Upcoming re-org

Or a homeless shelter. Hey migrants are worth a few hundred bucks a night. Just give them food and a bed. Make McCarty Street HQ a sanctuary city! Look at all of the grateful migrants who can now learn sales, admin, HR, QC, even upper management! All at a GREAT PRICE. Service with a smile
The economy should have completely collapsed in 2008. That's the real reason why this country is fucked. It is impossible to have that kind of fraud without some type of catastrophic failure. One little stupid hat wearer bank failing was nothing. covid added fuel to the fire. Unchecked funding of what seems to be every event across the globe hasn't helped. Thankfully, our fine government seized enough gold from our deceased relatives to keep this thing afloat. The only real question is how long can it stay afloat? While illegal immigrants are a problem, they are the least of this country's real problems. Davie is a little pissant. These weight loss drugs are the latest fad. If you are stupid enough to use one of these types of drugs, then maybe you deserve to get cancer. I smoked for a long time knowing the risks. I've quit here and there but never for long enough to have any type of meaningful health benefit. Crypto is the future currency for humanity. Crypto offers the perfect checks and balances. I am sure bankers and our supposed "leaders" will find a loop hole and exploit people in one way or another with crypto. Indiana should stick to farming.

I can’t believe it took over 30 years for pharmacology department to figure out a way to change natural GLP1 to an artificial molecule that last for days. This is masters degree level pharmacology. It shows company has fired best PhDs. Company is desperate to fill pipeline so executives can cash stock options. This is what you get when you pay scientists less than sales and marketing.
Shameful Eli Lilly Has a Major Problem With Its Weight Loss Drugs Zepbound and Mounjaro

The BOD should withhold all bonuses to the top of the management food chain, until the supply issues are resolved.

Eli Lilly. A medicine company.

That can't make enough medicine to meet demand?

HAHAHAHAH sort of curious sort of not because this cat is seriously on the spectrum

I believe COVID vaccines have saved millions of lives. We were all lucky new mRNA technology worked so well and vaccines could come to market quickly. I also like Novavax COVID vaccine because it uses traditional protein based technology, used in other vaccines. I have received 6 COVID vaccines in total. I also like long acting insulin in diabetes because it generally gives a defective pancreas a rest. I am not against all weight loss medicines. I am against your weight loss synthetic hormone because it unnecessarily stimulates the healthy pancreas to produce and store insulin with mega doses of artificial long acting. Pancreatitis is in your package insert and is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Why is Thyroid Cancer in your package insert as well? If you want to eat less and feel full why not try a gastric balloon that can be removed when weight loss goals are achieved.

I believe COVID vaccines have saved millions of lives. We were all lucky new mRNA technology worked so well and vaccines could come to market quickly. I also like Novavax COVID vaccine because it uses traditional protein based technology, used in other vaccines. I have received 6 COVID vaccines in total. I also like long acting insulin in diabetes because it generally gives a defective pancreas a rest. I am not against all weight loss medicines. I am against your weight loss synthetic hormone because it unnecessarily stimulates the healthy pancreas to produce and store insulin with mega doses of artificial long acting. Pancreatitis is in your package insert and is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Why is Thyroid Cancer in your package insert as well? If you want to eat less and feel full why not try a gastric balloon that can be removed when weight loss goals are achieved.
I heard that sparkling water can also help produce a sense of "fullness" -- but simply drinking a lot of water with a meal might do the same.

I believe COVID vaccines have saved millions of lives. We were all lucky new mRNA technology worked so well and vaccines could come to market quickly. I also like Novavax COVID vaccine because it uses traditional protein based technology, used in other vaccines. I have received 6 COVID vaccines in total. I also like long acting insulin in diabetes because it generally gives a defective pancreas a rest. I am not against all weight loss medicines. I am against your weight loss synthetic hormone because it unnecessarily stimulates the healthy pancreas to produce and store insulin with mega doses of artificial long acting. Pancreatitis is in your package insert and is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Why is Thyroid Cancer in your package insert as well? If you want to eat less and feel full why not try a gastric balloon that can be removed when weight loss goals are achieved.
A healthy human's (even one who smokes) risk of complications from covid is near zero. I don't run and lift weights to stay healthy. I do those activities because I enjoy them. I learned this from a young age. I'm not the skinniest person and I am fine with that. A benefit from running and lifting weights is a strong immune system and metabolism. When I was a kid, I wasn't sitting around all day playing video games and eating sugary and fatty snacks. When I was in elementary school, there were very few kids who were fat. If you were fat, you were being made fun of. The threat of being made fun of might have been beneficial in this regard. Regardless, when I look at today's youth, many are grossly overweight. More so the white males and female than other ethnicities. Before covid, the gym I go to regularly was packed at most times of the day. Now, it's empty. I am trying to understand why this happened. I never get a flu shot. I had covid twice and recovered as I would have with any other common cold. I am more worried about stomach viruses because I become extremely ill from them. I'll never received covid prophylaxis via an mRNA drug, and I never will. If you want to lose weight, don't be a fucking pussy who relies on weekly poisonous injections... The only way to successfully lose weight while increasing your metabolism and immune system are through habit modifications like diet and exercise. Who knows, by modifying your diet and exercise habits you might discover activities that bring you joy.

A healthy human's (even one who smokes) risk of complications from covid is near zero. I don't run and lift weights to stay healthy. I do those activities because I enjoy them. I learned this from a young age. I'm not the skinniest person and I am fine with that. A benefit from running and lifting weights is a strong immune system and metabolism. When I was a kid, I wasn't sitting around all day playing video games and eating sugary and fatty snacks. When I was in elementary school, there were very few kids who were fat. If you were fat, you were being made fun of. The threat of being made fun of might have been beneficial in this regard. Regardless, when I look at today's youth, many are grossly overweight. More so the white males and female than other ethnicities. Before covid, the gym I go to regularly was packed at most times of the day. Now, it's empty. I am trying to understand why this happened. I never get a flu shot. I had covid twice and recovered as I would have with any other common cold. I am more worried about stomach viruses because I become extremely ill from them. I'll never received covid prophylaxis via an mRNA drug, and I never will. If you want to lose weight, don't be a fucking pussy who relies on weekly poisonous injections... The only way to successfully lose weight while increasing your metabolism and immune system are through habit modifications like diet and exercise. Who knows, by modifying your diet and exercise habits you might discover activities that bring you joy.
Come on tell us the real reason you’re so mad.

P.C.1& 2 reps share lunches all the time, all over the country.
This is the case all over the country and all over the industry. The Share of Voice/Reach and Frequency "Strategy" will come to an end soon and there will be a significant cutting of reps and managers in the next year or so. BMS and Johnson and Johnson already did it. Pfizer did 2 years ago. Takeda and Astellas reps (and especially mid-level managers) are next on the chopping block. If you dont believe me, ask your friends at one of those companies. Or check out their cafepharma sites

This is the case all over the country and all over the industry. The Share of Voice/Reach and Frequency "Strategy" will come to an end soon and there will be a significant cutting of reps and managers in the next year or so. BMS and Johnson and Johnson already did it. Pfizer did 2 years ago. Takeda and Astellas reps (and especially mid-level managers) are next on the chopping block. If you dont believe me, ask your friends at one of those companies. Or check out their cafepharma sites
We don’t make it a full time job like you scrolling through cafe pharma 24/7 like you seem to be on literally every. Single. Thread! Do you have a significant other? Spend quality time with your children? I feel sorry for them. Do you have a hobby? Please get one.

This is the case all over the country and all over the industry. The Share of Voice/Reach and Frequency "Strategy" will come to an end soon and there will be a significant cutting of reps and managers in the next year or so. BMS and Johnson and Johnson already did it. Pfizer did 2 years ago. Takeda and Astellas reps (and especially mid-level managers) are next on the chopping block. If you dont believe me, ask your friends at one of those companies. Or check out their cafepharma sites
Seriously get help

A healthy human's (even one who smokes) risk of complications from covid is near zero. I don't run and lift weights to stay healthy. I do those activities because I enjoy them. I learned this from a young age. I'm not the skinniest person and I am fine with that. A benefit from running and lifting weights is a strong immune system and metabolism. When I was a kid, I wasn't sitting around all day playing video games and eating sugary and fatty snacks. When I was in elementary school, there were very few kids who were fat. If you were fat, you were being made fun of. The threat of being made fun of might have been beneficial in this regard. Regardless, when I look at today's youth, many are grossly overweight. More so the white males and female than other ethnicities. Before covid, the gym I go to regularly was packed at most times of the day. Now, it's empty. I am trying to understand why this happened. I never get a flu shot. I had covid twice and recovered as I would have with any other common cold. I am more worried about stomach viruses because I become extremely ill from them. I'll never received covid prophylaxis via an mRNA drug, and I never will. If you want to lose weight, don't be a fucking pussy who relies on weekly poisonous injections... The only way to successfully lose weight while increasing your metabolism and immune system are through habit modifications like diet and exercise. Who knows, by modifying your diet and exercise habits you might discover activities that bring you joy.
Gut health very important too! Agree - healthy lifestyle - clean eating and exercise. You must not be employed by Lilly if you didn’t get the Covid jab.. or was mandated back in Nov 2021

It's worth noting that my total time in the gym was 1 hour and 20 minutes. Who can't find an extra hour to exercise each day or at least five days per week (depending on the load and intensities of the workouts)?
I wasn't sitting around texting on my phone or fucking off sitting there. I was moving the entire time. I made the most out of every second.

This dude who is obsessed with talking about Glp1s, drinking sparking water, eating salads, and calling us reps evil is going to be so pissed-off after tomorrow when this entire thread board will be completely silent.

He has ruined this thread board by posting his rants, then responding to his own rants. I don't understand how 1 person could be on cafepharma 24/7. It's all good because after tomorrow nobody will be on here anymore looking for inside information and he won't have an audience.

Long acting artificial insulin makes since because defective pancreas needs a rest and other cells need energy anyway. Long acting insulin has few warnings and contraindications in its package insert. It makes absolutely no since for artificial long acting GLP1 to signal unnatural insulin production and storage in healthly pancreas when people are eating less for weight loss. Normally when someone does not eat less insulin is produced and stored. These laboratory long acting GLP1s have many serious warnings and contraindications in package insert. Why black box warning for Thyroid Tumors? The national institute of health wants more tumor studies. What else are they going to find? The lawyers are going to have a field day with this crap. Pension will be effected while executives cash stock options and have cocktails under beach umbrella. They join tennis country clubs while employees loose job and pension is cut.