Vendor representative credentialing

Anyone out there have experience with this and have a misdemeanor criminal record? I had a bar fight with this guy a few years back and got cited for assault. Am I auto-banned if they pull this?

Question is how did you get the job in the first place? Does your employer know about your fight club membership?

Anyone out there have experience with this and have a misdemeanor criminal record? I had a bar fight with this guy a few years back and got cited for assault. Am I auto-banned if they pull this?

I think a better question the hospital should answer is how many patient's family members/friends come into the same facility and are ever checked for a criminal record? I don't know how many times I've been through numerous departments and see "the public", which consists of some real societal losers that I know have spent a night or two in jail.

I'd be interested in hearing from others that might run into this as my product is capital equipment and I constantly get requests from hospitals I'm trying to win business with and am asked by them to set up a site visit so they can see our product. If the hospital is going to ask me to pay $250 to have the privilege of visiting their hospital, then are they going to require the others from the visiting hospital to do the same thing? If so, then how long is it going to be before the visitng hospitals says to me, "pay that fee for us or no business."

Anyone out there have experience with this and have a misdemeanor criminal record? I had a bar fight with this guy a few years back and got cited for assault. Am I auto-banned if they pull this?

I am not sure, but would guess that anything violent, drug related, or involving theft would put you on the naughty list. You are probably screwed. As someone else alluded to, the age we live in is not favorable to real men.

[M]y product is capital equipment and I constantly get requests from hospitals I'm trying to win business with and am asked by them to set up a site visit so they can see our product. If the hospital is going to ask me to pay $250 to have the privilege of visiting their hospital, then are they going to require the others from the visiting hospital to do the same thing? If so, then how long is it going to be before the visitng hospitals says to me, "pay that fee for us or no business."

Your mileage may vary with the different credentialing companies (assuming the particular hospital contracts it out and doesn't have their own internal gig), but I know with at least some of the providers, if you haven't yet sold anything to the hospital (i.e., you're just a prospective vendor), the fees are far less, like in the $25 range.

I am not sure, but would guess that anything violent, drug related, or involving theft would put you on the naughty list. You are probably screwed. As someone else alluded to, the age we live in is not favorable to real men.

I'm in a similar situation to the original poster on this question. Does anyone know for sure what the policy is for a misdemeanor criminal record?

Misdomeanors. Your fine. Felony convictions. Your hosed. Hope! Most of the credentialing companies just require you show them that a background check was done when you were hired. So, if you have your felony conviction after you were hired, you are fine. There is 1 credentialing company that does the background check AND a sex offender check on you and will not accept your companies letter. Hope you don't catch this one. They do it right and will catch you. Hope your bar fight was a misdomeaner and not a felony.

Misdomeanors. Your fine. Felony convictions. Your hosed. Hope! Most of the credentialing companies just require you show them that a background check was done when you were hired. So, if you have your felony conviction after you were hired, you are fine. There is 1 credentialing company that does the background check AND a sex offender check on you and will not accept your companies letter. Hope you don't catch this one. They do it right and will catch you. Hope your bar fight was a misdomeaner and not a felony.

First off, if reptrax or anyone of these companies found a problem with my background record and prevented me from doing my job - I would hire a VERY good lawyer. Secondly, I know several device reps that are making big money that don't have a college degree. Will this be a problem? We'll see. To prevent this reptrax BS, some of us reps in the same territory need to step up to it and fight it TOGETHER. Imagine if all the total joint company reps refused to do reptrax in a city. What are the hospitals going to do, not allow them in the OR. Please, I would LOVE to see the surgeons go ballistic over that one.

First off, if reptrax or anyone of these companies found a problem with my background record and prevented me from doing my job - I would hire a VERY good lawyer. Secondly, I know several device reps that are making big money that don't have a college degree. Will this be a problem? We'll see. To prevent this reptrax BS, some of us reps in the same territory need to step up to it and fight it TOGETHER. Imagine if all the total joint company reps refused to do reptrax in a city. What are the hospitals going to do, not allow them in the OR. Please, I would LOVE to see the surgeons go ballistic over that one.

Beyond all of the hype and BS, that's what they're trying to do. HIPPA is one thing, the hospital attorneys another. Reps. in the OR are seen as a liability on several different fronts. They've tried other things, to no avail. Now they hope that reps will get tired of the BS and give up. Problem solved.

Beyond all of the hype and BS, that's what they're trying to do. HIPPA is one thing, the hospital attorneys another. Reps. in the OR are seen as a liability on several different fronts. They've tried other things, to no avail. Now they hope that reps will get tired of the BS and give up. Problem solved.

I am not giving out my social security number!

Beyond all of the hype and BS, that's what they're trying to do. HIPPA is one thing, the hospital attorneys another. Reps. in the OR are seen as a liability on several different fronts. They've tried other things, to no avail. Now they hope that reps will get tired of the BS and give up. Problem solved.

Surgeon's would FLIP OUT if this occurred. No product delivered to the accounts and no service. OUCH!

Check this out. I am a device rep in SC and I delayed getting my documents in so I was denied access. The Orthopod I have known for 7 years came out and screamed at me and told me I was basically an idiot. He said this credentialing is a hospital policy and the MD's agree with it because it is a corporate mandate. After some begging I was able to get a free pass for one day. I went home that night and uploaded my documents. I did not like this experience and I am not going to bite the hand that feeds me. I make 200-300K per year and have a huge expense account. I am not jeopardizing my Doctors cases anymore in order to buck the system. Beside, they flat out told me they will get someone else who will play by the rules.

I deal with this bullshit everyday. Pay up, track down all my credentials, finally have them loaded in the sysytem, log in each time I come in for a case - complete waste of time. i just wish I was the one that pitched this "credentialing" idea in my area. You just know it's some ex-sales-rep thinking outside the box. Shit, every hospital in my territory has its reps go through this process!

This is the wave of the future brother. My brother is an MD in a NE hospital and the hospital is under so many regulatory burdens that it can take up several FTE to keep track of us. HIPAA, JC, Standard safety guidelines, conflict of interest, OIG fraud, the DRA, Competency certificates. They have to track all of this through for 5-7 different departments. The only way to do it is to automate it and create a standard process for all departments. The money goes to a 3rd party. My company paid $250 and all 14 reps have access to 8 hospitals.

Fucking bullshit. It is PER ACCOUNT with vendormate. It's going to cost my rep company 25,000 to join. The customer is going to take it in the as* over this one.

They actually charge per healthsystem. We paid $100 in MA and have access to 8 hospitals in one system. 9reps service them so not a bad deal.

Surgeon's would FLIP OUT if this occurred. No product delivered to the accounts and no service. OUCH!

Rep in Florida here. I was denied access to a hospital and had 4 cases with 3 different surgeons in two days. My surgeons waved their magic wands and got me in the door no problem. I ended up getting my paper work up to date and completed but the fee discounted from $200 to $100. I am an independent rep and don't feel I should have to pay $200 to access one hospital. My surgeons agreed and went to bat for me.

Relationships are key.

not my money so i dont care. shut up and pay or go back to pharma. mr relationship guy: it is very easy to have them go to bat for you when you are paying for them and thier wives to fly all over the country b/c you have no codes or ethics to follow... that relationship you speak of is paid for and you know it. douche.

Rep in Florida here. I was denied access to a hospital and had 4 cases with 3 different surgeons in two days. My surgeons waved their magic wands and got me in the door no problem. I ended up getting my paper work up to date and completed but the fee discounted from $200 to $100. I am an independent rep and don't feel I should have to pay $200 to access one hospital. My surgeons agreed and went to bat for me.

Relationships are key.

Your lucky. I have had the surgeons say this is out of their hands. Hospital policy! Rep MA

not my money so i dont care. shut up and pay or go back to pharma. mr relationship guy: it is very easy to have them go to bat for you when you are paying for them and thier wives to fly all over the country b/c you have no codes or ethics to follow... that relationship you speak of is paid for and you know it. douche.

I agree. You think they like you. How much money can you make them through grants, speaking engagements, being the first to try a new product so they can be called "an expert."
Not my money so I am not going to bitch about trying to make a living. Last year there was 23 Billion spent in Pharm alone on marketing to Doctors. The hospitals read the same articles. They know we can spend a few bucks to make sure the hospital hits the marks from the regulatory agencies. Afterall, some of the issue are focusing now on non-employees in high risk areas. There is so much money in med products industry, hell our companies make 10X more then the hospitals.