How bout not returning calls of his peeps and toking at nightSpeaking of has beens, how is old AR doing in southern Cali?
How bout not returning calls of his peeps and toking at nightSpeaking of has beens, how is old AR doing in southern Cali?
How bout not returning calls of his peeps and toking at night
Sounds about right. Complete absentee and empty suit. Mr. “Net Present Value” hasn’t done much but fail since he got bounced out of Pfizer (Agouron) in 2007 for sending out an enterprise wide email encouraging the promotion of the HIV drug Maraviroc with research naive KOLs before it was approved. SiteFOCUS much AR? You loser.
Not too well. None of my docs give a damn and the ones that have agreed to write tell me it’s the worst formulary coverage they can remember. Not sure what JR has been talking about - literally they have done nothing to prepare for this launch.How are the RXs going so far?
Yeah he may need to check the direction he is sending people....Sounds about right. Complete absentee and empty suit. Mr. “Net Present Value” hasn’t done much but fail since he got bounced out of Pfizer (Agouron) in 2007 for sending out an enterprise wide email encouraging the promotion of the HIV drug Maraviroc with research naive KOLs before it was approved. SiteFOCUS much AR? You loser.
I now work for this douche. Had no idea when I came to Urovant. Regret my decision.
CALL compliance and while your at it, call you know the CEO who doesn’t know he has a sales force
Yeah he may need to check the direction he is sending people....
Sounds about right. Complete absentee and empty suit. Mr. “Net Present Value” hasn’t done much but fail since he got bounced out of Pfizer (Agouron) in 2007 for sending out an enterprise wide email encouraging the promotion of the HIV drug Maraviroc with research naive KOLs before it was approved. SiteFOCUS much AR? You loser.
Do a Google search. My gut told me there was something wrong with Art during the interviews. Turns out I should have trusted my intuition.
Sorry but hate to tell you- Mangement team on west is a bunch on yes men. And let’s be honest if I listen again to a talk on diversity I want to quit# got a small family
Do a Google search. My gut told me there was something wrong with Art during the interviews. Turns out I should have trusted my intuition.
AR brings death and failure everywhere he goes. Never mind the whole “diversity” push. He is one of the most racist POS I ever met. Not surprised to see him destroying culture at another company. Why can’t he look to the past and let go of shit that didn’t work before?
HEY Jim-We all know you brought him here.
With the current leadership & trending # I’d say another 4-6 months at best. There are territories with less than 15 rx . Obviously that doesn’t even pay for salary much less all the other parts of a reps benefit etc.. but yet leadership doesn’t care , they only focus on how much they can make then blame it in the reps & do layoffs. Never mind the fact it’s a 10 th ish to market me too drug , no coverage & clinically no real difference. By October they will start putting heavy pressure on reps , by thanksgiving rumors that are true about layoffs yet home office will deny & say business as usual. Etc .. you get the picture