Vendor representative credentialing

I did the vendor clear thing and they want vaccinations, etc for me and I don;'t work in the cath lab or OR anymore. It is bullshit. My biggest gripe is that I registered on my home computer (a Mac) and the site isn't Mac compatible. An IT site that isn't compatible with a major computer platform is obviously a legitimate clearing house. What a shakedown.
These hospitals' patients deserve what they get (or don't get).

What resources have you used to complete the Bloodborne Pathogens and Aseptic Techniques (or OR Protocol) certification? HealthStreams? Do you know if RepTrax will accept the Aseptic Training on Any other suggestions - the Healthstreams website offers the Aseptic/OR Training for $130.00. I would love to fulfill the coursework and certification in a less expensive way.

Doesn't matter what the cost of all this shit is...........It just gets passed onto the hospital. They think they are making something off of us, but reality is they are costing themselves money. Case in point....CMS sets reimbursement, doesn't matter what I charge, hospital is only reimbursed what CMS pays. Guess what, my shit at Reptrax hospitals, cost more than my other accounts.

I have to pay all 3. Vendormate, Reptrax and vendor Credentialing Service!
I need general access only and pay Vendormate $250, Reptrax $175, and Vendor Credentialing Service $59. At least the last one doesn't rape me for general access. I guess this is better than all my hospitals asking me for money for each program. I wish all 3 would merge and there be 1 fee.

I love the immunization crap for general access...Like I didn't get a measles shot when I was born. I hope they check the doctors' immunization records, after all I was not born in a third world country.

One can't help but to notice nearly everyone surrounding this topic is posting anonymous, which in itself appears to be cowardly.

My PERSONAL opinion is that RepTrax is a great system for many reasons:

1) Immunizations-Hospitals want to be sure you're not exposing staff, patients and yourselves to Chicken Pox, Hepatitis B and MMR etc

2) Security-The badge identifies who you are, your company name, who you have an appointment with and at what time

3) Poor/Good Scoring-If you show up without an appointment, leave product in the facilities without a PO and generally don't follow very basic hospital procedures then your score goes down. Worse case scenario is that you'll be replaced with someone that does follow hospital policy.
Reps are given Good scores when they exceed the hospital staffs expectations and follow hospital procedure

4) Signing in and out of the RepTrax kiosk-Alerts hospital staff that you are on the premises and who you are visiting

5) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Check-In short, to check if you or your company has been exclude from doing business do to fraud etc. Some additional light reading on the OIG:

6) Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) Check-Similar to the OIG, read the specifics:

7) Your picture up loaded to Reptrax-So hospital staff knows what you look like and you are not signing in under someone else's ID

8) Your RepTrax profile-Purchasing staff has Reps contact information readily available on line and the product you represent

all hospitals are price driven, profit hungry bags of shit, when they figured they could take a slice of this action and make $ - why the fuck not do it? how many reps require access, like 500+ per hospital?????

what pisses me off the most is nurses with attitude, "don't come in here unless you're credentialed, or we'll ask you to leave" ,


'I really hate all sales reps, I save patients lives all day and they make 4x what I make and have a great lifestyle and most are ass-kissing assholes, this is my way of acting out against them'

i just want to say to all of those nazi hospital admin one thing


Your statements are false 'Anonymous'
Point by point:

* The Hospitals don't profit/receive payment from RepTrax

* Administrators and Nurses want to see that you're credentialed for the all around safety of the patients and staff of the hospital

Well that's even worse news Jeremy F'ing're the asswipe that is coming between me and my customer to make it difficult as hell to do business...and you're ramming it to the device companies and laughing all the way to the bank. The sad thing is that your little F'd up system is just an obstructionists means of keeping new technology from the patients because in the end you are stealing funds away from good companies that might otherwise have socked that money into r&d. It's the hospital systems fault. They could do what you are doing on their own without the big fees and BS. But once again, the device companies are carrying the load. And then the hospitals bitch and complain about the pricing of products. THIS is why they pay $50 per dipshit....and why they will all get a big fat pricing increase every single year!!!!

One can't help but to notice nearly everyone surrounding this topic is posting anonymous, which in itself appears to be cowardly.

My PERSONAL opinion is that RepTrax is a great system for many reasons:

1) Immunizations-Hospitals want to be sure you're not exposing staff, patients and yourselves to Chicken Pox, Hepatitis B and MMR etc

2) Security-The badge identifies who you are, your company name, who you have an appointment with and at what time

3) Poor/Good Scoring-If you show up without an appointment, leave product in the facilities without a PO and generally don't follow very basic hospital procedures then your score goes down. Worse case scenario is that you'll be replaced with someone that does follow hospital policy.
Reps are given Good scores when they exceed the hospital staffs expectations and follow hospital procedure

4) Signing in and out of the RepTrax kiosk-Alerts hospital staff that you are on the premises and who you are visiting

5) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Check-In short, to check if you or your company has been exclude from doing business do to fraud etc. Some additional light reading on the OIG:

6) Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) Check-Similar to the OIG, read the specifics:

7) Your picture up loaded to Reptrax-So hospital staff knows what you look like and you are not signing in under someone else's ID

8) Your RepTrax profile-Purchasing staff has Reps contact information readily available on line and the product you represent

You are a fucking douche. I love the Good score/poor score thing - what an arbitrary, subjective crock of shit. As if you do everything right some bitter nurser/tech won't fuck you out of jealousy/spite/revenge. Why not let me grade their crappy, sanctimonious attitude towards everyone they come in contact with. They aren't in sales because their personalities suck. Plenty of nurses/techs transition into industry. It's just the ones with basic social skills that do, not the bitter Jabba The Donut Eater that you inevitably meet on every floor of the hospital. You would think that if they could clone someone it would be some hot ass naughty nurse and not some 3 ton heifer with a personality disorder. Just keep raising prices and tell them it is to pay for reptrax. They all say it is because of rep behavior, but it is really in response to junkie nurses diverting painkillers and necrophiliac perverts dead fishing vent patients because the hospital can't do basic background checks. But it's the reps' fault, seriously.

I deal with this bullshit everyday. Pay up, track down all my credentials, finally have them loaded in the sysytem, log in each time I come in for a case - complete waste of time. i just wish I was the one that pitched this "credentialing" idea in my area. You just know it's some ex-sales-rep thinking outside the box. Shit, every hospital in my territory has its reps go through this process!

The nurses and docs have no clue about this vendor clear crap. It's a JCAHO and admin thing. Unfortunately they hold all of the cards. Industry reps are the bitches of the medical world no matter how much game you think you have. The good news is that many of us can laugh on our way to the bank.

Anyone out there have experience with this and have a misdemeanor criminal record? I had a bar fight with this guy a few years back and got cited for assault. Am I auto-banned if they pull this?