The whole sales force should take PTO those days. What a ridiculous idea that was obviously thrown together at the last minute.

The culture is crumbling right in front of them

Considering where leadership came from before, I'm mad at myself for believing this company was going to be any different. Shouldn't have allowed myself to drink the Kool-aid.

WTH All employee gathering call. What a joke! Basically telling us they will be cutting jobs. We are not profitable and losing faster than a bleeding heart. Should have left all the companies on their own and not merged. Not looking good and anyone’s guess who will be laid off.

Myovant legacy here. You are all done. The company’s focus will and has always been on oncology. That is where the $$$$ is. Not in your piss drug. You are way behind your forecast and won’t make your goal of that 362. Buh Bye sinking ship

Considering where leadership came from before, I'm mad at myself for believing this company was going to be any different. Shouldn't have allowed myself to drink the Kool-aid.

All the managers and directors were retreads basically holding on for dear life so they could make it to retirement. This thing was DOA at the start.

I interviewed with the flaming douchebag AR in southern California. Did my research on this tool and found out he has been fired from like seven companies in ten years. I knew a few people who worked for him in the past and the reviews were horrid. Interview questions were tired and he spent more time reliving his storied career in pharma and motocross exploits than he did interviewing me. Condescending and arrogant. Hard "NO." Good luck to whoever took the job.

I posted this one three years ago too. I am Nostradamus!

Head over to the sunovion board which is now sumitomo. There’s a lot of crap posted about our future. JR saw the writing on the wall and left with a hefty severance. Sumitomo wants to sink this ship

Head over to the sunovion board which is now sumitomo. There’s a lot of crap posted about our future. JR saw the writing on the wall and left with a hefty severance. Sumitomo wants to sink this ship

No wonder the pcp reps I mean mspec aren’t worried. They all know they’ll be taking over and getting rid of us. Life as we knew it will b gone

Myovant legacy here. You are all done. The company’s focus will and has always been on oncology. That is where the $$$$ is. Not in your piss drug. You are way behind your forecast and won’t make your goal of that 362. Buh Bye sinking ship

That’s hilarious. Those high priced “cancer” reps will be the first to go. Don’t let your entitlement get in the way of the door on your way out.

Myovant legacy here. You are all done. The company’s focus will and has always been on oncology. That is where the $$$$ is. Not in your piss drug. You are way behind your forecast and won’t make your goal of that 362. Buh Bye sinking ship

This didn’t age well. Amazing that you guys are there at all considering your sales numbers.

Anyone else miss the good ol urovant? JR knew the future.

The old Urovant days of living off of Sunovion’s net profits and the approved drug was early on and approved during Covid so there was no pressure or expectations for it be successful straight away? That time period? Yeah the cushy times are over buddy

Our days are numbered. It’s only a matter of time before we’re all gone. Watch the mass exodus begin in the upcoming months. The signs are there hope everyone is taking them seriously.

That call we experienced yesterday was horrible. They basically told us that we are so falling behind that if we don’t make it happen we are all gone. The tone was so stressed and panicking that they know what is coming next and definitely not sharing it with us. They all read from a script with panic in their voices. I can’t recall ever hearing David sounding like that before.

Dn’t you love the bullshit story of how the culture is so great? What are these people smoking because this company doesn’t have a culture. I’ve worked for other Japanese companies before and have never experienced what is happening here. It’s only a matter of time when ore layoffs begin. Research the company and it’s nothing for them to layoff whenever they want. The morale here is so bad. It is sad to think where we were just 3 years ago to now.