also found some great light blue / navy blue trail running shoes at the Nike Outlet. not only am I comfortable, I'm coordinated, trusted and respected by my peers and customers.

Drop the hate and appreciate!

The monkey suit is so yesterday. If I am not in scrubs, it slack and a polo button down.

I say scrub it up when you can.

I have some sweet light blue kind and found a great light blue v neck shirt at Banana Republic that looks great with it. I also found some great light blue / navy blue trail running shoes at the Nike Outlet. not only am I comfortable, I'm coordinated, trusted and respected by my peers and customers.

Drop the hate and appreciate!

The monkey suit is so yesterday. If I am not in scrubs, it slack and a polo button down.

Hilarious.......I'm in device and wear a suit most of the time. I can't say I never wear scrubs, but it is very rare. Only on days where I will be in an OR all day and not be going anywhere else.