Urology Sales position

Fuck Finance & Fuck Marketing!!!
Can't wait to go to the useless NSM in Orlando.
What a waste of time & money!
No one cares or wants to go to Orlando.
Why do we need to be forced into a shitty hotel for 5 full days?
Send us the fucking training packets at home, and leave us the fuck alone!
Olympus PLEASE get a fucking clue!

It's clear that the leadership in Urology
Have not a clue how to lead Olympus into the top
Ranks of Urology business.
Why are there no terminations
At the top? It's obvious to most of us
That you are mentally challenged.
Anyone agree?

I think we could safely lose Barrett & Nils and hire
One solid person away from BSC, who could help lead us
Down the disposables path. Nils must have pictures
Of Richard or Rick, because that guy has zero value.
What a corporate boob!

Dear Randy Clark,

Please think about off loading Barrett, Nils, Michael (finance)
And a few other zeros.

This company could be on top, but it going to take time.
Having the right people is CRITICAL!

Is there possibly an opportunity for Olympus to start manufacturing
Some of our own urology disposables so we can get a better margin on
These products?

Let's think big people!!!

Lose the dead weight!

I didn't know Olympus was still competing in stone disposables. It doesn't seem like the reps even put up a fight to save their business.

They think the Button will save them.

Attention job seekers!!!

Whatever you do, do not apply or interview, or accept a job
With Olympus. I promise you that it is a company that lies, cheats, and steals from
It's sales reps! What a terrible terrible company!

well gents,

The real problem is the rest of upper management are way too comfortable with our large salaries and pensions for doing nothing. Nothing will change because no one in power will require things to change.
Pay and morale will continue to plummet. I think I'm going to find a young boy to chase around....

There's no question that Olympus "misses" service or products that are invoiced/shipped for all of our territories. They always say it's SAP or SFDC. Come on dude, you weren't born yesterday!! Olympus regularly fucks their reps. All I have to say is Gyrus PK Placement Agreement expiration. Remember when they fucked us all, by not saying they weren't or were paying us when they billed our customers. In the end they kept the $. I got hosed on $47,000 in invoices.
Olympus is one of the most dishonest companies around. Sales Ops Dick & Chris Kuhn in Finance were behind that ass fucking my friend.
Japan is now onboard and reading all of these posts, so please post your heavy disdain for management and share your stories. It's the only way that things will change.