I remember training with Scott Pfaflan and Chris Fagan. Both wore scrubs each day. I agree, it was a turn off. Besides, Pfaflan was an idiot. He was proud of telling me this:
His daughter wanted a certain toy and would not let up. He got pissed and made her give away all of her toys. Great lesson. Hey Scott.. You are a great dad.
Fagan is another story.
Here is a good rep for you:
Have your trainee fly into Miami. Tell her you will pick her up at 8:00 AM. Show up at 11:00 AM, with no phone call. Drive 1 hour to the case. Find out the case was cancel 2 days prior. Cold call the OR nurses. Go to lunch. Have the rep pay for it. Lunch for two costs $78.00. For lunch? Show up for a case, too late. Ask the surgeon to break the seal on a package of film. Begging is a great sales technique. Please, come on, do me right. The surgeon is did it!
I declined the job offer.
Great company you guys have!
Wow. How bitter are you? Two posts on fagan.....hmmm let me see....did he fuck you in the box or your mouth? Why don't you call him to complain instead of crying on cafepharma?
PS - How's it going at BK?