Upcoming re-org

They haven’t been touched in years and just do duel lunches. Having 3-5 in area Thats a lot of fat to trim.
They don’t have that many in an area do they? Each PC1/2 appears to have 3 with one being the overlap. Agreed they don’t need the three. However the overlap territories are a bit larger. I think the less tenured PC1, 2 or 3 will be gone and the remaining merged with the overlaps larger territory. Diabetes specs aren’t going away completely. I just don’t see it. It will all be under CMH and you will be trained on new products at the February National meeting pending who survives. All were invited.

They don’t have that many in an area do they? Each PC1/2 appears to have 3 with one being the overlap. Agreed they don’t need the three. However the overlap territories are a bit larger. I think the less tenured PC1, 2 or 3 will be gone and the remaining merged with the overlaps larger territory. Diabetes specs aren’t going away completely. I just don’t see it. It will all be under CMH and you will be trained on new products at the February National meeting pending who survives. All were invited.
Very interesting perspective on the situation. In this scenario, that would mean I'm gone. I'm in the pc1/2 group, but everyone else has more tenure than me.

They are the only salesforce that have MJ in their bags though and now have Zep. The two biggest products. They may only need one in some geographies but definitely not three so the overlap, pc3, obesity spec whatever the hell their name is who basically don’t even have a product doesn’t need to be there. Lilly knew exactly what they were doing. Gave PC3 Zep to launch so PC1/2 could continue launching MJ, then gave them Zep to flood the market even more. Now it’s just not needed and can weed out another sleeve. Zep sells itself
Wow well nothing sells itself many many issues and wegivy is eating our lunch that we can’t bring them

Very interesting perspective on the situation. In this scenario, that would mean I'm gone. I'm in the pc1/2 group, but everyone else has more tenure than me.
I can promise you that this company will not abandon all of their ECPs and DEI employees for the most tenured reps. Many of the tenured reps are exec. or senior exec level and very costly. Thus company is el cheapo in case you haven’t noticed!

I can promise you that this company will not abandon all of their ECPs and DEI employees for the most tenured reps. Many of the tenured reps are exec. or senior exec level and very costly. Thus company is el cheapo in case you haven’t noticed!
They better be careful because that opens up some serious HR issues

I can promise you that this company will not abandon all of their ECPs and DEI employees for the most tenured reps. Many of the tenured reps are exec. or senior exec level and very costly. Thus company is el cheapo in case you haven’t noticed!
Hmm.... I actually agree with this. But how do these executive reps get laid off then? It would either be based soley on salary, or up to the manager. The last thing I want is my DEI manager making a decision based on race when I am a Caucasian male