Yeah. That never happened. Doctors aren’t going to risk their reputations and practices for something so ridiculous. Go sell stupid somewhere else.

I was on the conference call and this 100% happened! Nazi had brett talk about he channeled RX’s to specialty pharmacies and that he acquired Dr.’s cell #’s. These guys did whatever it took, legal or inot.

Head Shaking Hire for our new AVP.
Self-Confidence? 100%
Self-Awareness? 0%
Micro-Manager Reputation? 100%
Meets a DE&I metric to match the other 2 AVP's? 100%
Competition rep just laughed when I told him, and said better you than us.

Head Shaking Hire for our new AVP.
Self-Confidence? 100%
Self-Awareness? 0%
Micro-Manager Reputation? 100%
Meets a DE&I metric to match the other 2 AVP's? 100%
Competition rep just laughed when I told him, and said better you than us.

And you thought the one more call texts were annoying before. I didn't think it was possible for someone to have a bigger ego than Nassi, I was wrong.

Now we just need to add a they/them to backfill DB and we can check off every D&I box.

I'm sure that will make up for more than 3/4th of the reps not making any money.

Don't worry, everything will be ok as long as we keep reading Lukes constant posts on LinkedIn about how great he and god are!! LOL

Bison, Bibles, Bombs, Bladders, Blind eye to turnover and performance.

That is how you change the world and urology as we know it...

Pfizer's rejects made their way into Astellas and their rejects are now here to stay. Big pharma here we come.

I was on the conference call and this 100% happened! Nazi had brett talk about he channeled RX’s to specialty pharmacies and that he acquired Dr.’s cell #’s. These guys did whatever it took, legal or inot.

wow. Yeah, that never happened. Although it is quite amazing that you could hear pieces of a rumor and cobble together that bs for strangers. Your rationalizations for sucking at your job are next level. Start saving money for therapy. Lots and lotsa money.

Why has our Urovant company LinkedIn become like Facebook?! Why so many personal and family posts on a work site…What happened to the professionalism of keeping LinkedIn for WORK… gross and just a glimpse of the corporate culture here, run!

And apparently we can sell them on Amazon and run a small business while working here. I mean no field coaching reports and HR seems to not care… we should all have side gigs!