Urology Sales position

The corporate "geniuses" who helped develop salesforce.com asset management app should be fired for putting together an app that will consume hours: double the work for less pay. All the f'up rules does not give us a level playing field with the competition. This will destroy urology sales!!! We have no time for the additional administrative tasks. Urology needs to be in the field everyday, since we have competition, unlike GI that can stay home a couple of days a week and take orders.
Gone are the days of high sales, Olympus cares first about processes and documentation.

Fuck Olympus. They are becoming a C player in the OR.
Watch what happens to everyone's bipolar when Greenlight takes a chomp out if your territory. It's coming my friend. Fuck Olympus Management!!!! Fuck Sales Ops Dick

Guys read this....
More of the same status quo corruption from Olympus Japan.
Nothing will change from this company. Total bullshit.

Earlier this month, when reports of Olympus's plans for new management emerged, critics said choosing a chairman close to Olympus's main bank could produce conflicts of interest in the boardroom, and would signal a return to the days when lenders essentially took control of struggling borrowers.

"We have said all along that you need a strong external chairman completely unaffiliated with the banks and a strong new [chief executive] to come in and have a board that is majority independent," said Josh Shores, at Southeastern Asset Management Inc., which holds roughly a 5% stake in Olympus.

"It seems to suggest to me a return to the traditional system," said Simon Wong, a partner at Governance for Owners LLP. "This would be such a step backward." His U.K.-based investment group, which is partly owned by pension funds, represents some Olympus investors.

Guys read this....
More of the same status quo corruption from Olympus Japan.
Nothing will change from this company. Total bullshit.

Earlier this month, when reports of Olympus's plans for new management emerged, critics said choosing a chairman close to Olympus's main bank could produce conflicts of interest in the boardroom, and would signal a return to the days when lenders essentially took control of struggling borrowers.

"We have said all along that you need a strong external chairman completely unaffiliated with the banks and a strong new [chief executive] to come in and have a board that is majority independent," said Josh Shores, at Southeastern Asset Management Inc., which holds roughly a 5% stake in Olympus.

"It seems to suggest to me a return to the traditional system," said Simon Wong, a partner at Governance for Owners LLP. "This would be such a step backward." His U.K.-based investment group, which is partly owned by pension funds, represents some Olympus investors.

This is from February 2012 - dumbass

Can anyone tell us what the fuck Nacho & Todd Usen have done to improve things at Olympus, since taking on their respective new roles, Or have they just reeled in lots of salary and done nothing? This company is filled with useless upper management! Filled to the brim!

You all have been crying and screaming for sometime now that there is going to be mass exits from urology but yet its not happening. don't you have customers to call on?

This company is abusing it's reps. Especially Urology. We are responsible for over 50% of the overall MSG revenue. Why does it seem like they respect us the least out of the 4 divisions? We are coming under fire with our bipolar disposables, as well as our stone disposables being locked out due to BSC contracts. All the company can come up with, is "build a fence around your business." Are you fucking serious? The writing is on the wall Urology. Can anyone say mass resignations? This place has gone done the fucking drain....

Why has management not responded in the correct fashion, by taking swift and efficient action? A lot of folks say because we lack real leadership at the top. A bunch of pussies playing the "cover your ass" game. What a fucking joke... Goodbye Olympus

Such a tough guy....will you show your muscles before you have alcohol or will it take several drinks before you can step up?

You should really keep your mouth shut, "Sales Ops Dick"!
I know 10-20 guys who wanna knock your dick in the dirt. Stay outta sight at this years NSM you piece of shit! It's not going to take Japan much longer on your ass. Currently they are sifting through data with your name on it jackhole!

I'll step up right now. You must have a death wish my friend.
You truly are an out of touch arrogant cock smoking Brit.
Do you really believe that your actions are consequence free?
Everyone that knows or works with you, says that you are a sniveling little pussy whose mouth is too big for his bridges...

You couldn't carry my jock strap! Such a little boy you are.

I'll step up right now. You must have a death wish my friend.
You truly are an out of touch arrogant cock smoking Brit.
Do you really believe that your actions are consequence free?
Everyone that knows or works with you, says that you are a sniveling little pussy whose mouth is too big for his bridges...

Even worse than sales ops Dick is the leadership in charge of Urology... As BSC continues to acquire & release new technology. What are we doing? "OAP & Build a fence around your business". Which would you bet on? The one that is aggressively doing new things or the old guard freighter approach. Olympus is dead in the water. Why won't Japan clean house and get competent management in place?
I just don't understand...

Richard Reynolds
Nacho Abia
Todd Usen
Randy Clark
Peter Crowley
Barrett Johnston
Nils Ericson
Plus the useless dead weight AVP's.... They only do quote approvals...

Everyone on this list needs to be replaced with someone competent in the urology space.

Your best defense is that all of these posts are from one person! You have to be the worlds biggest ASSHOLE Sales Ops Dick. How can you be so arrogant to think you only have one enemy out there? You are the worst kind of corporate douchebag!

Fire Sales Ops Dick now!

Not original poster.

I will speak for all the Olympus sales reps, when we say, EAT SHIT SALES OPS. Got it? EAT SHIT SALES OPS DICK!

I have copied all of your posts and mailed them to Hiro in Japan. Keep the retorts coming brain child....

It's only a matter of time.

Agree with this post. Olympus continues to ask more from their urology reps and pay them less.
Quit padding the checks of VPs and above, that do nothing but find ways to cut our pay. Have you ever heard "clients do not come first, employees do. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your clients,". Olympus takes care of neither.

It's a terrible bottom feeding organization. You should find your way out. Trust me when I say this. Not all companies shit on their employees like Olympus. Take a look at the average manager at Olympus.

Most of them are pompous, arrogant assholes who don't give a shit about their employees. (Personal experience)

Lawsuits are pounding Olympus right now. Everything from sexual harassment, to comp theft, to wrongful termination, not to mention the almost 1 billion $ fine that the DOJ just levied onto OCA for all of their corrupt business practices.
Olympus is the laughing stock of the industry.

FYI, this is a clinician who has interacted with management at Olympus. It's no secret Olympus, hospital clinicians know about your dirty laundry.

Todd- you are the last hope for this company. You have less than a year before there will be a mass exodus.
Olympus has great urology reps, working 50+hrs a week, 2million+ territories, with no associate rep or stone rep and We are tired - doing a lot more dirk for less pay. While ENT and Energy have associates reps, work less and sell less about 500,000.
We like the job but hate how the company treats us. We have heard for years "if you are not sales, you are sales support" which is total BS.
WHY DONT YOU ASK REPS WHAT THE ISSUES ARE? Why not have an advisor board of reps? You can't continue asking the VP or AVPs because they don't know. At the least, send out a survey monkey with questions. Look at areas/territories with low volume or declining volume, you will find new reps. It takes 2+ years to learn urology and we are allowing good people to leave. Time to clean house- Olympus management is arrogant and only care about their pension.

Well said!! Just accepted an offer tonight at 5pm. Two other Olympus colleagues are resigning this week as well.
This place will go out of business before they change the culture. Very true, management just here to receive pension/retirement package, they could give two shits about the direction of Olympus. What a shit company.