
If you put more stock in anonymous posts on the internet more than the person interviewing you, don't come work here. People have had the same complaints no matter who the leaders were.

The company is performing extremely well, and sales are better than any point in company history.

Interviewed with Verathon and wouldn't trust KC for anything. He was the central manager for years and lied all the time. Told reps they will make over 200k when no PP rep EVER made that kind of money.

Turns out KC and the Eastern manager have historically comical reputations.

Do your research, talk to current AND past reps. Use linkedIn to find former reps for your territory, they will tell you the obstacles. Ask the hiring manager for 2014 and 2013 stack rankings to see where your territory is at. Considering they expect you to supply a brag book it shouldn't be out of the line to ask for an overall view of performance and where your territory finished the last two years.

Manager could say "well we didn't have the right rep in the territory so it looks worse than it is"

To that I would say, you aren't a good mentor,coach, or manager otherwise you could have developed the rep. If they continue saying the rep was an idiot, why was the person hired in the first place and why didn't you fire them earlier?

It takes 18 mos or so to get fired so if you just need an entry level job to get medical on your resume, give it a shot but expect to make 75-80k.

People on these message boards doing every they can to bash the company so they hope it fails, and can feel better about the worse paying, less meaningful job they took. Read back to original posts and you see the same complaints but the company continues to do well.

CafePharma is a f'n joke.

People on these message boards doing every they can to bash the company so they hope it fails, and can feel better about the worse paying, less meaningful job they took. Read back to original posts and you see the same complaints but the company continues to do well.

CafePharma is a f'n joke.

11 pages of posts and 7 years later paints a pretty clear picture of the craptastic company that is Verathon.

Rumor on the street is Roper plans to sell off or dissolve verathon into a call center and remove all field reps.

Rumor on the street is CafePharma is making millions selling Athleta ads while people bleed their hearts out. Hilarious.

The truth is Verathon makes smart business decisions that are at times unpopular. Company is well positioned for the future because they make the tough decisions look easy.

Rumor on the street is CafePharma is making millions selling Athleta ads while people bleed their hearts out. Hilarious.

The truth is Verathon makes smart business decisions that are at times unpopular. Company is well positioned for the future because they make the tough decisions look easy.

if you aren't smart enough to use adblocker I am not sure you should be managing a medical sales team.

what product has verathon came out with in the last 5 years that is helping position the company in a positive manner?

A very enlightening read... Recruiter contacted me about a Regional Manager opportunity. Any thoughts/input in the RM position...?

If you have truly read this thread and still want the job then I think Verathon is a good fit for you. I would ask what the company is envisioning for its future and ask what steps they are doing to get there. Honestly there isn't anything product wise that would make me think Verathon will be in business 5 years or even 24 months from now. Bladderscan is in fact a solid product but the market is saturated. Glidescope isn't a bad product but Storz smokes us in price for the same features. AortaScan is a medical device nightmare and I wouldn't be surprised to see you get thrown out of an office for even bringing it up.

Well it's been a good run. It was sad to see it come down to what it is today but it is what it is. What a stink hole of a company this place was but it got many of us to where we are today. Best of luck to all.

my 4 years of employment have been ended today due to the closure of the UK office, glad it's over to be honest, 4 years felt like 20, there's no clue in management & drama every week.
Finally given me the kick up the ar$e I needed

How is the Houston Bladderscan position? Any red flags?

None. In the medical world, selling 10-15 year old equipment provides stability. Docs don't want the newest technology. They also prefer to pay 3 times more than they need to so they feel warm and fuzzy.


The company is close to going OOB. They will ask you to sell a BS for $10,000 or more when they docs can find them on the used market for about $1500. Reimbursements on bladder volume is under $10 and considered a loss by practices after paying the staff and a medical biller.

I am thinking of applying for an outside sales position with Verathon in the New Mexico area. All of the posts are almost 2 years old. Does anyone have any new insight on the company? What is the typical starting salary? Can you give me pros and cons on the company?