Your an ass! Your not are not a are not part of the medical staff in the operating room. They are not permitted to leave the hospital in bloody scrubs, against OSHA guide lines...familiar with that?? That is the reason there are locker get into scrubs. It really makes you feel special to put them on and pretend you are part of the surgical team...make no mistake YOU ARE NOT, and they, the ones who are, are aware of your pathetic existance there.
What your wife likes most is the fantacy that there is someone else in the scrubs and not her pot belly dull husband!!!
At my company we call them "scrub dorks". In my region we have a contest on who can get the best "scrub dork" picture on our cell phones. Points are earned by,
-Hair coming out of the V neck
-Any type of jewery showing
-Fake, loose, ROLEX is major points
-Wearing the OR mask while not in the hospital
-"BOOTIES" if he's wearing them out side the OR, HUGE points !
-Automatic winner -
-If you get a pic outside of a Drs. office or hospital (ie. mini mart or grocery store)
Have Fun!
Don't work with you guys anymore. Trained with a guy named Fagen down in Florida quite a while ago. He wore scrubs start to finish, even when we had a day with no cases. Guess he was a scrub dork?
oh wait.....I'm a scrub dork? What are you? The guy in a suit with his shemale purse on wheels full of samples, sitting in the waiting room? I walk by you in my scrubs, and I get right in the office while the nurses and staff look at the manly bulge in my scrub pants. Nice $400 suit, I own $1000 suits because I only need to where them 4 times a year, suits shouldn't be uniforms....rock on pharma boy, rock on! Sometimes I leave my mask hanging around my neck, sometimes I do not, but I always wear my footies.
oh wait.....I'm a scrub dork? What are you? The guy in a suit with his shemale purse on wheels full of samples, sitting in the waiting room? I walk by you in my scrubs, and I get right in the office while the nurses and staff look at the manly bulge in my scrub pants. Nice $400 suit, I own $1000 suits because I only need to where them 4 times a year, suits shouldn't be uniforms....rock on pharma boy, rock on! Sometimes I leave my mask hanging around my neck, sometimes I do not, but I always wear my footies.
Hey its 2008, Chris Fagan hasnt been with Genzyme in 3 yrs.
Scott Pfafman's results speaks for itself so he doesnt need to be defended on this board but I would hardly call the #1 rep in the country for the past 10 years running an idiot
Don't work with you guys anymore. Trained with a guy named Fagen down in Florida quite a while ago. He wore scrubs start to finish, even when we had a day with no cases. Guess he was a scrub dork?