Upcoming re-org

Get a FUCKING Life!! You know NOTHING and just want to come on here and rant about NOTHING!!!
I bet prescribers are amazed with your vast knowledge the marketing team has presented you. With enough “role playing” they may allow you to bring breakfast, lunch, and snacks to their office staff. You are the perfect pharma employee. You will go far!!! Keep roll playing!

I bet prescribers are amazed with your vast knowledge the marketing team has presented you. With enough “role playing” they may allow you to bring breakfast, lunch, and snacks to their office staff. You are the perfect pharma employee. You will go far!!! Keep roll playing!
This is almost true. Nobody is going to listen to his spiel. He can role play all he wants, but it's all for naught. Get rid of him, and there is more money for davie's rickies.

Thank you! I can’t believe they copy a natural hormone discovered in the 1980’s, tweak it so its duration of action is days not minutes like in nature. Pancreas suffers from constant stimulation and people eat less. Pancreas forced to make and store insulin only to be released after a meal which comes less often because of weight loss. Who knows what other things these synthetic hormones do to a person’s body? Why did millions of years of evolution make GLP1 have a duration of action of a few minutes? These artificial hormones are going to be another blow to pharmaceutical industry as a whole. Exactly like opioid epidemic a few years ago. Company just cares about stock price and then fires most employees. A handful a people benefit financially. Patients will gain weight back once drug is stopped. The pancreas likely damaged. What about Thyroid too?
Are you that lonely that you just sit and reply to yourself? Everyone with brains on here can see that. Quite sad, but also super creepy. You may be against weight loss drugs because your pissed your coverage sucks and cannot afford the vial, but I envision you driving a white van asking the neighborhood children if they want any candy. Thats your vibe.

Are you that lonely that you just sit and reply to yourself? Everyone with brains on here can see that. Quite sad, but also super creepy. You may be against weight loss drugs because your pissed your coverage sucks and cannot afford the vial, but I envision you driving a white van asking the neighborhood children if they want any candy. Thats your vibe.
Only a cheater would think about replying to them self. I never thought of that. I bet you fake your calls to customers as well.

In response to, "Twerk the fat away." Who responded to, "It's fun taking a great big huge lizzo-sized shit on an ivy league graduate."

Rule number one: You aren't going to win every fight. There will always be someone faster or stronger than you. Someone might simply catch you off guard. Therefore, be prepared by keeping plenty of ice on hand to deal with the swelling.

I'm nine days out from not smoking. I loved smoking. Which of your bad habits have you overcome? That's a rhetorical question.

In response to, "Twerk the fat away." Who responded to, "It's fun taking a great big huge lizzo-sized shit on an ivy league

I'm nine days out from not smoking. I loved smoking. Which of your bad habits have you overcome? That's a rhetorical question.
1. Polishing the weasel
2. Tornadic flatulence
3. Popcorn
4. Twerking

Who has calls scheduled Monday with your district after the "national call" like what on earth are they gonna say or can say before Tuesday? I've also heard some
Have calls that morning? Again why?

This one dude has single handedly ruined this entire thread with his obsessive behavior over glp1s. He writes 5 posts in a row, then will respond to his own posts pretending to be someone else. Please everyone, stop responding to him and giving him an audience.

How much can I charge for my drain cleaner weight loss drugs? How about a mandate? If you are fat, or have diabetes, you have to protect yourself by replacing a meal with my drain cleaner weight loss drugs to keep your jobs. Don't be selfish. Drink drain cleaner.
Dear Davie's Rickies,

If you get fired or are laid off, come sell my drain cleaner weight loss drugs.

Who has calls scheduled Monday with your district after the "national call" like what on earth are they gonna say or can say before Tuesday? I've also heard some
Have calls that morning? Again why?
We have district call immediately following the national call. Nothing else scheduled yet. We are still confused why some ppl received national invite later than others, and why some ppl had +1542 invitees and others had +1347 invitees. Who screwed something up, or were they alerted and ppl.not on first invite are being reallocated?

We have district call immediately following the national call. Nothing else scheduled yet. We are still confused why some ppl received national invite later than others, and why some ppl had +1542 invitees and others had +1347 invitees. Who screwed something up, or were they alerted and ppl.not on first invite are being reallocated?
What time did first invite come out versus the second one?