right? Please highlight one more white guy discussing the awesomeness of diversity! Wtf

Bottom line is this and this is real talk. Who touts diversity except a kiss ass CEO who doesn’t address his people yet brought ALL white men to the field. Hello? Please ask that lame ass survey on fairness, culture, diversity, transparency and OH YES! The “vant” word for nimble. Wow, where is the field oversight for this toxic male culture driven by Art and Nassi. Why are women insulted by this company. JAMES? ANSWER THE CALL OR KEEP TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Well, thanks for those answers. Just wondering the difference of those brought in as TM vs Senior.

On another note, is the hiring/interview process like really slow here?
After a screening I was recommended for a face to face with manager, never heard back.

Maybe I just answered my own question, or just "move on "

Move on…. Unless your a white man that wants to banter before national Confernce calls about drinking, bro code and The need for you to dress in a full suit and dress. Says it all.
Move on.

Well, thanks for those answers. Just wondering the difference of those brought in as TM vs Senior.

On another note, is the hiring/interview process like really slow here?
After a screening I was recommended for a face to face with manager, never heard back.

Maybe I just answered my own question, or just "move on "

the answer is basically 10 grand that’s it. Either way you’re just a number punching a ticket before some bully wants to send you packing. The can and will. No oversight and EVERYONE turns a blind eye.

Anyone looking at taking a role here needs to do some research before taking a position. I wish I had. Turns out, my autistic mgr here in the Midwest was run off by his former reps and is a MAJOR liability in the field. I should’ve known during the endless interview process that these reject managers were going to be a dog and pony show to work for.

Anyone looking at taking a role here needs to do some research before taking a position. I wish I had. Turns out, my autistic mgr here in the Midwest was run off by his former reps and is a MAJOR liability in the field. I should’ve known during the endless interview process that these reject managers were going to be a dog and pony show to work for.

Anyone looking at taking a role here needs to do some research before taking a position. I wish I had. Turns out, my autistic mgr here in the Midwest was run off by his former reps and is a MAJOR liability in the field. I should’ve known during the endless interview process that these reject managers were going to be a dog and pony show to work for.

OPEN LETTET TO A CEO. Any more information you need to see the hostile work environment and people are more afraid of retaliation than resigning. Urovant sales force are disposable like the diapers were selling against in LTC. I’m sorry that sounds gross but true. HR needs to talk to workmen in field. PLEASE CHECK GROUP TEXTS ago see bullying since apparently calls and our cars our being tracked. COMPLIANCE SAVES US

Does Autistic mean_ your are not listened to ,or regarded as a person? Or he is more aggressive like calling you out AS AN IDIOT on open Confernce calls? Or is it says are YOU ON MEDS? Yeah this is the kind of treatment to be endured.

Does Autistic mean_ your are not listened to ,or regarded as a person? Or he is more aggressive like calling you out AS AN IDIOT on open Confernce calls? Or is it says are YOU ON MEDS? Yeah this is the kind of treatment to be endured.

Word. It’s the Nassi code on conduct. Are YOU wearing a shirt with tie with a collar?

I’m the wife on a territory manager here. I thought it would be me and that isn’t funny. he has been told to wear suite and tie. He went out and boutght. In south it’s to hot for this. Well who cares I guess but I do. He’s my man.

Does Autistic mean_ your are not listened to ,or regarded as a person? Or he is more aggressive like calling you out AS AN IDIOT on open Confernce calls? Or is it says are YOU ON MEDS? Yeah this is the kind of treatment to be endured.

Already dully noted.already filed. Shit down we know your name. Law suit filed.wait about 3 - 4 weeks. Yep another bullied and harassed.

Bottom line is this and this is real talk. Who touts diversity except a kiss ass CEO who doesn’t address his people yet brought ALL white men to the field. Hello? Please ask that lame ass survey on fairness, culture, diversity, transparency and OH YES! The “vant” word for nimble. Wow, where is the field oversight for this toxic male culture driven by Art and Nassi. Why are women insulted by this company. JAMES? ANSWER THE CALL OR KEEP TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

To late, you missed it. Now. It will take. Few months but proof is in. Thanks. Lawsuit penning and no this is not a joke. You’re the joke.

Hey another white man extolling the virtues of diversity. WINNING?

This site sometime is way to much. However I think what your trying to say is why is it a white male talking diversity which in reality is only representative of PRIVILEGE. It’s ludicrous. But truth is what about 20 percent women*and 5 percent minority*with one guy so out of line but he is number 1 so let’s make sure we take care of him.

* women in leadership in field.
* representative of male only minority in field but include home office.

Any gays feel comfortable coming out ????