Vegas Meeting

We can't believe some of our reps are complaining about going to Vegas! Many of us in HQ would love to have a free trip, food, drinks and entertainment on Novartis' dime! What is wrong with these whiners!?!
I'm guessing you're just trolling here. If not, you need to get a different job if this excites you. Ive been a rep over 20 years and these meetings are ALL the same. Leadership getting on stage droning on and on about nothing. Break out sessions that don't actually improve me as a rep because it's just not real world. I truly don't see how the ROI on these meetings is remotely worth it. I know y'all think we're just complainers, I'm just saying my time is much much more valuable in the field driving my business.

We can't believe some of our reps are complaining about going to Vegas! Many of us in HQ would love to have a free trip, food, drinks and entertainment on Novartis' dime! What is wrong with these whiners!?!
This has to be a joke?? Most lose weight because the food is awful hotel food in Buffett lines. The same crap every other day. Free drinks consists of the cheapest house wine that guarantees a headache the size of Texas in the morning. Entertainment?? Seriously? We are trapped in the basements of these hotels.. no windows, fresh air, waiting on elevators for 30minutes just to get to your room. It’s a disaster from the start.

This has to be a joke?? Most lose weight because the food is awful hotel food in Buffett lines. The same crap every other day. Free drinks consists of the cheapest house wine that guarantees a headache the size of Texas in the morning. Entertainment?? Seriously? We are trapped in the basements of these hotels.. no windows, fresh air, waiting on elevators for 30minutes just to get to your room. It’s a disaster from the start.
Vay gas is the worst place in America, hands down. Companies get deals on venues so they force people to Vay gas instead of places in the middle that people actually enjoy, ala Chicago, Austin, Denver.

Then there is all the old pervs with girls less than their age in questionable attire. And demented people chain smoking in front of slot machines. And losers at the $25 ante blackjack table losing money they can't afford to lose. Or washed waitresses who have been doing it far too long. Mix bad food, in a little COVID and rotten air conditioning, and what kind of experience do they expect people to have?

How does that environment inspire people? How does it even garner respect or admiration for society?

Vay gas is the worst place in America, hands down. Companies get deals on venues so they force people to Vay gas instead of places in the middle that people actually enjoy, ala Chicago, Austin, Denver.

Then there is all the old pervs with girls less than their age in questionable attire. And demented people chain smoking in front of slot machines. And losers at the $25 ante blackjack table losing money they can't afford to lose. Or washed waitresses who have been doing it far too long. Mix bad food, in a little COVID and rotten air conditioning, and what kind of experience do they expect people to have?

How does that environment inspire people? How does it even garner respect or admiration for society?
POWER theme baby. Arrive with your gas tanks filled.

Vay gas is the worst place in America, hands down. Companies get deals on venues so they force people to Vay gas instead of places in the middle that people actually enjoy, ala Chicago, Austin, Denver.

Then there is all the old pervs with girls less than their age in questionable attire. And demented people chain smoking in front of slot machines. And losers at the $25 ante blackjack table losing money they can't afford to lose. Or washed waitresses who have been doing it far too long. Mix bad food, in a little COVID and rotten air conditioning, and what kind of experience do they expect people to have?

How does that environment inspire people? How does it even garner respect or admiration for society?
COVID ....??

This has to be a joke?? Most lose weight because the food is awful hotel food in Buffett lines. The same crap every other day. Free drinks consists of the cheapest house wine that guarantees a headache the size of Texas in the morning. Entertainment?? Seriously? We are trapped in the basements of these hotels.. no windows, fresh air, waiting on elevators for 30minutes just to get to your room. It’s a disaster from the start.
OMG! You are staying at a luxury resort hotel! Poor little baby.

Vay gas is the worst place in America, hands down. Companies get deals on venues so they force people to Vay gas instead of places in the middle that people actually enjoy, ala Chicago, Austin, Denver.

Then there is all the old pervs with girls less than their age in questionable attire. And demented people chain smoking in front of slot machines. And losers at the $25 ante blackjack table losing money they can't afford to lose. Or washed waitresses who have been doing it far too long. Mix bad food, in a little COVID and rotten air conditioning, and what kind of experience do they expect people to have?

How does that environment inspire people? How does it even garner respect or admiration for society?

Lighten up!

I don’t work for NVS anymore but I would do all the perfunctory meetings, role playing, etc. and then go to a different high end hotel and have cocktails and drinks with the normal people on my team, where we could be anonymous. The food is first rate but expensive.

Went to U2 last year, Circq slightly stoned, the light show at Wynn. One time we just hung out at the sports book at Caesar’s. I always had a blast.

We can't believe some of our reps are complaining about going to Vegas! Many of us in HQ would love to have a free trip, food, drinks and entertainment on Novartis' dime! What is wrong with these whiners!?!

There is no entertainment, food on Novartis’ dime is passable at best and we are required to have our work face on for about 14 hours a day. Imagine you’re stuck in a staff meeting 14 hours a day and you have to look gloriously happy the entire time, barely get a chance to sleep, then do it again the next day. And the next.
Oh, except the travel days, when you’ll spend a fun day traveling, then be expected to be “engaged” with that crazy ass smile for another 4-6 hours.
It doesn’t matter what is happening at home or with your regular life, you are HAPPY!

That can't be true.
Even Novartis isn't that tone-deaf.
My guess is they couldn't get a refund on the airfare and rooms.
How many were let go?
Yes, TLLs let go on Monday can still attend to network. From the source I talked to, they have until the end of Feb to land an internal move, so networking could prove valuable to some. The TLL role nationwide was reduced by about 25% I think? Territories expanded, doc coverage numbers doubled.

There is no entertainment, food on Novartis’ dime is passable at best and we are required to have our work face on for about 14 hours a day. Imagine you’re stuck in a staff meeting 14 hours a day and you have to look gloriously happy the entire time, barely get a chance to sleep, then do it again the next day. And the next.
Oh, except the travel days, when you’ll spend a fun day traveling, then be expected to be “engaged” with that crazy ass smile for another 4-6 hours.
It doesn’t matter what is happening at home or with your regular life, you are HAPPY!
It balances with your 20-hour work weeks during the rest of the year. Sales meetings are the only time reps work an 8-hour day.

It balances with your 20-hour work weeks during the rest of the year. Sales meetings are the only time reps work an 8-hour day.

The last time that I checked, NVS is a for profit company dumb ass. Managers and home office clowns need to justify their useless jobs by working 40-50 hour weeks. Reps can work 20 hour weeks cause we make the company money dumb ass. Next question?

The Eagles only at the Sphere on Friday and Saturday nights. So your entire district is staying after the meeting to go to the Eagles which you had to pay for yourself. Sounds awful.

The last time that I checked, NVS is a for profit company dumb ass. Managers and home office clowns need to justify their useless jobs by working 40-50 hour weeks. Reps can work 20 hour weeks cause we make the company money dumb ass. Next question?
Exactly these damn NSMs are a total circus for all the managers and home office peeps to drag reps into their useless worlds for a week of meaningless crap. It’s their mating calls to say look at us we are important. Bunch of woke tools.

If today's call is any indication of how miserable the entire meeting is going to be next week we're all in trouble. Nothing new, yet they're gonna drag it out the entire week. What was with the 30 minute boring as hell fake detail today. We have too many people in too many leadership roles that all have to have their fingerprints on something and we have to all pay the price. I wish I had an out so bad. Oh well, suck it up and fake it like always.
Can’t wait to engulf the buffets