How’s that bone smoker Barry Daye? How’s that culture doing? Intimidated by better sales reps. Whites aren’t part of your culture

Can a week go by without someone blaming their performance or lack thereof based on if they are/are not a minority or a man/women.

As others have stated own your shit and don't blame your manager, you can do far worse than Barry.

Can a week go by without someone blaming their performance or lack thereof based on if they are/are not a minority or a man/women.

As others have stated own your shit and don't blame your manager, you can do far worse than Barry.

wow. sucks to be you. actually it sucks to us. Next time be crystal clear- that all anyone is anyone is saying. Don't worry everyone is going to A OK. Its important. If you're gonna brag about" been Mybretriq" got this covered. And you act like dumb ass MFERS- just own it. nice launch professionals. :)

Can a week go by without someone blaming their performance or lack thereof based on if they are/are not a minority or a man/women.

As others have stated own your shit and don't blame your manager, you can do far worse than Barry.

Ok Barry, ohhh THE PAST AND PRESENT COMING TO HAUNT YOU. boo hoo you petty bitch.

wow. sucks to be you. actually it sucks to us. Next time be crystal clear- that all anyone is anyone is saying. Don't worry everyone is going to A OK. Its important. If you're gonna brag about" been Mybretriq" got this covered. And you act like dumb ass MFERS- just own it. nice launch professionals. :)

Was this supposed to be English?

Waaaaah. I can’t succeed. Waaaaah. It must be because people who look like me don’t run the company. Waaaah. It’s not because I suck, it’s because we need more diversity! And by diversity what I mean is, push white males out of jobs they earned and give them to people of color because….racism.

Did I get it right?

Go change your diaper you coddled little baby.

Right Nassi? You tell em

How’s that bone smoker Barry Daye? How’s that culture doing? Intimidated by better sales reps. Whites aren’t part of your culture

Hey deuce bag mangers. You who resort to name calling, belittling reps through FCR’S. You you. Please ask for your reps TO SIGN AND ACKNOWLEDGE. TRY THAT ASSHOLES. That way the bullying is transparent. Cowards.

I look at the chief talent scout from Princeton. A 27 year old telling a veteran successful rep about how to launch a drug, and that relationships aren’t important, especially during COVID where access is minimal. Doctors really need to hear about the 20th oab med on the market . And according to her, they want to know about it. Grow up, get educated. Oncology and saving lives is important. Before Pharmacia hit the market and built oab awareness, nobody cared and oxybutnin or Depends adult pads for you were fine. Nobody dies from oab, it’s a quality of life drug. You need to find an angle and reason why this drug needs to part of their prescribing treatment.
This is something that a tool like Barry doesn’t get. Try something néw! Think! What an old concept. Especially in this “sheep” environment.

I look at the chief talent scout from Princeton. A 27 year old telling a veteran successful rep about how to launch a drug, and that relationships aren’t important, especially during COVID where access is minimal. Doctors really need to hear about the 20th oab med on the market . And according to her, they want to know about it. Grow up, get educated. Oncology and saving lives is important. Before Pharmacia hit the market and built oab awareness, nobody cared and oxybutnin or Depends adult pads for you were fine. Nobody dies from oab, it’s a quality of life drug. You need to find an angle and reason why this drug needs to part of their prescribing treatment.
This is something that a tool like Barry doesn’t get. Try something néw! Think! What an old concept. Especially in this “sheep” environment.

Well said and relevant

These assholes brought people over that we been there and done that. I’m relatively new and can someone tell me why I am responsible for prior auth’s? I don’t know how this works. Is this legal? I’m concerned