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Long acting insulin package inserts have few warnings and contractions. It makes sense to give a defective pancreas a rest with long acting insulin and cells need energy anyway. It makes absolutely no since for long acting laboratory GLP1 to unnaturally signal insulin production and storage in healthly pancreas when people are eating less to achieve weight loss. The insulin release from the pancreas is “Glucose Dependent” and happens less because people are eating less. Normally when people do not eat, less insulin is produced and stored. Your package insert lists pancreatitis. Also, the National Institutes of health urgently wants to study Thyroid Tumors with your product as well. What else are they going to find? The lawyers are doing to have a field day. The executive have cashed their stock options and drink cocktails under beach umbrellas and join tennis country clubs while employees loose jobs and pension is reduced. This is crazy!!!

Long acting insulin package inserts have few warnings and contractions. It makes sense to give a defective pancreas a rest with long acting insulin and cells need energy anyway. It makes absolutely no since for long acting laboratory GLP1 to unnaturally signal insulin production and storage in healthly pancreas when people are eating less to achieve weight loss. The insulin release from the pancreas is

"Glucose Dependent" and happens less because people are eating less. Normally when people do not eat, less insulin is produced and stored. Your package insert lists pancreatitis. Also, the National Institutes of health urgently wants to study Thyroid Tumors with your product as well. What else are they going to find? The lawyers are doing to have a field day. The executive have cashed their stock options and drink cocktails under beach umbrellas and join tennis country clubs while employees loose jobs and pension is reduced. This is crazy!!!

So, what did we learn today? This is comment #1,104; perhaps 1 maybe 2% of the other 1,103 posts had some element of truth to them, and the other 98-99% were tall tales told by idiots; full of sound & fury signifying absolutely nothing!

So, what did we learn today? This is comment #1,104; perhaps 1 maybe 2% of the other 1,103 posts had some element of truth to them, and the other 98-99% were tall tales told by idiots; full of sound & fury signifying absolutely nothing!
Actually a lot of the posts that stated what happened did. Was told one sleeve, smaller territories and calling on specialty. That was said. Now we gotta see about this pay bump…

If you are not in the specialty band they will bump u up to the min
Basically if you are an S2 or above it’s shit. Look external cause you will make 30-40K more base. You are getting fucked pay wise. They will hire external and pay them more than you at this point if need be to be competitive. Horrible pay. Note it on the pulse survey!

Basically if you are an S2 or above it’s shit. Look external cause you will make 30-40K more base. You are getting fucked pay wise. They will hire external and pay them more than you at this point if need be to be competitive. Horrible pay. Note it on the pulse survey!

No pay raise for most reps and so many think they are getting a pay bump lol

Theres a little more quarterly commission opportunity and that’s it

The economy should have completely collapsed in 2008. That's the real reason why this country is fucked. It is impossible to have that kind of fraud without some type of catastrophic failure. One little stupid hat wearer bank failing was nothing. covid added fuel to the fire. Unchecked funding of what seems to be every event across the globe hasn't helped. Thankfully, our fine government seized enough gold from our deceased relatives to keep this thing afloat. The only real question is how long can it stay afloat? While illegal immigrants are a problem, they are the least of this country's real problems. Davie is a little pissant. These weight loss drugs are the latest fad. If you are stupid enough to use one of these types of drugs, then maybe you deserve to get cancer. I smoked for a long time knowing the risks. I've quit here and there but never for long enough to have any type of meaningful health benefit. Crypto is the future currency for humanity. Crypto offers the perfect checks and balances. I am sure bankers and our supposed "leaders" will find a loop hole and exploit people in one way or another with crypto. Indiana should stick to farming.
Wait.. I get it… you’re the DEI hire for the miserable, old, conspiracy theorist guy category.

Wait.. I get it… you’re the DEI hire for the miserable, old, conspiracy theorist guy category.
Kill these fucking ridiculous fucking commercials! Then, you'll see how terrible these lazy shitbag reps are at selling. Step three, go after the real sales reps, the crooked physicians. See you in hell, davie, and his rickies!

Kill these fucking ridiculous fucking commercials! Then, you'll see how terrible these lazy shitbag reps are at selling. Step three, go after the real sales reps, the crooked physicians. See you in hell, davie, and his rickies!
That's me living in a dream world. What will likely happen is this country will go much further into debt, become increasingly more divided, fund more wars, and support shit companies like this one. In the meantime, I will likely go flip burgers.

Wait.. I get it… you’re the DEI hire for the miserable, old, conspiracy theorist guy category.
Honey, you are just not getting it. There are conspiracy theories, sure. But there are also conspiracy realities.

The whole country just voted AGAINST DEI. It's absurd, racist, discriminatory, and dangerous. Look what happened to the female woke college presidents, the female secret service director, the astronauts stranded in space (and to Boeing's credit, they axed DEI as a result of safety failures). Not to mention poor manufacturing quality and shortage issues at *ahem* a certain giant pharma firm!

Nice job HR.

Honey, you are just not getting it. There are conspiracy theories, sure. But there are also conspiracy realities.

The whole country just voted AGAINST DEI. It's absurd, racist, discriminatory, and dangerous. Look what happened to the female woke college presidents, the female secret service director, the astronauts stranded in space (and to Boeing's credit, they axed DEI as a result of safety failures). Not to mention poor manufacturing quality and shortage issues at *ahem* a certain giant pharma firm!

Nice job HR.
DEI wasn't a topic of this election. While DEI probably does the opposite of its intended purpose, which leads to dysfunction, many other factors were at play for the examples you provided. So, no, the country didn't vote against DEI, rather, they voted for a democracy, me (God), against rising inflation due to terrible policies, making America healthy again, etc...

Honey, you are just not getting it. There are conspiracy theories, sure. But there are also conspiracy realities.

The whole country just voted AGAINST DEI. It's absurd, racist, discriminatory, and dangerous. Look what happened to the female woke college presidents, the female secret service director, the astronauts stranded in space (and to Boeing's credit, they axed DEI as a result of safety failures). Not to mention poor manufacturing quality and shortage issues at *ahem* a certain giant pharma firm!

Nice job HR.
Stat…med check. Med check. Stat.

DEI wasn't a topic of this election. While DEI probably does the opposite of its intended purpose, which leads to dysfunction, many other factors were at play for the examples you provided. So, no, the country didn't vote against DEI, rather, they voted for a democracy, me (God), against rising inflation due to terrible policies, making America healthy again, etc...

Arrogant, stupid, and ignorant are not capable of learning their abhorrent ideology’s flaws.

Men in women’s sports and bathrooms is just the tip of their delusion belief system regarding DEI.

Lilly was to heavy with reps and letting go over 30% had to happen. Unfortunately some really top talent severed.