
Is this dumpster fire still burning? How were the 2nd quarter numbers?
yes and we at Sunovion are happy. How’s your commission? We will take over. Go home losers and let us sell this drug. you guys are so dumb. Yeah you’re the specialist but we’re out selling you and making more money. Dummies

Waaaaah. I can’t succeed. Waaaaah. It must be because people who look like me don’t run the company. Waaaah. It’s not because I suck, it’s because we need more diversity! And by diversity what I mean is, push white males out of jobs they earned and give them to people of color because….racism.

Did I get it right?

Go change your diaper you coddled little baby.

Yeah you’re right. Let me take your shit for a paycheck. Stay tuned bitch

So how many reps and managers have bailed on this epic failure so far? I laugh every day when I see linkedin messages for amazing opportunities to work for an amazing person at an amazing company...why the fuck did I come here???

A good friend of mine tried to get hired here. He’s pale, stale and a male. Get it? Had some of the best relationships in urology. Guess what? They hired a fat woman of color who was previously a paralegal. No personality and no people skills. I still call on the urologists in the territory. Some of them wrote references for him. So you see this load walk in, ask 20 questions and the urologists ask how this turd beat out a respected representative? Seriously? Inclusion and diversity. Barry is black, she is black, do the math.

A good friend of mine tried to get hired here. He’s pale, stale and a male. Get it? Had some of the best relationships in urology. Guess what? They hired a fat woman of color who was previously a paralegal. No personality and no people skills. I still call on the urologists in the territory. Some of them wrote references for him. So you see this load walk in, ask 20 questions and the urologists ask how this turd beat out a respected representative? Seriously? Inclusion and diversity. Barry is black, she is black, do the math.

Your "friend" but definitely not you, right? Didn't get the job and it's the dude who isn't even her manager's fault.

Just checking

A good friend of mine tried to get hired here. He’s pale, stale and a male. Get it? Had some of the best relationships in urology. Guess what? They hired a fat woman of color who was previously a paralegal. No personality and no people skills. I still call on the urologists in the territory. Some of them wrote references for him. So you see this load walk in, ask 20 questions and the urologists ask how this turd beat out a respected representative? Seriously? Inclusion and diversity. Barry is black, she is black, do the math.

Well this is pile of shit. Your guy would have fit in in 78 perfect to of the field you dumb ass. Sounds like he socks didn’t match that day.

No doubt HR and Nasi just turns a blind eye! SMH! The west team is going to fuck us all!

Well. Good old AR has fucked every other team and company he’s been part of. Why should this be any different. Once again, the ENTIRE HIV sales team at Pfizer was let go thanks to his off label shenanigans. What should Urovant be any different.

Pfizer sales rep: "PFE tried to find 'naïve doctors' for illegal premarketing of maraviroc!"

A Pfizer whistleblower a few weeks ago alleged that Pfizer used the HIV sales force to illegally market maraviroc to doctors before FDA approval.

The illegal conduct allegedly started already in November 2006, when Pfizer was trying to set up “expanded access sites” throughout the country for a maraviroc experience trial.

The whistleblower claimed the sales reps were used as liaisons to help medical affairs enroll new research sites and the sales reps were allegedly asked to promote the “trial,” in which doctors were paid $1200 per patient for one year, along with free drug.

For prior posts click here.

Yesterday, a Pfizer HIV sales rep contacted me with dozens of internal Pfizer e-mails that support the earlier allegations.

The Pfizer sales rep told me, "We were asked to solicit sites for Phase III trials prior to approval specifically for maraviroc. We were asked to solicit small community health centers because they had a lower threshold for following certain protocols that may be inside the larger academic centers . . . meaning Pfizer would be able to control the process and use reps as go betweens."

So in essence when this sales rep claims Pfizer was looking for doctors that "had a lower threshold for following certain protocols" he means Pfizer was looking for "stupid doctors" with little research experience.

Let's see if the documents he provided prove him right, but first some background on how this trial started:


From: Rodriguez, Arthur (Agouron)
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 3:05 PM
To: Adcock, Bryan; Bestler, Michael; Cragar, John B; DeRamus, Lisa A; Evans, Jay; Fazzina, Douglas; Frank, Denise; Glazer, Bruce J; Grice, Karen; Jackson, Kyle A; Larralde, Mark; Lovelady, Johnny F; McCarty, Gene; McCauley, Nancy; Pieper, Shasta; Raymond, James; Root, Tamara; Shimp, Christine Lynn; Snody, Bonnie J; Snyder, Elizabeth L; Soler, Jennifer D; Staver, Kent; Stephenson, Kimberly T; Stinson, Kelly N; Tabraue, Alex; Taylor, Joan; Turner, Edward; Vollmers, Thomas L; Weiss, Lawrence; Williams, Brennetta C; Woll, Joyce M; Yost, John (La Jolla); Zaleski, Carolyn; Brake, Jeffrey; Ceperley, Mark A; Ebenroth, Joseph ; Ferguson, BJ; Hopkins, Melanie E; Jaconetta, James; Miller, Adam M; Rossbach, Mareen; Seaver, Scott
Cc: Brown, Mark (Sales); Meador, Tom; Lamoreaux, Kirk W.; Hornilla III, Lamberto Z; Lumpuy, Marcus; brenda.gleason@m2hcc.com
Subject: Immediate Action Required: siteFOCUS program
Importance: High

HIV Team,

The HIV Field Force has been selected by the NYO to participate in an innovative program called siteFOCUS. This program assists and trains research-naive, community-based physicians to conduct clinical research as part of a Phase III or Phase IV trail. Headquarters has identified a list of potential investigators and would now like to collect some additional information to determine which physicians may be appropriate targets. A Breeze presentation has been prepared to offer you an overview of this unique program and to also outline in more detail the role you will play. As you can imagine, there are some important legal and regulatory issues that you must be aware of before proceeding. Please pay special attention to these instructions.


Kind regards,
Art Rodriguez

Art Rodriguez
National Director
Pfizer HIV/AIDS Division
National Sales Office
18500 Von Karman, Suite 600

What an absolute douchebag AR is. That whole team went down. Reporters showed up at his house and the homes of other Pfizer executives. People lost their jobs and were blackballed from the industry because of this idiot. And here he is at Urovant. Not surprised.

I told you guys. The countdown to failure started the day Urovant brought on little Artie motocross in Southern California. Art is the grim reaper of Pharma. He shows up and companies die.

I knew this was a bad idea from the first interview. My gut told me this leadership team was a bunch of loser, hacks bouncing from one company to the next after being chopped by big pharma. Foolishly, I brushed off my instincts and took the job. Terrible mistake.