Urology Sales position

There’s a disturbing trend taking place in the fast-paced world of sales technology. Recently, there’s been an influx of new products, apps and companies focused on tracking the sales team through their CRM using GPS and other monitoring technologies. I understand the evolution and (false) logic for this recent trend, however, I’m here to warn you that we are on a slippery slope and that this is not the right way forward.

Salesforce tracking is the ability of managers to track the outside sales team at all times using the GPS feature on their mobile devices. Mobile technology has come so far in such a short amount of time that we are creating new features without thinking through the long-term implications. In this case, the sales industry is evolving into something straight out of an Orwellian police state. You are being watched everywhere you go.

You may think that I’m being a little overdramatic, and perhaps I am. However, this is a trend I vehemently disagree with and it’s important to voice our objections now before this becomes the status quo for salesreps worldwide.

Before I dive into my philosophy on the subject, allow me to debunk a few myths that are being used to promote this GPS tracking technology.

Constant Surveillance will upset your employeesMyth #1: It will hold the salesreps accountable. The logic here is if salesreps are aware that you can monitor their activities throughout the day, they will be much more likely to take responsibility for their work and give their best effort.

This is a joke, right? Do you seriously believe that constant GPS monitoring won’t cause immediate resentment and obliterate employee moral? If you want employees to give their best effort you need to turn the car around 180 degrees and start building a culture of trust. There are thousands of books, research papers and case studies that prove positive reinforcement and a trust-based culture have a much stronger positive correlation on productivity and output than extrinsic punishment and surveillance. Which leads us to myth #2.

Myth #2: It will increase their productivity. The argument is that the more data you capture about your salesreps’ activities, the easier it will be to analyze their workday and make improvements.

Okay, let’s slow the Big Data train down just a tad and stick our head out the window to see where we’re headed. If everything is watched, measured and analyzed, at best, we face “paralysis by over analysis” and, at worst, we’re looking at a downward spiral that leads to a complete Totalitarian dystopia. I know at least one major government that isn’t afraid to subpoena the data and use it for evil. I’m looking at you Canada…just kiddin’, eh?

Furthermore, CRM systems like Salespoint have already optimized your route mapping and use smart features that help you streamline your day without measuring how long you took to fill up the tank. You do not need to be micromanaged down to the second because it took you too long to wrap up a meeting or a client lunch meeting ran late. I get it, it’s quality over quantity, the 80/20 rule, whatever you want to call it. The point is we have trained you (and trust you) to use your best judgment on the road and we don’t believe in constant surveillance.

Salesforce Tracking CRMMyth #3: We’ll be closer to the market. The idea here is that the correlations between field activity and sales results are very important for spotting market trends and the best way of keeping accurate measurements is through 24/7 sales force tracking.

I guarantee most of the good reps in this company will most likely
Quit before the end of 2015.
Olympus is a shitty shitty organization
That knows nothing about how to compete
In the surgical marketplace.

Did you guys hear budgets have been
Slashed all through the company?
Due to the DOJ Duodenoblowjob
This company will be in financial
Ruin in 3 months!
For the love of Christ, it's time to leave
This shithole!!!

Major Recruiter here in the southeast.
Just wanted to say that it's highly unlikely
That all of the hundreds of disgruntled
Posts here are lies. This looks really bad for
You Olympus. It's terrible to see sales reps
Treated the way that Olympus treats you.
I definitely will not steer candidates to Olympus.
Really sad.

Major Recruiter here in the southeast.
Just wanted to say that it's highly unlikely
That all of the hundreds of disgruntled
Posts here are lies. This looks really bad for
You Olympus. It's terrible to see sales reps
Treated the way that Olympus treats you.
I definitely will not steer candidates to Olympus.
Really sad.

Thats great mr. mrs. recruiter as you are not on our approved list of recruiters anyway. I doubt you are a recruiter as you would know to do your due diligence and speak to the individuals you have placed over the years to get the straight skinny. If you are basing your business decisions from cafe pharma I have to say I question how you were able to start or keep your business going at all?

Caught with your hand in the cookie jar!
To Mr/Mrs Recruiter poster:
Your lunatic response only furthers the need
To cleanout all of the useless management from this company.
Only someone in Finance or internal Talent
Acquisition would respond in the fashion that you did.
My business is humming along quite nicely, thank you!
You are mearly a paranoid Kool Aid swallowing
Asshole! This is a terrible company filled
With criminals dressed in suits.
I will continue to let my colleagues and customers
Know just how shitty and deceptive Olympus
Actually is!

I've spoken to hundreds of current and ex employees.
No one has anything positive or nice to say about Olympus.
Beat it scumbag Kool Aid boy!
Damage control will not happen.
The secret is out!

Wake up morons olympus is a hell hole. It will not improve and your comission will only be cut more next year. If you enjoy workimg for free ,then stay. Look at how they cut you last year. Dont think that money will get put back in your pockets. But i guess most people enjoy the evil they are used to rather then having a set of balls and leaving for a new oppurtunity.

You are all fucking imbeciles!
Your RVP's think you are morons and
They laugh at you behind your back. They also laugh that you do all the work, and they reap the benefit.
It's a fucking joke!
Get a grip you assholes!
This job sucks! It's all laptop work now,
And very little actual sales work.

the next shoe will drop with the new comp plan. However no one will leave and you losers will stay to take less and less money. A few people of have left and are happy and back to making real money, but a lot more have stayed and are miserable. I guess like the cowboys of the old west you liked to compare yourselves to, you're just outdated and beaten down memories.

the next shoe will drop with the new comp plan. However no one will leave and you losers will stay to take less and less money. A few people of have left and are happy and back to making real money, but a lot more have stayed and are miserable. I guess like the cowboys of the old west you liked to compare yourselves to, you're just outdated and beaten down memories.

Do you like responding to your own threads?

heres a funny joke.
Did you hear that Urology Comp plans are actually
Going to be paid out at 8% and 10 % like the old days, before shithole
Olympus bought out ACMI in that illegal deal in the Caymans.
What a fucking joke?
Dear Tokyo,
You have a bunch of assholes running MSG.