
Maybe worth a shot…Most of your HCPs wouldn’t touch this with Beetlejuice‘s hands.

Good luck
Do you guys think leadership realizes just how absolutely stupid they look to sales, or do you think they just don’t care?
I’ve been here around 3ish months and I’m already looking for a new job and regret ever coming here. I refuse to use the recruiter that told me about Verrica but I did tell her she should do some research before filling any more of their positions. Verrica, you seem to spend more time trying to catch people than leading, so you can find out exactly who’s posting this. I spoke to the recruiter who told
me about the job last week and told her what a disaster this place is.
Verrica: you have nobody in leadership that knows anything about the Derm market or how to launch a drug. That’s painfully obvious. Your bully culture is amateur and you have created an entire sales team that can’t be bothered to do more than the minimum. Everyone laughs at your sales direction, including your RBDs.Things change daily because the people tasked to come up with a success plan don’t know what they are doing. Since I’ve been here it has been nothing more than checking boxes. It seems as if people are quitting weekly snd that’s pretty telling of the culture. We are still launching a product and people are leaving in droves. I assume this is all tied to Joe as he is leading, but Gerard is terrible. Whoever he hired is probably terrible. My boss isn’t terrible but just takes orders and is afraid he will be fired if he says anything. At least that’s what he’s said.

Who remembers working for a company when the emails that the president actually meant something?
Joe sends more emails than my RBD. His emails are much more poorly written however. I don’t think he understands his role.

What did Gerard do to get fired? I mean if it was b/c of terrible leadership and not knowing anything about the business, Joe would be gone too. Joe’s thing is apparently get on team calls and yell at us.

Here we go again with the Sunday night emails from Joe that read like emails to children. You don’t know what you are doing and you’re embarrassing yourself. It only took 9 months into the launch to fire Gerard? You’re a quick one ain’t ya.

How would you describe the culture at Verrica?
I would describe it as schizophrenic micro management. Leadership insists on telling employees how and what to do but they don’t have a clue on how to sell this product. They will make employees feel like shit for not getting doctors to buy and bill, go and talk to the doctors and be told the same thing, then say it’s the reps fault. This is a culture where leadership refuses to listen. There are 6 people calling on the same customer but nobody communicates.

VRCA $7.17 • 50.33 (4.36%)


BiotechValues 1:57 PM

SVRCA Good luck to those who are holding this. $50M debt, and delayed data (which means something negative), and dwindling

cash = tank soon. Too many red flags to list.

Probably a $5 after August earnings. This 8K was a screaming sell signal:

This company made their own bed. This all lies on Joe. Joe B and his inability to lead or hire the right leadership is the problem. Everyone in the organization, every department is just bad. Nobody stands up to these stupid ideas that everyone knows won’t work. If you say anything, you get fired. Should have listened to the people closest to the customers.

Gerard got put in the proverbial “corporate closet.” Made up job.

“Go over there for a few months and look for another job. We won’t fire you. Yet”
That’s a nice closet to be in. Seeing he was the guy turning the ship into the iceberg with his garbage leadership abilities. Now that we’ve hit it, Joe is yelling at us to play our instruments on the deck as we go down.

Joe B,
You’ve completely lost the confidence of anyone who works here. We are not sure why the investors still believe you. Are they afraid of your constant belittling? Because we just tired of it.
Verrica Sales