Upcoming re-org

Someone knows something concrete. Please chime in if you have info. The person who posted the Connected Care demise posted it 24 hrs before it happened. YOU know something:) thanks!

YES! To that person please for THE LOVE chime in!!!
I already chimed in. Bloodbath for the salesforce…… going to minimal people. AI and DTC is now the focus. Jard. is now a contract sales force product. As for the new long acting insulin, all insulin is the same price so they won’t promote it. If you couldn’t see the despair on SR face, I’m not sure what is wrong with you.

I already chimed in. Bloodbath for the salesforce…… going to minimal people. AI and DTC is now the focus. Jard. is now a contract sales force product. As for the new long acting insulin, all insulin is the same price so they won’t promote it. If you couldn’t see the despair on SR face, I’m not sure what is wrong with you.
What does that mean for PC1, 2, Triumph and Spec? How is it being determined what sleeve is considered less than to be “minimal?” Care to expand please? Tenure? What?

All of these opinions and thoughts are interesting but the deal is the decision has been made, why SR stated another call coming first week of November to make people speculate, go down rabbit holes of thoughts and opinions is beyond me. Just announce what you are doing for crying out loud so someone who may not have a spot at least “for respect of the person” has another month to find a job. It’s awful actually. Who wants to work another month stressed entirely tf out.
First of November gives them exactly 60 days on the warn act and off the books for Q1 25. Start looking lots of jobs out there

I agree with AI and DTC taking over. But curious as to what is the criteria they will look at as to who stays in the "minimal" sales force. do current spec reps pull rank? Is it tenure? Performance? Zip code?

The same criteria that companies always use to decide who stays and who goes. Pay, tenure, and dei.

If you're a fresh grad minority at the bottom of the pay scale. Congrats you're golden.

The same criteria that companies always use to decide who stays and who goes. Pay, tenure, and dei.

If you're a fresh grad minority at the bottom of the pay scale. Congrats you're golden.
Nobody knows and you will never figure it out so go live your lives. Every pharma company knows how important the salesforce is to the company’s success. AI will never take the place of live interactions. A lot of new GLP/Gip coming out soon and the competition will be fierce.

Nobody knows and you will never figure it out so go live your lives. Every pharma company knows how important the salesforce is to the company’s success. AI will never take the place of live interactions. A lot of new GLP/Gip coming out soon and the competition will be fierce.
Keep telling yourself that… Wrong!

No one knows shit!!! ZS did the headcount and Lilly is just rolling it out. Relax ,polish the resume just in case and start to network. It all works out and is out of your control. All the guessing in the world you’ll still be wrong till it comes.
Omg ZS again - things were beyond screwed up last time they did this! If ZS is involved with this change - brace for impact!!

First of November gives them exactly 60 days on the warn act and off the books for Q1 25. Start looking lots of jobs out there
If S.R said more announcements of evolution are coming in November, I would interpret that to mean additional cuts and restructuring are on the way. I wasn’t on that call so I don’t know exactly what was said. However, if that is approximately what she said, I believe she was giving everyone (who hasn’t had an realigment call yet) a “ heads up” to get their affairs in order. I bet she wasn’t supposed to say that because of the disruption this statement will predictably cause. Prepare for the worst and pray for the best. It’s all you can do. I’ve never seen an entire sales force cut entirely until this week (CCI). My prayers are with everyone.