Wearing scubs on sales calls

Your an ass! Your not special....you are not a doctor...you are not part of the medical staff in the operating room. They are not permitted to leave the hospital in bloody scrubs, against OSHA guide lines...familiar with that?? That is the reason there are locker rooms...to get into scrubs. It really makes you feel special to put them on and pretend you are part of the surgical team...make no mistake YOU ARE NOT, and they, the ones who are, are aware of your pathetic existance there.

This one's my favorite

I wear my scrubs when I get into bed with my wife. She always wanted to marry a surgeon so I am the closest thing to it. It totally turns her on. I also have on my booties and mask. I feel so special. I am SCRUB MAN!!!

At my company we call them "scrub dorks". In my region we have a contest on who can get the best "scrub dork" picture on our cell phones. Points are earned by,

-Hair coming out of the V neck
-Any type of jewery showing
-Fake, loose, ROLEX is major points
-Wearing the OR mask while not in the hospital
-"BOOTIES" if he's wearing them out side the OR, HUGE points !

-Automatic winner -
-If you get a pic outside of a Drs. office or hospital (ie. mini mart or grocery store)

Have Fun!

The best is when the rep wears scrubs and a blazer, which is the ultimate "I want to look like a doctor move". These idiots need to remember, the janitor wears scrubs, too. I love going into restaurants near the hospital and seeing some douche bag in their scrubs with their company name printed on them. Cool look.

Don't work with you guys anymore. Trained with a guy named Fagen down in Florida quite a while ago. He wore scrubs start to finish, even when we had a day with no cases. Guess he was a scrub dork?

This is fucking comedic.

Feel free to wear your monkey suit into a docs office...you will look just like all the dumbass pharma reps that are stuck waiting in the waiting room (unless of course they are carrying bags and bags of FOOD for the staff).
Meanwhile, I will be back with the doc setting up an eval.

Wait a minute, I guess that makes sense for Genzyme reps, considering they are nothing but glorified pharma reps.

Don't work with you guys anymore. Trained with a guy named Fagen down in Florida quite a while ago. He wore scrubs start to finish, even when we had a day with no cases. Guess he was a scrub dork?

oh wait.....I'm a scrub dork? What are you? The guy in a suit with his shemale purse on wheels full of samples, sitting in the waiting room? I walk by you in my scrubs, and I get right in the office while the nurses and staff look at the manly bulge in my scrub pants. Nice $400 suit, I own $1000 suits because I only need to where them 4 times a year, suits shouldn't be uniforms....rock on pharma boy, rock on! Sometimes I leave my mask hanging around my neck, sometimes I do not, but I always wear my footies.

Yes I work for a competitor. Yes I wear scrubs most days. Maybe I just don't get it. Anyone who spends time in OR, or who works directly with patients would be a fool to wear anything but scrubs. We rarely get lockers at the hospital so our clothes are thrown on top. When in contact with patients, theres often bodily fluids that either smell foul, are infectious waste or both. Yes I wear scrubs. My docs seem to expect it as they often call me into the exam rooms with patients and help field questions from patients. Yes docs where shirts and ties, but a lab coat over that. So, at least for me and my docs, scrubs are the way to go. Then again, I don't just push a glorified pharmaceutical.

Wow you get to go in and see patients! See Body fluid and smell foul smells! Your Job is special. You must be as good as a doctor. I wish I was you.

Get over yourself Douche Bag

oh wait.....I'm a scrub dork? What are you? The guy in a suit with his shemale purse on wheels full of samples, sitting in the waiting room? I walk by you in my scrubs, and I get right in the office while the nurses and staff look at the manly bulge in my scrub pants. Nice $400 suit, I own $1000 suits because I only need to where them 4 times a year, suits shouldn't be uniforms....rock on pharma boy, rock on! Sometimes I leave my mask hanging around my neck, sometimes I do not, but I always wear my footies.

Are you Fagan? Is your post supposed to be sarcastic? I don't know.

(you probably do where scrubs, though)

oh wait.....I'm a scrub dork? What are you? The guy in a suit with his shemale purse on wheels full of samples, sitting in the waiting room? I walk by you in my scrubs, and I get right in the office while the nurses and staff look at the manly bulge in my scrub pants. Nice $400 suit, I own $1000 suits because I only need to where them 4 times a year, suits shouldn't be uniforms....rock on pharma boy, rock on! Sometimes I leave my mask hanging around my neck, sometimes I do not, but I always wear my footies.

you "wear" a suit, not "where". you think a $1000 suit is rock star? by the way, when we all went out to dinner with our signifigant others at the last meeting, (i'm sure you know which one i'm talking about) your wife got all drunk and hit on me when you were playing pool. Don't worry, i'm not a threat, no way i would bang her, even if i was hammered.

I remember training with Scott Pfaflan and Chris Fagan. Both wore scrubs each day. I agree, it was a turn off. Besides, Pfaflan was an idiot. He was proud of telling me this:
His daughter wanted a certain toy and would not let up. He got pissed and made her give away all of her toys. Great lesson. Hey Scott.. You are a great dad.

Fagan is another story.

Here is a good rep for you:

Have your trainee fly into Miami. Tell her you will pick her up at 8:00 AM. Show up at 11:00 AM, with no phone call. Drive 1 hour to the case. Find out the case was cancel 2 days prior. Cold call the OR nurses. Go to lunch. Have the rep pay for it. Lunch for two costs $78.00. For lunch? Show up for a case, too late. Ask the surgeon to break the seal on a package of film. Begging is a great sales technique. Please, come on, do me right. The surgeon is did it!

I declined the job offer.

Great company you guys have!

Hey its 2008, Chris Fagan hasnt been with Genzyme in 3 yrs.

Scott Pfafman's results speaks for itself so he doesnt need to be defended on this board but I would hardly call the #1 rep in the country for the past 10 years running an idiot

Hey its 2008, Chris Fagan hasnt been with Genzyme in 3 yrs.

Scott Pfafman's results speaks for itself so he doesnt need to be defended on this board but I would hardly call the #1 rep in the country for the past 10 years running an idiot

The #1 rep at Genzyme?

That's comparable to being the #8 rep at Bard, or the #20 rep at Medtronic. Get over yourself. You work at Genzyme. If he has been there for ten years, he must be a "Lifer". He is either afraid to try to work for a real company, or has no ambition, and content with a boring, stagnant, non-challenging life.

Agree with above poster. I wear scrubs to the hospital and then change into their issued scrubs for cases. Why wear suit if I don't get a locker, let someone grip my scrubs instead. If I am making office calls then I will wear a suit, I also agree sales calls in scrubs are a bit unprofessional, since we didn't go to Med school and we are here to conduct business. Pharma reps are hating on this thread because they provide no value and wouldn't know how to get issued scrubs if their lives depended on it.

Don't work with you guys anymore. Trained with a guy named Fagen down in Florida quite a while ago. He wore scrubs start to finish, even when we had a day with no cases. Guess he was a scrub dork?

OR Reps shouldn't wear suits. They are in and out of the OR most days plus wearing a suit lumps you into a sad group called pharma reps.