Vegas Meeting

I am wearing my mask the entire meeting and will get vaxxed before I go. I think it should be mandatory to attend. Also bring plenty of hand sanitiser. The planes are germ spreaders as well. Bad enough the meeting will be a waste of time and money but on the back end, half the sales forces will be out on sick leave 2-3 weeks post NSM. Basically, the entire month of January will be time out of the field.
How could you be in pharmaceuticals and subject your future to getting vaxxed? Educate yourself, review the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting "VAERS" site to review the common side effects of all mRNA vaccines. It's grossly under reported AE's and yet it's still scary stuff.

I'm guessing you're just trolling here. If not, you need to get a different job if this excites you. Ive been a rep over 20 years and these meetings are ALL the same. Leadership getting on stage droning on and on about nothing. Break out sessions that don't actually improve me as a rep because it's just not real world. I truly don't see how the ROI on these meetings is remotely worth it. I know y'all think we're just complainers, I'm just saying my time is much much more valuable in the field driving my business.
Your valuable time shlepping food and driving the local food establishments business... how many real back and forth interactions do you have a week with MD's? It's a total scam, you're grossly overpaid but not for long. Keep Quiet and practice, practice, practice your fake roll plays in Nevada ha ha ha

It's time we all speak up about the field rides and no bonus. I am going to tell leadership who cares anymore. I am not staying if things don't change
yeah threaten them, that's real will be replaced in a hot second if I was your boss.. Your getting way overpaid and doing nothing all week.

I interviewed for a hospital rep job some time ago. The rep I interviewed with spent his time waving to physicians and registering the waves as calls. He had to wave because the physicians wouldn't speak to him. After an hour of walking around and waving, we went to the cafeteria, where he continued waving. While you sit in a room role-playing, it is all for nothing. Practice waving dollar bills at bums, prostitutes, or strippers… Make your time in Vegas meaningful.
Funny! I was recently at an association of hospital executives, and everyone was laughing about drugs reps desperate for time they won't get and don't deserve. Also about new industry policies around the corner.

It is going to get even worse.

Your valuable time shlepping food and driving the local food establishments business... how many real back and forth interactions do you have a week with MD's? It's a total scam, you're grossly overpaid but not for long. Keep Quiet and practice, practice, practice your fake roll plays in Nevada ha ha ha
Well you obviously are a former broke back rep speaking from your own pathetic personal story.

Tip: I go to the gym facilities and take a nice hot shower, put on fresh clothing. Then I am ready to network with senior executives. Best to make a great impression.
The gym requires a room key for entry.
You don't have a room yet, which means you don't have a key.
What a bizarre thing to lie about.

Hell very disappointed in the female talent pool at NSM this year. Company seems to be onboarding lots of old chicks past their prime now. Damn company can’t even get that right now.

Great meeting for me. I won PC I have never been more proud of myself. The trip to Hawaii is going to be lit. Trust me work harder embrace the training we are getting it does work. Dez has made such a difference. So proud to work at Novartis. Stay positive my fellow reps your time will come.

Great meeting for me. I won PC I have never been more proud of myself. The trip to Hawaii is going to be lit. Trust me work harder embrace the training we are getting it does work. Dez has made such a difference. So proud to work at Novartis. Stay positive my fellow reps your time will come.
"Dez has made such a difference".

I couldn't agree more! He's an amazing talent evaluator.
-Duane Kalzinski

They just put the RLT team back on district goals, doing everything to make us wonder why we even expanded or care if treatment centers are open. It never makes sense here.

Great meeting for me. I won PC I have never been more proud of myself. The trip to Hawaii is going to be lit. Trust me work harder embrace the training we are getting it does work. Dez has made such a difference. So proud to work at Novartis. Stay positive my fellow reps your time will come.
Typical woke ass kissing fool.