Upcoming re-org

The company is going to have to hire dumber and dumber people to push medicine. People who think when marketing team changes strategies from diabetes to weight loss, mechanism of action of medicine no longer has any effect on healthy pancreas. Let’s just focus on feeling full and eating less. Pancreas not an issue. What about unstudied effects these laboratory hormones have on other organs in body. Why does the national institute of health want to study papillary and medullary thyroid cancer with these synthetic hormones? These stupid people going to interact with highly academic physicians? Maybe this is why sales were off last quarter in spite of plenty of supply.

During urgent manager field visits it is critical representatives bring breakfast, lunch and snacks to fatten up medical office staff. It is urgent health care professions and staff show sales manager a good time or representative is fired. Company should just hire Uber Eats to fatten up prescribers and staff. What a career!!!

In car sales there is money to be made everywhere. Even the finance and service people work on commission too. There is no cold calling if you work for a top brand. Customers research cars and prices and come to you when they need a new car or lease expires. Customers are loyal to specific brands. The car salespeople who make 300K are in large metro areas and sell top European brands. Used cars are the most profitable. No cold calling and no field visits by important home office dignitaries. No virtual visits/meetings and being shut out of accounts like in pharmaceuticals. No bringing lunch for 30 office staff and doctor does not even say “Hello” much less prescribe any of your products. Car salespeople can return to dealerships when they are senior citizens and work part time to earn extra spending money. Pharmaceuticals is truly the worst. Please do not allow yourself to be trapped. The government wants everyone to drive new vehicles. Car sales has a very bright future and market is growing. Dealerships need smart salespeople. No generic competition and compliance issues. Government does not want to pay 10x the price as France, Japan, and Canada for same branded medicine. Work with government wants not against. Sell cars!!

22 reps?? Usually span of control is no more than 12. That is nearly impossible to manage
It’s not impossible at all. They may actually have to work on Mondays and Fridays for a change! All they do is forward emails from the AVP and approve expense reports which can be done by AI. They make A LOT of money for the work they do and they know it! Our tenured reps run the team! It would be nice if field rides went one per quarter or even 2 per quarter. My offices are sick of my manager coming in as well. It’s too much. The field rides are old pharma. Trust your people! You hired them for a reason. If they suck or aren’t performing other things than a field ride will tell you that lol

Several pharmaceutical companies no longer require a college degree to be in sales. They know car sales has a much brighter future and is a much better job than pharma sales and does not require a degree. Everyone will eventually need a new car. People do not want to risk pancreatic and thyroid cancer for temporary weight loss.

First let me say that the above posts are very interesting. I retired from AZ with over 3 decades of experience, and I can tell you that good car sales people make a lot more than you think. An older neighbor of mine ran the parts department of a large multi-state dealership and did it for 40 years. They shipped GM parts all over the country and world. Several years he made 7 figures and in between $750,000 yearly was normal! Also, a friend of mine at the same dealership routinely made $200,000+ annually as a salesman and this was in the early 80’s!!!!!! There is opportunity outside of pharma sales and device sales!

It’s not impossible at all. They may actually have to work on Mondays and Fridays for a change! All they do is forward emails from the AVP and approve expense reports which can be done by AI. They make A LOT of money for the work they do and they know it! Our tenured reps run the team! It would be nice if field rides went one per quarter or even 2 per quarter. My offices are sick of my manager coming in as well. It’s too much. The field rides are old pharma. Trust your people! You hired them for a reason. If they suck or aren’t performing other things than a field ride will tell you that lol
Would be very doable. 1-day field rides, 4 days per week with Fri as an office day. Rep champs as mentioned handling some tasks. Reps get a field ride every 5 weeks or so.

First let me say that the above posts are very interesting. I retired from AZ with over 3 decades of experience, and I can tell you that good car sales people make a lot more than you think. An older neighbor of mine ran the parts department of a large multi-state dealership and did it for 40 years. They shipped GM parts all over the country and world. Several years he made 7 figures and in between $750,000 yearly was normal! Also, a friend of mine at the same dealership routinely made $200,000+ annually as a salesman and this was in the early 80’s!!!!!! There is opportunity outside of pharma sales and device sales!
I feel sorry for people stuck in pharma sales selling ridiculous synthetic hormones not caring about the risk to otherwise healthy patients. Access to Heathcare offices are the worst and they have to beg some kind hearted prescriber to do a “Dog and Pony” show for urgent manager and home office field visits. Representatives get few, if any, stock options and have to go thru “Reorganizations” every few years. It shows how much pharmaceutical sales has fallen with all the generic competition and compliance rules. Car sales is a much better career and has a much brighter future because everyone will be required to buy new low emissions/ electric vehicles. Car market is growing while branded pharmaceuticals is shrinking. 30 years ago 70% of prescribed medicines were branded and 30% generic. Today, over 90% are generic and less than 10% are branded. Pharmaceutical executives want to cash stock options are very willing to market 1980’s science for weigh loss. No one seems concerned about cancers caused by these artificial medicines. Pharmaceutical companies are desperate because little exciting in pipelines. Employees and patients suffer. The government and insurance does not want to pay 10X the price as Germany, Japan, and Canada. Government wants everyone to drive new cars.

First let me say that the above posts are very interesting. I retired from AZ with over 3 decades of experience, and I can tell you that good car sales people make a lot more than you think. An older neighbor of mine ran the parts department of a large multi-state dealership and did it for 40 years. They shipped GM parts all over the country and world. Several years he made 7 figures and in between $750,000 yearly was normal! Also, a friend of mine at the same dealership routinely made $200,000+ annually as a salesman and this was in the early 80’s!!!!!! There is opportunity outside of pharma sales and device sales!
Young people should ask themselves “Can I have a 30 year career in this industry.” All will say no. Shows how much this industry has changed. Big waste of time!!! AZ used to have Prilosec! What a difference today!

For years in this industry, research scientists made less money than marketing and sales. Why bother get a PhD? It is likely a masters level scientist that tweaked natural GLP1, having a duration of action lasting a few minutes, to a laboratory synthetic GLP1 with duration of action of days. Company must of fired scientists and this artificial hormone was created.

Young people should ask themselves “Can I have a 30 year career in this industry.” All will say no. Shows how much this industry has changed. Big waste of time!!! AZ used to have Prilosec! What a difference today!
Thanks for sharing!!! But we don’t need dumb ex AZ reps in this thread. I feel bad for AZ for even hiring you, you’re dumb as f*ck. You don’t even know what EQ means, you should know by now that you’re just an annoying f*<k.

The company is going to have to hire dumber and dumber people to push medicine. People who think when marketing team changes strategies from diabetes to weight loss, mechanism of action of medicine no longer has any effect on healthy pancreas. Let’s just focus on feeling full and eating less. Pancreas not an issue. What about unstudied effects these laboratory hormones have on other organs in body. Why does the national institute of health want to study papillary and medullary thyroid cancer with these synthetic hormones? These stupid people going to interact with highly academic physicians? Maybe this is why sales were off last quarter in spite of plenty of supply.
You are a complete idiot for trying to deflect from reps venting to eachother. I sold cars and not interested. This board is never 100% anyonmous and anyone that believes that needs to know everything online can be tracked if need be. All they do is hire a lawyer and they can find out who posted what through your ip address. It’s been done before look it up.

You are a complete idiot for trying to deflect from reps venting to eachother. I sold cars and not interested. This board is never 100% anyonmous and anyone that believes that needs to know everything online can be tracked if need be. All they do is hire a lawyer and they can find out who posted what through your ip address. It’s been done before look it up.
See you in court.

Good point. When you think about it, why do managers get office days several days a week, yet reps can't even get a customer planning day once per month anymore?

If reps are in the field 5 days a week then managers should be as well. Not only do us reps have to do our day job 5 days a week, but then you have to add on champ roles (who has more than 1 champ role raise your hand), area calls, district calls, leading area calls, leading district calls, trainings, expense reports, mentoring, flying out to to Indy for DEI conferences, etc. Reps can't even get 1 day off a month to catch up anymore yet these mangers sit on their butts at home delegating all their work to the reps.

Like the person above said, managing 22 reps should be rather easy for a BD. BD's could have 1 field ride day per month, per rep. Let's see how much they would actually like being a BD after they are forced to be in the field


Few people in government care about the pharmaceutical industry. The states with the most pharmaceutical employment is North Carolina, New Jersey and Massachusetts. U.S representatives with constituents in those states may care slightly about pharmaceutical interests. The FDA cares about patient safety. I hope FDA is carefully monitoring cases of pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and thyroid cancer in these long acting artificial hormones being pushed for weight loss. Everything I have said is completely protected by my first amendment right.

I legit LoL Everytime someone mentions the wonders of auto sales. Car sales suck, and the same bullshit good car sales people deal with we deal with too. Anyone who has bought a car recently knows most car salesmen are in their 20's and dumb as a rock. You want to leave pharma and find a better job, here's a wild idea. Get a skill.

I legit LoL Everytime someone mentions the wonders of auto sales. Car sales suck, and the same bullshit good car sales people deal with we deal with too. Anyone who has bought a car recently knows most car salesmen are in their 20's and dumb as a rock. You want to leave pharma and find a better job, here's a wild idea. Get a skill.
Learn to twerk like heaving DEI goliath Lizzo

It is definitely better to sell high end European cars than other cars. Sales people have to be smart to explain all the differences in models. Mercedes has dozens of models. To make 300k you have to hustle, sell high end European, be in large metro area. Many car sales people do not make 300K. Customers come back for lease renewals. Pharma always has to launch next greatest drug because of generic competition. Most newly launched medicines do not sell well in spite of representatives building relationships bringing breakfast, lunch, and snacks in August heat to clinics. Pharmaceuticals is going to get worse where car sales will expand because government mandates low emission or electric.

It is definitely better to sell high end European cars. Sales people have to be smart to explain all the differences in models. Mercedes has dozens of models. To make 300k you have to