Urology Sales position

Lots of posts ripped down tonight.
So, they are going right back up.

Fuck you and your comp plan Sales Ops Dick. You are lower than pond scum.
Everyone hates and disrespects you.

Guys and gals. It's time to resign and get out of this dump. 5% commissions are coming April 1. Please for the love of Christ, get the resume updated and call the recruiters. You have no choice.

You must be new to the organization. Muscara has had a loooooong career at this company and has done nothing but perform despite all the bull crap we have to face. I have seen him blow out his numbers as a rep and rvp. Now go out and sell on your efforts and stop waiting for corp accounts to do your job. And remember there where reps like Mike that has come before you and actually made their numbers.

This poster is a fucking liar. Maybe he hit quota once. This guy does nothing now except for take vacations and salivate all over himself. Fucking joke!

Lots of posts ripped down tonight.
So, they are going right back up.

Fuck you and your comp plan Sales Ops Dick. You are lower than pond scum.
Everyone hates and disrespects you.

Guys and gals. It's time to resign and get out of this dump. 5% commissions are coming April 1. Please for the love of Christ, get the resume updated and call the recruiters. You have no choice.

Do you ever get tired of typing the same crap? I bet if you spent this much time actually selling and working your accounts you would be killing it. Give it a break and grow up.....my goodness you need to go speak to a professional.

Do you ever get tired of trying to hide the fact that you are a closet homosexual who takes it up the rear without lube?

I hate to break it to you asshole, but this blog is pulling maximum exposure!

Thousands of people across the USA read this now. Everyone knows what a slimeball you are SOD. Eventually the right person will terminate your puny narcissistic ass!

Please keep setting your alarm for 4:45am.
I will be fast asleep.

Do either of you get tired of working for a total loser company who doesn't care whether you live or die?
This place is filled with fake, dishonest, and sneaky people who would steal from their own mother if it meant extra commission. You know who you are...
If you are working for Olympus then you aren't living a happy and fulfilled life. Its full of unnecessary fear and dishonesty, mostly on the part of management and sales operations. I could talk for days about all of the evil shit this company does to its employees, but who has time for that? Just do yourself a big favor and find a new job. I promise you that your stress levels will drop and that you will become a happier more well adjusted version of yourself. You will never know if you don't take the first step.

After reading these posts I'm curious.
Will Pussy Nils or Homo Chad announce our new doozy of a comp plan this year?
Our sales leadership is a medley of total fucking losers.

Nils, we in Urology have a few questions for you.

What new capital products are you bringing to market, and how do you plan on increasing our stone disposable exposure in accounts where contractually we are locked out? Many of us cannot increase usage from the bottom. These decisions are made at the top of these systems, not the bottom.
You would know this if you were part of the solution and not the main problem.

Are you meeting with many of these IDN's and Health Systems directly? We don't believe you are because nothing has changed, yet you keep working with SOD to push up the disposable quotas.

I ask because BSX & Cook are getting dual and sole source contracts and they are laughing at us. If you were a real leader you would change this asap. It's amazing that Japan doesn't clean house and get the appropriate leadership that is confident and qualified in place, here at OCA.

Does anyone concur with this message?

Out with shitty figureheads!

After reading these posts I'm curious.
Will Pussy Nils or Homo Chad announce our new doozy of a comp plan this year?
Our sales leadership is a medley of total fucking losers.

Nils, we in Urology have a few questions for you.

What new capital products are you bringing to market, and how do you plan on increasing our stone disposable exposure in accounts where contractually we are locked out? Many of us cannot increase usage from the bottom. These decisions are made at the top of these systems, not the bottom.
You would know this if you were part of the solution and not the main problem.

Are you meeting with many of these IDN's and Health Systems directly? We don't believe you are because nothing has changed, yet you keep working with SOD to push up the disposable quotas.

I ask because BSX & Cook are getting dual and sole source contracts and they are laughing at us. If you were a real leader you would change this asap. It's amazing that Japan doesn't clean house and get the appropriate leadership that is confident and qualified in place, here at OCA.

Does anyone concur with this message?

Out with shitty figureheads!

I think everyone, other than management agrees with your post.

It's really a sad state of affairs.

Can someone please answer this question. What dick knock took the URO TM job in Detroit that the rep resigned from? RVP must have been selling that territory like a used car salesman to get the fish to bite on that sack of shit job. Wow!
People's stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
Whomever it is will have instant radar on them, since that territory has been underwater for over 24 months now.

After reading these posts I'm curious.
Will Pussy Nils or Homo Chad announce our new doozy of a comp plan this year?
Our sales leadership is a medley of total fucking losers.

Nils, we in Urology have a few questions for you.

What new capital products are you bringing to market, and how do you plan on increasing our stone disposable exposure in accounts where contractually we are locked out? Many of us cannot increase usage from the bottom. These decisions are made at the top of these systems, not the bottom.
You would know this if you were part of the solution and not the main problem.

Are you meeting with many of these IDN's and Health Systems directly? We don't believe you are because nothing has changed, yet you keep working with SOD to push up the disposable quotas.

I ask because BSX & Cook are getting dual and sole source contracts and they are laughing at us. If you were a real leader you would change this asap. It's amazing that Japan doesn't clean house and get the appropriate leadership that is confident and qualified in place, here at OCA.

Does anyone concur with this message?

Out with shitty figureheads!

Agree with above post.

All Nils and AVPs do is push everything down to the TMs. They do not interact with important customers, do not help with contracting and do NOT represent the sales reps' needs to Randy and Todd. Obviously to scare to bring up all of issues and/or present ideas for improvement. So where does the breakdown occur, AVP/RVP/VP or Randy and Todd? Too many yes men for positive change to occur. In fact, NO ONE from upper management ask sales for their input. They expect sales reps to just shut up and take it. We are 100% commission. 90% of our time should be with our customers, instead of doing salesforce BS. The moral is at a all time low. No new products, no new contract advantages, and the curent major issues. Work/ life balance does not exist, but we are told to get it done. Too many nights and weekends spent doing BS. For once, why not do something to help sales be more productive, instead of just piling on and cutting our pay.
The arrogance of upper management and Olympus is the leading cause of these issues. Everything is generated from the top down without any input from the reps. TMs could suggest small improvements which could result in a big return. No even a damn questionnaire to ask us. Year end sales with not one division at quota should open your eyes that big changes need to happen with Management and Corporate. Sales reps are not the problem. The problem is much bigger.

Spot on brother!!! Will other reps please share their input on Nils, Peter Useless, I mean Crowley in Marketing, and the real issues that are affecting business at Olympus?
We need to keep vocalizing all of the corporate frauds in management here at OCA. It's the only way that we can get the message out there to increase the probability of these losers getting a pink slip.
Got out of a meeting yesterday with some AVP's and Marketing. OCA is way off its # this year. Mass management firings are imminent come April.

Here's the 1 million $ question.
What exact value does Michael Muscara (AVP/IDN tool) provide to Olympus?
He sure as hell doesn't pickup any new business or even have a clue on how to contribute to the sales organization.
Why does Olympus pay this individual close to $275,000 per year to sit at home and dick around on excel spreadsheets?
While the rest of us bust our asses working sales deals with our customers each day?
I think Olympus could easily lose this turd and not see even the smallest blip in revenue loss. This shit makes no sense.

I almost shit my pants laughing at this one! I know this tool. HE DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EXCEPT TAKE TONS OF VACATION!!!! WHAT A JOKE!