Dn’t you love the bullshit story of how the culture is so great? What are these people smoking because this company doesn’t have a culture. I’ve worked for other Japanese companies before and have never experienced what is happening here. It’s only a matter of time when ore layoffs begin. Research the company and it’s nothing for them to layoff whenever they want. The morale here is so bad. It is sad to think where we were just 3 years ago to now.

I agree. Sad how such a great place to work for has plunged down the drain in less than 3 years. Don’t become complacent because there’s more coming. The leaders pushing the ol’ everything is great you’re safe they need us gemtesa is bringing in the money is all smoking mirrors. Clean it and see the truth

I wish someone would just tell us the plan when m goes generic. They know it but not sharing. This waiting is a huge distraction not knowing if we have a job in 6 months or not.

I agree. Sad how such a great place to work for has plunged down the drain in less than 3 years. Don’t become complacent because there’s more coming. The leaders pushing the ol’ everything is great you’re safe they need us gemtesa is bringing in the money is all smoking mirrors. Clean it and see the truth

When you bring on Nassi, Art, and butt-chined Pfizer rejects to start a company how can you expect any kind of culture?

How about telling us everything is going to be great, then JR jumps ship as soon as we sign the dotted line?

Leadership including most RSMs has zero, I repeat zero self awareness. The can't say the quiet part out loud, but they are close to alimony/child support payments ending or nearing retirement. They will ride this out as long as they can.

Whether or not this was successful was not a concern of theirs or they were too delusional believing slapping all theses companies together; while cutting zero fat, do we really need ltc, spec, onc, and psp RSMs for a bunch of products that no have zero chance of becoming profitable?

Prepare for more micromanaging, being told your doctors aren't sold clinically on Gemtesa and that anyone can't get it ( if they can afford $400 a month when it's not covered and $150 when it is)

But don't worry though it wont be long, you will be let go for compliance reasons, so they can save some money on severance pay.

Now for old time sake bust out the giant PI and let's get Walt a golden parachute!

I agree. Sad how such a great place to work for has plunged down the drain in less than 3 years. Don’t become complacent because there’s more coming. The leaders pushing the ol’ everything is great you’re safe they need us gemtesa is bringing in the money is all smoking mirrors. Clean it and see the truth

Good god you all need to get over yourself about your culture. 4 years ago and up until early 2023 your entire existence, culture and paycheck was being funded by SMP which was really being funded by Sunovion’s billion dollar+ yearly profits. Life and company culture is going to be great and on easy-mode when someone else is paying the bills and there’s no pressure for any of you to produce .. mid 2023-onward now you’re all complaining about culture because you have to produce and not making it??

When you bring on Nassi, Art, and butt-chined Pfizer rejects to start a company how can you expect any kind of culture?

How about telling us everything is going to be great, then JR jumps ship as soon as we sign the dotted line?

Leadership including most RSMs has zero, I repeat zero self awareness. The can't say the quiet part out loud, but they are close to alimony/child support payments ending or nearing retirement. They will ride this out as long as they can.

Whether or not this was successful was not a concern of theirs or they were too delusional believing slapping all theses companies together; while cutting zero fat, do we really need ltc, spec, onc, and psp RSMs for a bunch of products that no have zero chance of becoming profitable?

Prepare for more micromanaging, being told your doctors aren't sold clinically on Gemtesa and that anyone can't get it ( if they can afford $400 a month when it's not covered and $150 when it is)

But don't worry though it wont be long, you will be let go for compliance reasons, so they can save some money on severance pay.

Now for old time sake bust out the giant PI and let's get Walt a golden parachute!

I knew we were set up for failure the minute I found out Art was part of the leadership team. Worst human in pharma. Everything he is attached to the past 15 years has failed. Plus he is a douche.

Good god you all need to get over yourself about your culture. 4 years ago and up until early 2023 your entire existence, culture and paycheck was being funded by SMP which was really being funded by Sunovion’s billion dollar+ yearly profits. Life and company culture is going to be great and on easy-mode when someone else is paying the bills and there’s no pressure for any of you to produce .. mid 2023-onward now you’re all complaining about culture because you have to produce and not making it??

Oh good god is right! This must be the high and mighty Karen from CT. Get over yourself indeed. Cheating the system using not approved specialty pharmacies. Your whole region should be let go for all the unethical law breaking moves you have been getting away with from day 1. You wouldn’t survive in the ghetto and the poverty we deal with. So get off your high horse. Everyone is doing their best with what they have to work with and not cheating.

Oh good god is right! This must be the high and mighty Karen from CT. Get over yourself indeed. Cheating the system using not approved specialty pharmacies. Your whole region should be let go for all the unethical law breaking moves you have been getting away with from day 1. You wouldn’t survive in the ghetto and the poverty we deal with. So get off your high horse. Everyone is doing their best with what they have to work with and not cheating.

Yeah not even close. Sunovion effectively paid your bills, and there was no pressure on any of you to produce which is why you loved the last few years, until mid-2023. Latuda hit LOE, Japan finally woke up and started questioning why the sales are off. Now we’re in a mess.

Here is where Sunovion funded you


Yeah not even close. Sunovion effectively paid your bills, and there was no pressure on any of you to produce which is why you loved the last few years, until mid-2023. Latuda hit LOE, Japan finally woke up and started questioning why the sales are off. Now we’re in a mess.

Here is where Sunovion funded you


wow had no idea. This isn’t good. Urovants time to pay is up this year. Such a shame this company as a whole is folding in front of our eyes. Now that the NSM is virtual makes me think the time is running up. Plus all those original hires won’t see their lti until may 31 if even then. Folks the well is drying up here. Sad

Hey loser when SMPA merged all the companies they assumed their own debt. So no there isn’t anything for urovant to pay back because they’re now part of the problem. Millions of dollars in debt. No NSM LTI paid (if even) the end of May. Why push it back unless they’re hoping people jump off this sinking boat or they have to find the $ to payout.

Does anyone have information? Is our NSM virtual or not? I need to make arrangements for my kiddos and this up in the air crap is not helpful. And what’s this I hear that we will receive an announcement about fleet? I thought that debate was settled and we are staying in company cars? Is it changing again? Anyone with serious know please share.

Does anyone have information? Is our NSM virtual or not? I need to make arrangements for my kiddos and this up in the air crap is not helpful. And what’s this I hear that we will receive an announcement about fleet? I thought that debate was settled and we are staying in company cars? Is it changing again? Anyone with serious know please share.

Assume it’s virtual. Managers shared the news.

Yeah not even close. Sunovion effectively paid your bills, and there was no pressure on any of you to produce which is why you loved the last few years, until mid-2023. Latuda hit LOE, Japan finally woke up and started questioning why the sales are off. Now we’re in a mess.

Here is where Sunovion funded you


This is spot on. SMP should have been applying maximum pressure on Urovant and Myovant as the products started to get approved in late 2020 and launched in 2021, but strangely they didn’t. They kneecapped Sunovion’s future so they could pay for the 5-Vant company takeover and fund their operations.

They knew they only had about 2 years left on Latuda and if Ulotaront was successful it would be facing competition from Karuna that had “big pharma takeover” written all over it (recently bought by BMS btw).. yet it seemed like they started to care about the underperformance only 6 months ago. It doesn’t make much sense.

Does anyone have information? Is our NSM virtual or not? I need to make arrangements for my kiddos and this up in the air crap is not helpful. And what’s this I hear that we will receive an announcement about fleet? I thought that debate was settled and we are staying in company cars? Is it changing again? Anyone with serious know please share.

seriously at this point who gives a shit about the NSM. We probably won’t have a job come June and you’re worried about the NSM being live or virtual?

seriously at this point who gives a shit about the NSM. We probably won’t have a job come June and you’re worried about the NSM being live or virtual?

Spot on sport! Clearly our days are numbered here. If I hear we are valuable, we are needed, they need us anymore I will puke. The new regime does not care about us. Look what they did to Walt and Toja.