
I declined a third interview because in the middle of the interview process for an inside sales person, they informed me that the salary was 10K less then I was originally told and was advertised. Not sure I want to work for a company like that.

While the company may in fact be horrible, 99.99% of all opinions on this page are related to outside sales. Not to sound like a jerk or anything but nobody gives two craps about inside sales.

Does the company currently hold any GPO or group contracts and how useful are they? Besides the typical complaints already posted, what is the biggest challenge with selling this line? Is it price, lack of reimbursements, competitor bundling or more robust products, market saturation, or just dated products? - Thank you

Does the company currently hold any GPO or group contracts and how useful are they? Besides the typical complaints already posted, what is the biggest challenge with selling this line? Is it price, lack of reimbursements, competitor bundling or more robust products, market saturation, or just dated products? - Thank you

The biggest problem is it no longer exists.

Verathon's recipe for success (2015 version):

"Promote" remaining private practice reps to hospital reps. Expect them to be so proud of their "promotion" that they forget they are getting screwed.
Increase the quotas 250% +
Reduce the commission structure.
Eliminate the previous mileage reimbursement policy.
Continue to promise the rollout of new products, but fail miserably.
Hire more Ivy League douches who know nothing about the industry who tell us what we need to be successful.
Hope that nobody catches on to the shell game they are playing.

*this "slight of hand" approach to appear more profitable to the shareholders at the expense of the sales team is obvious.

I foresee a mass exodus before the year end. Guaranteed.

Complaining about not getting paid while Dan Estay received a 100% bonus this year.

My only assumption is that Roper realized they couldnt sustain the business model that Gerald had in place and brought on Dan Estay to gut the employee roster, maximize numbers and outsource NPD, IT and Marketing. Putting the company in an extremely attractive position for acquisition - which could only lead to gutting for IP.

With the exception of 1 or 2, most of the coworkers I called friends have long since moved on. Heres hoping any friends still left inside get out before this freight train smashes headfirst into a wall.

Well there were a few about a certain someone masturbating to something. Not really too bad, but I guess I can see why they were removed.

True story: I went in for my second interview with a different medical device company today. I did well and I am confident I will get an offer soon so I CAN GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS SINKING SHIP. To my surprise, there were two Verathon sales reps who I met in Miami waiting to be interviewed in the lobby. All three of us looked at each other and shared the same smile. I'm outta here suckas!!!

this quarter's sales contest is for a trip to corporate to have dinner with the douche bag president!?! oh joy, that would be such a distinguished honor. at least i will get a chance to see the highly coveted parking spot everyone is talking about.

this quarter's sales contest is for a trip to corporate to have dinner with the douche bag president!?! oh joy, that would be such a distinguished honor. at least i will get a chance to see the highly coveted parking spot everyone is talking about.

has to be a joke. sad to see this company fall apart like this. Once Gerald sold the company you should have seen the writing on the wall.