Upcoming re-org

This one dude has single handedly ruined this entire thread with his obsessive behavior over glp1s. He writes 5 posts in a row, then will respond to his own posts pretending to be someone else. Please everyone, stop responding to him and giving him an audience.
These kind of people are scary. Psychopaths are where I guess you least expect them to be.

I bet prescribers are amazed with your vast knowledge the marketing team has presented you. With enough “role playing” they may allow you to bring breakfast, lunch, and snacks to their office staff. You are the perfect pharma employee. You will go far!!! Keep roll playing!
This must be someone who is pissed off. Maybe they were fired. They are definitely furious for a reason. Maybe the lay off situation has activated their mental illness.

It’s not impossible at all. They may actually have to work on Mondays and Fridays for a change! All they do is forward emails from the AVP and approve expense reports which can be done by AI. They make A LOT of money for the work they do and they know it! Our tenured reps run the team! It would be nice if field rides went one per quarter or even 2 per quarter. My offices are sick of my manager coming in as well. It’s too much. The field rides are old pharma. Trust your people! You hired them for a reason. If they suck or aren’t performing other things than a field ride will tell you that lol
Absolutely! I have to get creative with getting access and then dragging a manager along just effs it up.

The world was our oyster. But we were derailed by social engineering efforts. Might as well burn billion dollar bills.

First class approved drugs and severe supply chain failures.

Happens to the best of us sometimes.

Happens to the worst of us daily.

Okay HR, chime in with your grrrl power snarky remarks.

See ya Triumph! Dont say I didnt warn you ----signed, Former BD
First off: Are you really a BD or a punk rep/outsider just stirring the pot for more panic? Second: Just because a division closes doesn’t mean people won’t place! “See ya Triumph”? That’s your response as an BD? Explains why you signed off as “former BD” because your lack of empathy for people doesn’t exist. For the reps that do get placed, you aren’t the leader people want to follow. Next time respond with more EQ, “sorry Triumph, or sorry PC1 & PC2, or sorry DBU Spec for what’s coming down the pipe. Even try, I’m here for you & thank you for all of your hard work. I’ll do my best to help you place.

I can’t believe it took over 30 years for pharmacology department to figure out a way to change natural GLP1 to an artificial molecule that last for days. This is masters degree level pharmacology. It shows company has fired best PhDs. Company is desperate to fill pipeline so executives can cash stock options. This is what you get when you pay scientists less than sales and marketing.

I can’t believe it took over 30 years for pharmacology department to figure out a way to change natural GLP1 to an artificial molecule that last for days. This is masters degree level pharmacology. It shows company has fired best PhDs. Company is desperate to fill pipeline so executives can cash stock options. This is what you get when you pay scientists less than sales and marketing.
Thus is what this is about. Someone mad they didn’t get their share if the money.

Thus is what this is about. Someone mad they didn’t get their share if the money.
There is way more important things than money. The patients taking these drugs have families. Would you want your mother to take these artificial hormones so executives can get golden parachute stock options while you have to reinterview for your job then ultimately fired? The law suits will effect your pension.

I can’t believe it took over 30 years for pharmacology department to figure out a way to change natural GLP1 to an artificial molecule that last for days. This is masters degree level pharmacology. It shows company has fired best PhDs. Company is desperate to fill pipeline so executives can cash stock options. This is what you get when you pay scientists less than sales and marketing.
let's not forget the manufacturing side. Some really huge misses lately. Same scenario: HR hires, retains and promotes based upon superficial physical characteristics, not competency.

Yikes! The economy of IN will be devastated! Maybe McCarty Street HQ can become the new corporate home for Steak & Shake. Steak burgers.
Or a homeless shelter. Hey migrants are worth a few hundred bucks a night. Just give them food and a bed. Make McCarty Street HQ a sanctuary city! Look at all of the grateful migrants who can now learn sales, admin, HR, QC, even upper management! All at a GREAT PRICE. Service with a smile