Vegas Meeting

I am wearing my mask the entire meeting and will get vaxxed before I go. I think it should be mandatory to attend. Also bring plenty of hand sanitiser. The planes are germ spreaders as well. Bad enough the meeting will be a waste of time and money but on the back end, half the sales forces will be out on sick leave 2-3 weeks post NSM. Basically, the entire month of January will be time out of the field.
OMG. Take a Xanax.

At least, then get “welcomed” with no room to rest in before 4-6 hours of “networking.” Most will be going on 15-17 hour day by the time we get to our room for the evening.
It's time we all speak up about the field rides and no bonus. I am going to tell leadership who cares anymore. I am not staying if things don't change

At least, then get “welcomed” with no room to rest in before 4-6 hours of “networking.” Most will be going on 15-17 hour day by the time we get to our room for the evening.
Tip: I go to the gym facilities and take a nice hot shower, put on fresh clothing. Then I am ready to network with senior executives. Best to make a great impression.

The last time that I checked, NVS is a for profit company dumb ass. Managers and home office clowns need to justify their useless jobs by working 40-50 hour weeks. Reps can work 20 hour weeks cause we make the company money dumb ass. Next question?
You don’t make the company money, dumbass. If you are that important to demand, why are you the most expendable? How much revenue are you driving, ex-factory? The role plays will be so much fun.

I interviewed for a hospital rep job some time ago. The rep I interviewed with spent his time waving to physicians and registering the waves as calls. He had to wave because the physicians wouldn't speak to him. After an hour of walking around and waving, we went to the cafeteria, where he continued waving. While you sit in a room role-playing, it is all for nothing. Practice waving dollar bills at bums, prostitutes, or strippers… Make your time in Vegas meaningful.

I interviewed for a hospital rep job some time ago. The rep I interviewed with spent his time waving to physicians and registering the waves as calls. He had to wave because the physicians wouldn't speak to him. After an hour of walking around and waving, we went to the cafeteria, where he continued waving. While you sit in a room role-playing, it is all for nothing. Practice waving dollar bills at bums, prostitutes, or strippers… Make your time in Vegas meaningful.
Worst of all, everyone knows this, yet it continues.

The modern pharmaceutical or vitamin reps are the physicians. Bring them to Vegas and teach them how to become better detailers for the patients. Teach the current "pharma reps and managers" how to cook and set a menu for the office staff. Maximize the abilities of everyone listed above. Hire a fauci. Put everything on green. Sell the shit that doesn't do well to bausch and lomb. This is how business should be done at novartis. What a bunch of fucking losers you all are.

The modern pharmaceutical or vitamin reps are the physicians. Bring them to Vegas and teach them how to become better detailers for the patients. Teach the current "pharma reps and managers" how to cook and set a menu for the office staff. Maximize the abilities of everyone listed above. Hire a fauci. Put everything on green. Sell the shit that doesn't do well to bausch and lomb. This is how business should be done at novartis. What a bunch of fucking losers you all are.
If a physician isn't selling enough product, then you put them on a PIP and threaten to revoke their license to practice medicine (sell your drugs).