This site sometime is way to much. However I think what your trying to say is why is it a white male talking diversity which in reality is only representative of PRIVILEGE. It’s ludicrous. But truth is what about 20 percent women*and 5 percent minority*with one guy so out of line but he is number 1 so let’s make sure we take care of him.

* women in leadership in field.
* representative of male only minority in field but include home office.

Any gays feel comfortable coming out ????

Is this dumpster fire still burning? How were the 2nd quarter numbers?

This site sometime is way to much. However I think what your trying to say is why is it a white male talking diversity which in reality is only representative of PRIVILEGE. It’s ludicrous. But truth is what about 20 percent women*and 5 percent minority*with one guy so out of line but he is number 1 so let’s make sure we take care of him.

* women in leadership in field.
* representative of male only minority in field but include home office.

Any gays feel comfortable coming out ????

The concept of White Privilege is a lie perpetrated to help people of color make excuses for their generational failure. Look in the mirror. Do some introspection. Own your shit.

Open letter to ALL minorities,LBGT, and women-

Is this the place you want to be? Start from very beginning. Read carefully. Sometimes this site is trash however this is a warning that most of us didn’t head. Now you see the true feelings and thoughts. The stats are real. And yet since that post more women have quit. Why is the significant? Well because this is a company that touts respect, equality,transparency, DIVERSITY. No diversity of color, thought or gender can be found or frankly heard. It’s important for you to know that. That’s all.

Thanks you to those of you who had the courage to open share your bigotry. It’s refreshing cuz we all see it. Thanks for owning your shit publicly. You’re messing with folks livelihoods. Just be who you are but please stop trying to front. The stats say it all and the posts and attitude so SPARE US all.

thanks for the honesty and frankly FOR once transparency

Open letter to ALL minorities,LBGT, and women-

Is this the place you want to be? Start from very beginning. Read carefully. Sometimes this site is trash however this is a warning that most of us didn’t head. Now you see the true feelings and thoughts. The stats are real. And yet since that post more women have quit. Why is the significant? Well because this is a company that touts respect, equality,transparency, DIVERSITY. No diversity of color, thought or gender can be found or frankly heard. It’s important for you to know that. That’s all.

Thanks you to those of you who had the courage to open share your bigotry. It’s refreshing cuz we all see it. Thanks for owning your shit publicly. You’re messing with folks livelihoods. Just be who you are but please stop trying to front. The stats say it all and the posts and attitude so SPARE US all.

thanks for the honesty and frankly FOR once transparency

Waaaaah. I can’t succeed. Waaaaah. It must be because people who look like me don’t run the company. Waaaah. It’s not because I suck, it’s because we need more diversity! And by diversity what I mean is, push white males out of jobs they earned and give them to people of color because….racism.

Did I get it right?

Go change your diaper you coddled little baby.

Waaaaah. I can’t succeed. Waaaaah. It must be because people who look like me don’t run the company. Waaaah. It’s not because I suck, it’s because we need more diversity! And by diversity what I mean is, push white males out of jobs they earned and give them to people of color because….racism.

Did I get it right?

Go change your diaper you coddled little baby.

You are my hero.

How’s that bone smoker Barry Daye? How’s that culture doing? Intimidated by better sales reps. Whites aren’t part of your culture

oh yeah… let’s bring out the skeletons. Lets talk about punk ass Area directors who sent out email to sales force COMMANDING all of us to SAMPLE. WAIT FOR IT!the same people were all sampling. HMMMMM" trying to create value as a fucking Division manger or rep? Yep. Embarrassing

oh yeah… let’s bring out the skeletons. Lets talk about punk ass Area directors who sent out email to sales force COMMANDING all of us to SAMPLE. WAIT FOR IT!the same people were all sampling. HMMMMM" trying to create value as a fucking Division manger or rep? Yep. Embarrassing
Are you surprised? Sampling is always the answer, although not the right answer. Just paint the insincere smile, and send email to corporate so they can commend you for tthoughtless execution. You check your box Barry but didn’t move any business

oh yeah… let’s bring out the skeletons. Lets talk about punk ass Area directors who sent out email to sales force COMMANDING all of us to SAMPLE. WAIT FOR IT!the same people were all sampling. HMMMMM" trying to create value as a fucking Division manger or rep? Yep. Embarrassing
Yeah thought the same thing. Like we are aren’t already in there sampling