Wearing scubs on sales calls

I remember training with Scott Pfaflan and Chris Fagan. Both wore scrubs each day. I agree, it was a turn off. Besides, Pfaflan was an idiot. He was proud of telling me this:
His daughter wanted a certain toy and would not let up. He got pissed and made her give away all of her toys. Great lesson. Hey Scott.. You are a great dad.

Fagan is another story.

Here is a good rep for you:

Have your trainee fly into Miami. Tell her you will pick her up at 8:00 AM. Show up at 11:00 AM, with no phone call. Drive 1 hour to the case. Find out the case was cancel 2 days prior. Cold call the OR nurses. Go to lunch. Have the rep pay for it. Lunch for two costs $78.00. For lunch? Show up for a case, too late. Ask the surgeon to break the seal on a package of film. Begging is a great sales technique. Please, come on, do me right. The surgeon is did it!

I declined the job offer.

Great company you guys have!

Wow. How bitter are you? Two posts on fagan.....hmmm let me see....did he fuck you in the box or your mouth? Why don't you call him to complain instead of crying on cafepharma?

PS - How's it going at BK?

I remember training with Scott Pfaflan and Chris Fagan. Both wore scrubs each day. I agree, it was a turn off. Besides, Pfaflan was an idiot. He was proud of telling me this:
His daughter wanted a certain toy and would not let up. He got pissed and made her give away all of her toys. Great lesson. Hey Scott.. You are a great dad.

Fagan is another story.

Here is a good rep for you:

Have your trainee fly into Miami. Tell her you will pick her up at 8:00 AM. Show up at 11:00 AM, with no phone call. Drive 1 hour to the case. Find out the case was cancel 2 days prior. Cold call the OR nurses. Go to lunch. Have the rep pay for it. Lunch for two costs $78.00. For lunch? Show up for a case, too late. Ask the surgeon to break the seal on a package of film. Begging is a great sales technique. Please, come on, do me right. The surgeon is did it!

I declined the job offer.

Great company you guys have!

I don't mean to ruin your awesome posts but - you wouldn't be "training" if you declined the job offer as you stated - you would be going on a field ride. Whoever you are stop spreading the bull shit around and get a life.

I've been with this company for 7 years and love it and the people - past and present.

I don't mean to ruin your awesome posts but - you wouldn't be "training" if you declined the job offer as you stated - you would be going on a field ride. Whoever you are stop spreading the bull shit around and get a life.

I've been with this company for 7 years and love it and the people - past and present.

I love this.... one guy telling another to get a life.

Your both a couple of putz's

First guy.... maybe your right... Fagan was a jarhead, but pflafan was OK.

Second guy.... cherish those seven years because we are endangered. You think you have 7 more? My advice... get your resume out ASAP.

Things are comming down the pipe....

Sepramesh goes to Bard?????

Read the writing on the walls asshead.

I'm done soon.

Don't work for you guys anymore.
Leaving was the best decision I ever made.
Tough to find a good job with Genzyme on my resume.

Never wore scrubs outside the OR.
Those guys are dorks.

Was asked to take a person on a ride along and see what I do on a daily basis. A Genzyme rep who thought I was unprofessional wearing scrubs into the docs office. No big deal, she's allowed to have an opinion.
Visited a doc, in his office, who asked me to field questions from a patient as he cleaned up an open infected leg wound. Long story short, the ride along got sprayed with puss from the patient as it sprayed about 4ft. All over her nice skirt. Yes this patient was HEP B positive, yes the patient was HIV positive. Nice skirt is now with infectious waste trash. I'll stick to wearing scrubs, even on office calls.

this has been a funny posting, i dont work for your company but was bored of surfing porn and decided to troll the cafepharma boards. i do device sales, and actually i wear scrubs every day, unless my manager comes in from out of town then i suit up which i cannot stand. Suits are for pharma, doesn't have shit to do with your presentation when you sell, if you're selling real devices and not being a Genzyme pharma disguised as a device wanna-be company then shouldn't expect to be made fun of by hourly people who want nothing more in life than to have your high income job....I don't pretend to be a doctor, and don't care about hourly nurses in an office who are waiting for the next rounds of donuts from Pfizer, they can all kiss my ass - I come in every day, do my job, and don't treat my docs like a used car salesman like half the other commodity douche device guys out there. I am niche, they need me and my products, so no worries really...although i do appreciate the sterility issue and crossing into other hospitals with the same scrubs i will change into their scrubs if it is the hospital policy that's fine

but you wear a suit, and everyone thinks you're a pharma fag

wear scrubs, better walk the talk and be for real, used car salesman in this business get tag'd quickly and then you're the douche that gives me a bad rap!


this has been a funny posting, i dont work for your company but was bored of surfing porn and decided to troll the cafepharma boards. i do device sales, and actually i wear scrubs every day, unless my manager comes in from out of town then i suit up which i cannot stand. Suits are for pharma, doesn't have shit to do with your presentation when you sell, if you're selling real devices and not being a Genzyme pharma disguised as a device wanna-be company then shouldn't expect to be made fun of by hourly people who want nothing more in life than to have your high income job....I don't pretend to be a doctor, and don't care about hourly nurses in an office who are waiting for the next rounds of donuts from Pfizer, they can all kiss my ass - I come in every day, do my job, and don't treat my docs like a used car salesman like half the other commodity douche device guys out there. I am niche, they need me and my products, so no worries really...although i do appreciate the sterility issue and crossing into other hospitals with the same scrubs i will change into their scrubs if it is the hospital policy that's fine

but you wear a suit, and everyone thinks you're a pharma fag

wear scrubs, better walk the talk and be for real, used car salesman in this business get tag'd quickly and then you're the douche that gives me a bad rap!


You're right. You should not care about what the sterile processing trash and 40 grand a year nurses think about you. But, you should care what the residents and docs think. I guarantee you they are giving you crap behind your back. How do I know this? They told me. I used to wear scrubs. I took the residents out one night and had a few. They informed me that the Chief, Dr. XXXX was offended when I wore them outside the OR. I brought this up to the Chief (I used to have balls). He was honest and said he felt it was disrespectful to him and his staff, for me to wear the University’s scrubs, outside the OR. Needless to say, I never wore them again. He is now my #1 account, and has helped me with other specialties.

Your decision.

Middle ground here, everyone. You don't have to be a suit fag or a scrub dork.

What sets me apart in device sales is to approach the office in nice Dockers or golf pants and a matching polo. I'm telling you in my area nobody else does this. The reception and RN staff don't know how to take it, so they figure I must not be the typical pharma rep or scrub dork. I've been able to make more appointments and get closer to the docs this way than ever before.

And you guys make fun of Pharma Reps???? Go ahead and keep playing doctor while I'm on the golf course after working a grueling 2 hours a day pulling in $190K last year , benes , company car (not a taurus) , stock options, and laughing at you guys putting in all those hours for less pay.

As for me...I think I will stick to delivering food for a lunch full of officecows and then off to the golf course. It really isn't a bad gig...your jealousy is showing boys and girls.

And you guys make fun of Pharma Reps???? Go ahead and keep playing doctor while I'm on the golf course after working a grueling 2 hours a day pulling in $190K last year , benes , company car (not a taurus) , stock options, and laughing at you guys putting in all those hours for less pay.

As for me...I think I will stick to delivering food for a lunch full of officecows and then off to the golf course. It really isn't a bad gig...your jealousy is showing boys and girls.

No one believes you.

Are you real and want too prove it? Say your name and company.

If you don't say your name and company, your post is a bunch of crud, and you are a coward.

If you make any response whatsoever, and it does not back up your statement with a name and company, you will be a COWARD.

Go ahead.

helloe genzyme serfs,

i used to work with you dudes.

Speaking of scrub dorks, where did chris fagan go to. i would like to get in touch with him? any info would be appeiciated.

any info you give would be appriciated.

helloe genzyme serfs,

i used to work with you dudes.

Speaking of scrub dorks, where did chris fagan go to. i would like to get in touch with him? any info would be appeiciated.

any info you give would be appriciated.

It is my understanding that any info would be appreciated.... Is this correct? A response would be appreciated.

It is my understanding that any info would be appreciated.... Is this correct? A response would be appreciated.

Hell YaHH !!!

Faggy- where you at? Represent man! Give up the # man. S.T. here.. Call me. I still got the same #. Call me or I'll tell everyone about the stripper you strangled and put in my trunk. Joke. Real funny, man. Esss Teee is livin good.

Call my ass,


I think the joke was that had worn the scrubs from home, (he had not been to childrens yet), and it was careless that he had not washed them in a while. No matter what, it is unhealthy to wear scubs from OR to OR. If you get caught by a hardcore nurse, say goodbye to that account.

I think scrubs are a good idea. If you have ever worked in med devices you would know that. If you wear scrubs from one hospital to the next you just have to change before surgery. Some hospital allow you to wear your company scrubs into the OR since you are always outside the sterile field. I change because it just seems to be the right thing to do. Working in scrubs in the office puts you more in a mirror position. They also do not always like pharma reps. For me they are also more comfortable. I guess your problem is that you have to look like you make the cash. I don't have to look that way. ... I do make the cash.