Bison, Bibles, Bombs, Bladders, Blind eye to turnover and performance.

That is how you change the world and urology as we know it...

Pfizer's rejects made their way into Astellas and their rejects are now here to stay. Big pharma here we come.
Many rejects from Astellas have infected Myovant! Terrible company.

I’m currently on my 3rd interview. Will they negotiate the base pay? Also my recruiter said they don’t have fleet cars but from my last interview they mentioned fleet cars. Can someone confirm this and what type of vehicle? Thanks

Is it part of the performance appraisal process here that managers must post several dopey posts on LinkedIn every week about what great leaders they are? It's vomit inducing!!!

How long before we are merged with the Myovant people?

Sales were flat to little growth from Q1 to Q2 for all Vant drugs. Unless there’s a good reason for it or they expect a jump up the next 2 quarters, it is probably the case that all options are on the table. It doesn’t seem like things are measuring up to expectations based on the numbers so far. They’re working on it, but it seems like it’s well off the mark

Couldn’t we save millions by reducing so many leadership positions? This management model is old school pharmaceuticals and it is time to let that go. Many companies have changed to a coach, business review model with just area directors and far less middle management. Watching this structure evolve is painful. So much upper manager and high high dollar leaders for each division, Puhlease. What are you doing MP?

Here’s an idea to improve performance (and culture) with less than 15 selling days left in the year—
Lets set up a mandatory fake Super Bowl Zoom competition to make veteran specialty sales people practice detailing a drug they’ve been selling for 30 months during selling time during the holidays.

1) it’s a great use of their time
2) it’s ’real world’ and beneficial for review
3) its good for the culture we keep pretending to know how to create
4) it’ll make the sales numbers spike with 0.10% selling days left
5) the sales force will thank us after raising their goals an embarrassing amount

meet the new boss, same as the old dumbass

Here’s an idea to improve performance (and culture) with less than 15 selling days left in the year—
Lets set up a mandatory fake Super Bowl Zoom competition to make veteran specialty sales people practice detailing a drug they’ve been selling for 30 months during selling time during the holidays.

1) it’s a great use of their time
2) it’s ’real world’ and beneficial for review
3) its good for the culture we keep pretending to know how to create
4) it’ll make the sales numbers spike with 0.10% selling days left
5) the sales force will thank us after raising their goals an embarrassing amount

meet the new boss, same as the old dumbass

The whole sales force should take PTO those days. What a ridiculous idea that was obviously thrown together at the last minute.

The culture is crumbling right in front of them