
Bladderscan competiton is eating us alive. Laborie and Medline has made an already saturated market even more challenging. Prime is just an overpriced 9400 with lipstick on it. Patient care rocks!

These awesome sales guys at verathon actually have competition now and they are running scared. Medline and Signostics are wiping the floor with them for the Bladderscan and Glidescope ain't lasting much longer. Doctors have had enough of verathon and them sticking it to customers for years. Good luck ya'll.

Read the threads, don't do it man, everyone is getting out! Verathons in its second mass exitus thanks to their slimy conman of a Sales VP, Vandermeer. That guy has caused the exit of any talented reps and killed what was a decent sales culture. How have the exec's not seen thru his BS and cut him loose? Not like he can blame Andy Olen for the crap sales numbers, his favorite scapegoat was already canned.

Read the threads, don't do it man, everyone is getting out! Verathons in its second mass exitus thanks to their slimy conman of a Sales VP, Vandermeer. That guy has caused the exit of any talented reps and killed what was a decent sales culture. How have the exec's not seen thru his BS and cut him loose? Not like he can blame Andy Olen for the crap sales numbers, his favorite scapegoat was already canned.

Read the threads, don't do it man, everyone is getting out! Verathons in its second mass exitus thanks to their slimy conman of a Sales VP, Vandermeer. That guy has caused the exit of any talented reps and killed what was a decent sales culture. How have the exec's not seen thru his BS and cut him loose? Not like he can blame Andy Olen for the crap sales numbers, his favorite scapegoat was already canned.

Atleast half of us here are working second full time sales jobs and rarely have to make calls for BS or GS anymore. You just need to take the orders that come in without doing much and work your other job, it's that simple. If your accounts are in an ordering cycle you clean up without doing much and if they aren't you won't care because you will be collecting a base salary with 401k while either chilling or working your second job. This is a dream job and think you should go for it while the getting is still good. Good luck with your decision and I think it's a no brainer for you.

That guy nailed it #truthbomb!

Do you guys have any insights on the Patient Care territory manager position?
I read many of the past posts from years ago but I am seeking current info.
What are realistic OTEs? What is the management culture like? I come from 5+ years of B2B sales. It would be nice to know what to expect with this company. Many thanks!